Chapter 33

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The next day, Nadira wasn't going to work, so she put a call to Diamonds Medicare, to inform them that she has change of plans. The Medicare CEO was a bit put down but after she explained in details, he wished her well.
Nadira decided to go see Umar and speak with him, perhaps he will talk to Umaiza and settle their differences, she thought.

Katie, on the other hand, has a date with Eva Ogah, the Nikkah is in two weeks and some planning has to be done,she is glad about their sudden reunion.

"It's 11:20pm, I better start heading to UJAN Automobiles, I have a lot to tell him and his break is by 12:30pm, he is aware of my visit, I better leave now." Nadira yelled each word, as Katie was still taking her time to dress up for her date with Eva.

"Okay, you can go, what car are you taking?" She yelled also, from the bedroom.

"The white. Take the red."

"Okay, all the best!"

Nadira stepped into her white Toyota Camry, the latest model, she didn't want to take the big car because of her modesty and humility. As she drove to UJAN Automobiles, she felt a bit free, at least she was taking necessary big steps to mend her friendship with Umaiza.

Her dress is white silk and has black coloured rose like embroidery on the tail ends of the flowing part. She has a blood red scarf wound round her neck, over her head, down her chest, yelling 'Muslim woman' all over. Her shape is beautifully covered and elegantly she did walk to Umar's office.

"Excuse me miss." His secretary stopped her, just as her knuckles were about to alert him of her presence by knocking the door gently.

"Oh. My bad." Her cheeks flushed out of embarrassment. She placed her palms on her chest. "I'm sorry." Then began walking back to acknowledge the existence of the slim lady sitting at the corner with dark blue lined eyes, thick dark long lashes, black lipstick, brown weave. Nadira smiled faintly on seeing the irritating look the lady gave her.

"Good morning, I'm Nadira, and I'm here to see Umar Nasr."

"I'm Nnenna, good morning." She faced the desktop and brought out her fingers from under the table, dragged some documents to her side, and began typing, eyes glued to the computer screen.

"Not available. Check him later."

"That's impossible, he told me he will be around and I am not late."

Nnenna smirked. "Okay, he is around but not available, miss."

"I have no time for pranks lady, I'm going in."

As Nadira moved further, Nnenna got up, held her by her wrist. "Don't." She scowled.

"Free me, silly." Nadira broke free and in a struggle, barged into Umar's office.

"What's going on here?" Umar asked, puzzled.

"Sir, this lady here, she is so improper, I told her to wait so I could put a call to you, to be sure you have an appointment with her but she acted crazy and barged in after insulting me and trying to put up a fight."

Umar placed his hand on his forehead. "Nnenna? Really?"

"That's a huge lie!" Nadira was stunned at how the lady lied eyes wide open in her presence.

"Nadira, that's okay, I trust you...Nnenna, you may go."

Nnenna rolled her eyes after tapping her foot on the carpet for a few seconds, then slammed the door.

"I'll fire her." Umar laughed.

"No, please, don't fire her because of me." Nadira pleaded.

"Please, sit. It's not because of you, she has changed ever since I put her advances down, she tried seducing me, anyway, it'll be a good riddance. How're you?"

"Alhamdulillah, I'm okay. How're you too? And how is Jamal, Nathaniel and Joy Reynolds?"
She smiled warmly and this made Umar sigh.

"Great, they're in their offices, they're good, I'm good. So what can I do for you?"

Nadira broke down in sudden tears. "I'm not okay Umar, I and Umaiza had a small fight and I'm feeling terrible. I'm getting married in three months In Sha Allah and I feel so wrong, Umaiza isn't happy for me, I need your help Umar."

Umar placed his hands over his face, then took a deep breath.
"Ask yourself why you feel bad? Isn't marriage a good thing?"

He was trying to be strong, because he wanted to comfort her and not destroy her more by telling her he wanted to ask for her hand. It was too late for that, so he veiled his pain.

"I am so scared Umar, advice me, I know marriage is a big deal, I don't know why I rushed to say yes to Prince Mustapha, do you think I'm making a mistake?" She sniffed.

Umar swallowed hard. He passed her the tissue box, so she helped herself and blew her nose.

"I think you should be calm, pray about it and follow your heart regardless of how scared you are to make the right decision."

"I'll do that. Thanks Umar." Nadira wiped her tears with the next tissue roll she pulled out. After waiting to clear her throat, she smiled. "May Allah bless you abundantly, I feel very okay now, but please, Umaiza..."

"I'll talk to her, she is probably also scared like you were, it is a big thing, don't you think?"

"Yes." She chuckled. "I appreciate you taking out time to help. I'm really glad."

Umar nodded.
"I understand."

"So, about you! What is up?" Nadira beamed.

"Business and all." He avoided her eyes.

"No, not that, I mean, are you not planning to get married or something, who is the blessed lady huh?"

Umar laughed at the irony of life. The woman he wants to be with, is questioning him, about marriage? And she will get married soon.

"Well, I have someone in mind."
He nodded. "She is just not having me in mind and I think I have lost her."

Nadira frowned. "Don't be pessimistic! Pray about it, okay let me help, how is she not having you in mind?"

Umar raised a brow. "No, no, I don't want to talk about this, please." He pretended to be packing some folders on his desk.

"Please, tell me." Her eyes begged.

"What exactly? There's no mending this for me Nadira. She's getting married soon, okay?" He said firmly in a coarse tone.

"Wow." Nadira thought for a while.

"Umar, I'm so sorry."

He shook his head, waved his right hand, as if to wave the pain away. "It is nothing I can't handle, I guess."

"I know, I know you're strong." She nodded. "I've always admired your strength and faith, Umar. Since the first day I met you, I saw peace in your eyes."

Umar sat affixed, wondering if she knew what she was saying.

"You're such a good person, you deserve a good woman. I...I used to think I'll end up with you, but I knew I wasn't ever your type, in fact, we don't match at all, but Allah has compensated me with Mustapha, may He compensate you also."

Umar bent his head. "Aameen." Then he raised it and threw it back, to hold the tears that were threatening his face.

"I have to go now, please do talk to Umaiza on my behalf." She grinned.

"I will. Don't forget to pray about all of this, I will pray for us too. For you...I mean." He feigned a smile.

"May Allah reward you with good." She smiled brightly, causing Umar to shift his eyes away in sheer shyness.

"And you too." He accompanied her out of the building to her car in the parking lot. Then he asked about her new job, but Nadira explained she didn't want to work anymore, for the moment. After they waved goodbye, on getting to his doorstep. He turned to Nnenna.

"See me now, Miss."

Nadira Najib (COMPLETED) ✅Where stories live. Discover now