Chapter 38

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It's been a long fight, an unending battle. Never did she think strength could come so easy yet hard. The more he hit her to weaken her, the stronger she became. Mustapha grew furious. "You're abnormal. No woman can last this long under my grasp!" He pulled her legs forward only to get kicked in the face.

"When I said I'd rather die, I swear by the one whose hands my soul is in, I meant it!"

It's been hours. The struggle lasted for too long. The prince didn't give up also. Nadira was weak.

"Okay, I was only trying to be nice. No woman wins a man over like this. It's high time I get to business."

Poor Nadira couldn't fight anymore, her limbs were too weak. With a bleeding hand, bruised legs, stiff neck and hurting side. She managed to whisper. "Let it go, it's not worth it, you can still change."

"You're so stupid." He pounced on her.

Ashabi came in at the right time, with a huge pestle, she hit his head from the back, making him fall off Nadira's body. While he was on the ground, helpless and seriously bleeding, the maid quickly helped Nadira up and led her gently out of the hall.
Ashabi saw that Nadira's clothes were not fit to be called so, the lady bled seriously, her movement was too slow. "Lady please, you've to try, I'm going to help you out of the palace but do help me too."
They walked only ten steps away from the hall when voices were heard. That of Sekinah and the Queen. Quickly, Ashabi helped Nadira to a small corridor that leads to the back staircase, knowing the Queen and her daughter wouldn't pass that side.
The voices became more audible.

"My brother has spent hours in there! What could be happening?"

"I don't understand either, I hope that girl isn't giving him a hard time. She's just a woman, she can't be that tough to handle."

Ashabi paused, so as not to get noticed or heard. When she was sure that they already were inside the hall, she left Nadira in the corridor, ran to the hall and locked the door. There and then, she hurriedly helped limping Nadira towards Kasali's post close to the palace gate, fortunately, no one was watching.

"Who locked us up? Who is that?" Sekinah checked the hall door, and was dazed for it got shut immediately she and her mother entered.

"My son! My son! Wake up!" The Queen shook Mustapha's unconscious body.
"What?" Sekinah turned to notice for the first time that her brother was indeed down.
"Bro?" She ran to his body. "Brother!"

Sekinah ran back to the hall door in anger and hit it severally. "Open this door! Open it!"

"It's that witch, I'm sure! She has successfully escaped now! After having done all this to my son!"

"Mother shush! Shush! Let's think!" She yelled. "Are you with your phone?"

"Yes i--"

"Call dad, let him inform all the security guards that Nadira is on the loose, that she almost killed the Prince, that should be the only news in circulation now. Call Dad!"

Queen Tijani informed her husband of their dilemma, he quickly did as she said. All the palace guards were on the watch for her. Kasali distracted them by leading them into the palace, knowing Ashabi is with her in his private post, close to the gate, since he is the leader of all the guards.
The other guards that helped are Dayo and Ade.
Ade led Ashabi and Nadira out of the palace gate, while Dayo watched out for them.

"Madam. I can't help you further, else, I'll be a suspect at the palace. I have to go meet my colleagues, Dayo and Kasali." Ade said, while Nadira nodded weakly, after they got to a safe corner, some distance away from the palace. He helped a lot by putting Nadira on his back, since she couldn't walk properly. He gently put her down and entrusted her with Ashabi. As he was about to leave, he turned and asked."Ashabi, how about you? Won't they search for you at the palace on noticing that you've gone missing?"

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