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2 years after...

"My love!" Nadira kissed the forehead of her baby girl, who kissed her back, on the lips. Nadira chuckled. She was a proud mother of two beautiful children.

"Aliyy!" Umar called, stretching his arms to his son, who was on the floor of their sitting room.

"Babi" he responded. He always says 'Babi' instead of 'Baba', because it rhymes with his name.

"Umar darling, Aaliyah is ready and I am too, I can't believe we are waiting for the men! Shouldn't it be the other way round?" Nadira wore a burgundy flay dress, cream wedges with full covers in front and a butter cream veil.

"We are ready too." Umar lifted up his naughty child who was building blocks and scattering them all over the place.

"Well, who will clean up this one's mess?" Nadira shook her head.

"Aaliyah will clean up her twin's mess." He shrugged, then stuck his tongue out.

"Not fair! You always assign cleaning to women, you men!" She walked away, but he held her free arm before she could go any further. Her other arm was wrapped around Aaliyah, the one year, two weeks old baby.

Umar, still carrying Aliyy, gave his wife a kiss on the lips. "You know I help a lot with the cleaning too huh, and I was only kidding."

Nadira giggled. "I know, I was faking the annoyance."

"Mama!" Aaliyah said after sneezing.

"Aaliyah say 'Alhamdulillah'" Umar tickled his baby girl.

She giggled in a very cute way. "Lali mama lah" Aaliyah mumbled, which made the couple laugh.

"Let's get going my love, you know your best friend is getting married today and would be so mad if we get to her nikkah late."

"Okay honey."

So, Nadira and Umar left their house for Umaiza's wedding. It was a beautiful surrounding they selected for her nikkah, the same place Umar and Nadira used. A luscious garden, serene and lovely for the reception, there was a small house close to the garden, which was rented alongside the garden, and it was all behind a huge masjid. In the small house,  there, the bride was dressing up. The pretty decorations caught Nadira's eye. Nadira went to meet Umaiza in the small bungalow, who was dressed in a lovely gown designed by Nadira, she started designing a year ago and has found it soothing.

"You're late!" Umaiza rolled her eyes, as she stood akimbo. Some of her friends were helping with the dressing, and event organization.

"I'm so sorry my love but Aaliyah and Aliyy were keeping us busy, plus we are only a few minutes late huh?"

"You should've been here for the organization of food, monitoring of uhm other stuff and uhm, you should've been here earlier!"

"I know, i'm sorry and-" Nadira struggled with an active baby girl. Umaiza looked at Aaliyah, who was using her baby hands to cover Nadira's face, and pull her hijab.

"LA!  Aaliyah, LA!" Said Nadira. Yelling La, which means No in Arabic.

"LA mama LA." Aaliyah clapped.

Umaiza laughed so hard. "I'm so happy Aaliyah is my avenger."

"Oh shut it Umaiza." Nadira put Aaliyah on her other arm. "You haven't seen Abu Bakr today, have you?"

"I'll see him soon,the nikkah starts soon, but no, I haven't."

Abu Bakr is Umaiza's husband to be, they met through their parents, it was an arranged marriage and Nadira always teased her. 'Matchmaking the match maker!' She said should be the theme of her wedding.

The nikkah started a few minutes after. Everyone went to the masjid for the sermon and admonition by the Imam, who is a friend to Umaiza's father. The sermon took a while. The imam spoke about marriage, there was recitation from the Quran and hadiths on marriage, how to treat a woman and how men are the protectors of women. After that, the guests moved to the garden with the couple for the reception.

Katie and Jamal spotted Nadira, after the nikkah at the masjid, they lost her, the two got married some months ago, after her father finally agreed to her wedding him. He feared she would be a Muslim but realized that Islam is a good religion, and he had nothing to be afraid of. Katie embraced Islam and even adopted a Muslim name, Khadijah.

"Sister!" Katie ran to embrace Nadira on spotting her. Jamal followed.

"How're you dear?"  Nadira smiled and said quietly, then lead the couple to their seats which was in the section for family members. Katie took Aaliyah from Nadira's arm. Jamal sat next to Umar.

The whole event took two hours, after that guests dropped their many gifts and left after wishing the couple well in Arabic.

"Barka Allahu Lakuma wa baraka alaykuma wa jama'a bayna kumaa fi khayr" which means May Allah bless for you your spouse, and may He unite both of you in happiness.

Umaiza was indeed happy. Summayah and Lateefah. Abu bakr's sisters helped by packing the wrapped gifts into the cars they brought.

"Well, I have to take my leave now Nadira, I still can't believe I'm finally married to Abu Bakr Abdul Salam."

"Maybe when you have your first child, it'll dawn on you." Nadira teased.

Umaiza pecked her friend, then went over to her husband's car, got in and waved at her family members as the car sped on. Mr and Mrs Nasr, her parents were overjoyed, they left soon after their daughter left.

Umar, Nadira, Jamal and Katie stood staring blankly. The number of guests were no more. The party had ended, yet they stood there.

"I'll miss her." Umar broke the silence. "Her stubborn self."

"Brother, she missed you first, when you got married, left her all by herself and snatched her close girlfriend too, come on. If anyone has missed anyone so much, it's Umaiza, let her be missed now." Jamal nudged Umar.

"That's right." Katie and Nadira laughed. "So, sister, we have got to go now." She handed Aaliyah over to her.

"Sure, we're also leaving soon too, I guess."

Jamal and Katie left them there, thanks to Umar. "Why did you make us stay back huh?" She asked her husband.

"This place reminds me so much of our own nikkah. It felt, it feels and would always feel like I'm marrying you for the first time everyday, my heart."

Nadira smiled, ever since she got married to Umar, she has always been comfortable. They've had ups and downs but have scaled through.

"I know we always would have our own trials but I want to conquer my battles with you." He continued.

"I can't believe I finally married the girl from the masjid many years ago."

Nadira was grinning, when he walked closer and planted a kiss on her head.

"I love you Nadira Najib." He whispered in her left ear, while Aaliyah released saliva on his cheek. "Loff Loff Loff." She kept rubbing her lips on her father's cheek, then Aliyy scratched her face. Aaliyah was about to cry when she scratched his back.

"I love you too Umar Nasr." Nadira giggled then moved back, to stop the twins from their scratching game.

"Let's go home, put these babies to bed and have time to ourselves." Umar smiled. He walked Nadira, who still carried Aaliyah, to the door, opened it, ensured she sat in properly, handed Aliyy over to her, then closed the door gently. He then made his way to his seat, and drove away.
Their love was already written by the best author, and for paradise, they do pray their love shall reach.


That's it people!
Thank you so much for reading!
I will miss writing this book, definitely
I hope we learnt a thing or two?
Thank you for sticking with the story!
Jazakumullahu khairan

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