Chapter 18

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"Katie...where's she?"

Mr James said after Nadira welcomed he and his wife at around 6:30pm

"I'll go get her, last time I checked on her she was asleep and that was twenty minutes before you came."

"If she's asleep let her be, I'm only concerned since i didn't see her and she was ill before I left."

"Oh! That!" Nadira suddenly remembered the beginning of the day when Katie feigned nausea.

"She is me sir."

"Okay dear."

"Christy are you sure you took good care of her?"

"Mom, she is fine!"

"Lizzy leave Christy alone, I trust her."

Nadira was glad when her mother and Mr James left for their room to relax.

She checked on Katie again and found her still sleeping.

"I only want the best for you." Her lips touched Katie's cheeks. "Sleep well."

When Nadira left the room, Katie opened her eyes. "Thank you Nadira, God bless you." She murmured then stepped into her world of dreams again.

When Katie woke up, it was 9pm, everyone already had their dinner.
Mr and Mrs Benson asked of her welfare and she chuckled reassuring them that she is okay, when they were satisfied and convinced, they went to bed as they were totally exhausted.

Nadira served Katie dinner, it was Eba, a traditional Yoruba solid food made from cassava flakes and vegetable soup with meat.

"I made that."

"Thanks." Katie nodded as she was getting ready to eat.

"I'm going inside Kay, good night."

"Nadira!" She beckoned.


"Thank you for everything."

"Don't mention baby." Nadira winked.

"And one more thing, the whole ultimatum thing is over, you win...I won't do a thing with Felix and I'll try to find my inner peace...thank you."

Nadira moved close to her. "If you need anything at all, let me know."

" you can go back to school now."

"Nah! I want to spend time with you." She grinned. "If you need me, I'll be in my room."

"Sure, not sleeping now?"

"Hmm, I'll try not to but I guess I'll end up sleeping off instead of reading the novel I want to try and fight sleep for...stop smiling and eat your food girl...later."

"Later sister."


"Eva! Eva!" Mrs Nneka Ogah called.

"Yes mother." She responded from the kitchen then moved to her mother who was in the sitting room.

"Here, take these forms and sign them."

"What is it all about?"

"You silly girl! That's the dream you always wanted! Now an expensive and popular fashion label in New York City, USA gives you forms, through me begging you to be their muse, thats like their star model! And you're questioning me? Or do you still want to be a local model?"

"Oh! That..."

Before Eva could take in another breath, a slap landed on her right cheek which made her dizzy.

"Young lady! You won't give me ugly remarks like that! I'm your mother but also your manager! Got it? You will sign these papers right here, right now!"

Eva wrenched in pain, she didn't know she would get a strike that hard for murmuring just two letters out of lack of interest but she's used to the pain so what's there to lose? Although she had to be careful now because even though her mother puts her through all the pain, she hopes she will change and understand her someday.

"Mom i- i- will have to pose naked for the first photoshoot." She frowned as she wanted to sign.

"Who told you that?"

"Its here mom." Eva pointed to a paragraph on the form.

"So what? Its a task you can do girl! You've got the body and looks and height Eva! Don't be a chicken! Now sign for your fame!"

"I'll have to move to the United States and quit school here."

"Eva! Its 10pm and I am really tired! I want to go to bed! Sign these papers already! Is this not your dream? Why do you care about posing naked or leaving Nigeria anyway?"

Eva dropped the papers that they now rested on the brown tiled floor.

"Its not my dream anymore mother, it never was, its always been your dream! Its always been about you! You've made me live a fake life you perceived is good for only you! I wonder if you love me at all mom!"

Her mother striked her again violently. "You are a bitch! I and your father have done everything for you to be happy! Do you know how many girls will die for your lifestyle girl? Wake up!"

Eva cried silently, with the little strength in her, she managed to stand. "Yes I am a bitch, the rich bitch you brought up, the one who was raped by her cousin four years ago and landed in the hospital because her mother is a psychopath! A selfish manager! A friend told me today to wake up! Hahahaaha irony is king in this game, she is the one who needs to wake up! At least people love her, she's a virgin and has a great sister! I'm stuck with a manager instead of a mother!"

Nneka was about to hit Eva again when Eva flared up. "Kill me! Kill me because I'm tired of being the daughter of a woman who doesn't love anyone but herself! The daughter of an atheist! An ambitious woman who will give her daughter to the wolves to get more wealth and fame...I'm tired of this mom...just take my life."

Eva's mother groaned then pushed her hard to the ground. "Ingrate! Ingrate!" She walked away, not knowing what to do with her.

Eva wept till she slept on the cold hard tiled floor, her arm was bleeding now, and there were bruises on her face but no one would care, even if her father was not in Germany at the moment, he wouldn't still care.

Her dreams were full of nightmares that night.

Poor Eva...
Sit tight
More twists and turns are coming your way
In Sha Allah

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