Chapter 5

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Tunde Coker strutted into his father's mansion, settled for a quiet spot in the library then sat restlessly, opting for the library was a great idea! Actually, had he arrived some hours after, he wouldn't have been able to breathe, his three sisters and mother would have crowded him, trying to engage him in irrelevant talks.
He vigorously dug his fingers into his hair, striking them violently, back and forth, no stop, his mind couldn't take the strain anymore.
"How can I be rejected? It can't happen... Ever! And who in the universe is Umar?" He groaned.
He got up with force, searching the huge library aimlessly with his eyes, picked it phone from the table, with red eyes, desperate fingers, he swiped his phone screen to get it unlocked, drew his pattern, then searched for her name, Toyibah, he finally tapped her number after thinking again.

"Hello there Tunny." She dragged her voice, sounding pleased, like she was expecting him to call. "I thought you wouldn't call you know... You must be really into Naddy."

"Ahmad Toyibah or whatever you call yourself, I just met you and it's nasty enough that we exchanged phone numbers yesterday at the cafeteria, I need to be sure that what you told me yesterday in school is true, and how do you even know about this?"

"Hahahahaha, I can sense the desperation in your tone, calm your nervous self, I'll break it down for see, Nadira and I, like the same guy, but then, she came late, for Umar isn't hers, she just wants to have him...and I'm helping you because we both have something to lose if those two end up together..."

"How do you know I'm interested in her?"

"Sources, I have my don't worry your head."

"Whatever you say is your business, I just need to know how we are going to stop them from being together okay?"

"What even makes you like her? Is it her colour? Her looks? Her loud mouth? What?"

"Better stay jealous, and use it as a tool to come up with a great scheme to separate those two, you're on the edge of losing because if I were Umar, I'd pick Nadira as a bride-to-be over you a million times, even in the next life."

"You're an idiot."

"Say anything Muslim girl, I just can't help but wonder why you cover your body but deep inside you can't cover your heart's lustful desires...interesting."

"I see why she prefers Umar, youre too proud and rude, the deal is off!"

"No, you can't be serious...look, it can't be off, we need a plan...ASAP."

"Not with the way you're dissing me you lunatic!"

"Okay relax toy, I won't say anything too bad anymore,we are cool yeah?"

"Toy? Call me that again and I'll show you how to respect a lady!"

"Lady? Ha! Don't force me to hurl, I don't partner with women over petty deals, but this time, it's because I can't afford to lose to some guy I don't even know."

"Just stop blabbing and listen to me, I have a plan..."

"Fire on."


The next day at school

"I haven't seen my boyfriend In three weeks and I miss him." Nancy, Nadira's coursemate whined.

"Nancy, which? The one in the University of Ibadan? University of Ilorin? Or the one is Babcock University?"

"No you forgetful Baby, it's Samuel, the one in Afe Babalola University!"

"Oh! But he is the most recent right?" Rebecca questioned.

"Sure... I mean Tade in school here in the law department is also pocket-full but I admire Samuel because of his prestigious family background."

"Hmmm, but you are so smart, playing five guys at the same time!"

"Yeah, a girl has her ways."

The two girls giggled.

"You two are just cheap and disgusting, we haven't completed our lab report and all you can do is gist of your promiscuity, when will you change Nancy? And Rebecca, you follower of immorality! When will you two wake up to reality?"

"Nadira, please, let me be girl."
Nancy rolled her eyes, then sized Nadira up. "You and Tunde or you and Umar? Which one?"

"Excuse me?"

"Oh stop acting too surprised like you don't know you have two men you're playing with, that gives you an additional no right to judge us." Rebecca chuckled.

"I am not dating either of the two men! And please, let's just finish our lab report, Professor Collins would love if it our microbiology 205 report didn't have lapses please!"

"Trying to hide the whole situation behind the report?" Nancy smirked.

"I don't know why you two have to be my lab partners for this assignment, you're so disgusting!"


After an hour, the three girls postponed when they'll finish up the lab assignment, since it was a hectic one.
Nadira quickly dashed into the ladies' bathroom to calm her nerves, the rumours are fast spreading and this can tarnish her image as a muslim lady.
She turned on the tap then washed her face, after which she untied her scarf, unbuttoned the first four buttons in her shirt then splashed some water around her neck.

"I need to calm down," she sighed.
"It's all a test... A simple one, In Sha Allah."

"Very simple indeed!" Toyibah emerged into the bathroom. "Girl, I admire your courage! I see you are all spiritual and goody goody these days, you even use a scarf all the time now, nice one girl."

"Stop stalking me!"

"Hmmmm, I don't do that, let's just call it, a wonderful coincidence or perhaps destiny."

Nadira quickly splashed some more water on her face, then was about to tie her scarf around her neck when Toyibah snatched it.

"Nope, no scarf today!"

"Are you mad?" Nadira grew red hot and pushed the annoying girl slightly. "Let me have my scarf before I go wild on your skinny self!"

"A Muslim should be patient! Right?"
Toyibah placed her scarf in one of the drums that was full with water, she then brought it out, feigning sorrow. "Oops, it was a, have your-"

With an intentional throw, she let the scarf land in the WC, a nasty crooked smile relaxed on her red lips. "Happy non-scarf day, it was a honest mistake dear."

Nadira quickly moved towards Toyibah with fiery eyes, she grabbed her khimar and tried to pull it off, held her by her gown then dragged it all around. "You'll pay for this you sick thing." She angrily pulled her dress so much, and some other girls who just came into the bathroom and had no clue what was going on started supporting Toyibah, one of Toyibah's very close friend's in Nadira's department was laughing so hard.
The bathroom was filled with onlookers.

"Hey, whitey, leave the girl alone."

"Yeah, what did she do to you?"

"Shut up!" Nadira yelled.
Toyibah quickly adjusted her dress, then ran out of the bathroom.
"Get ready to watch yourself humiliated on whatsapp you fool." Those were Toyibah's last words before leaving the premises, she was closely followed by Tasha.

Nadira now understood that it was all a set up, obviously Toyibah wanted her to look like the bad person and in a way, had someone to video their petty bathroom fight, now her hair and cleavage would be exposed to social media.
No wonder a Hadith of the prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon Him) says we should not get angry... She reflected.

"Damn that girl!" Nadira fell on the bathroom tiles, crying.
She picked her phone then dialled Umaiza's number.

"Umaiza,..yeah, please come to bathroom 009, faculty of science, and bring with you a scarf please, and it really need to talk to you..."
With a breaking voice, she managed to say.

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