Chapter 37

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"Her phone is ringing, but she isn't picking her call." Umaiza lamented for the tenth time.

"How many times have you tried her line?"
Umar inquired, but without wasting much time. Tying the lace of his brown timberland boot for the left foot, a snappy tie it was, hands swift in action, ready to satisfy his curiosity, the car key lying fallow on his reading table was snatched by those same fingers.

"Put on your veil. We are going to her house."

"How about Katie? Should I call her?" Umaiza said, walking to the other room she made hers, her brother's house was like a second home to her, so that room was totally hers, until he brings in a woman of his of course, quickly, she took her veil, covered herself and met her brother in the living room.

"We can call Katie in the car, but I strongly feel the need to go check on Nadira. Since I've come back from masjid, after having observed Ishaa, I feel we should go, there's nothing really to do."

Umaiza glanced at the quartz wall clock, hanging next to a waterfall wallpaper across the living room. "It's 8:40pm. I'm scared Umar."

"Have you observed your Ishaa prayer?" He walked towards the exit.

"Yes, sure, when you left to masjid to observe yours."

"Then let's get going."

She doubled her steps to catch up with her brother. It is definitely a night of curiosity,  and her best friend is in terrible danger.


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"Dad! Mom!" Katie yelled as she stormed up the staircase leading to her parent's rooms. "Hurry please, it's 8:45pm and we haven't heard a thing from my sister! Let's go to Wura Kingdom already, it's not so far if we kick off now!"

Elizabeth and her husband hastened. They all have tried Nadira's phone several times but it rang only, she didn't pick up her calls. Katie hated herself for not having any of the Tijani's phone numbers, not even her parents had it. It seemed very irresponsible and careless of them.

"Dear, hurry, let's get into the white Jeep, we've to go check her." Elizabeth hurried her husband. He nodded then got his car keys. They raced down the stairs, with Katie ahead.

"I'm frightened. She said she will be back by evening when I spoke to her about four hours ago, she had no intention of sleeping over, she never sleeps over. It's her principle, she never breaks her word."

They locked the main doors of the house and got into the Jeep. Their driver was nervous as he quickly started the car, driving with confusion. Elizabeth's angry yet depressed voice wouldn't keep him stable.

"Elizabeth, relax, please." James pleaded. "Be optimistic."

"Optimistic? My daughter is out there somewhere, who knows if she's even in that palace? What if she got stranded?"

"Mom, anytime she goes to the palace, they bring her back in their royal car or something, but this time, it's way too late, I only hope--"

Katie felt her phone vibrate in her purse, she speedily unzipped it and took it out.
"Umaiza?"  She muttered before picking the call.

"Hello. Yeah. No, I'm not fine. It's Nadira. We have been expecting her for hours. Her phone is ringing but there's been no response. Same with you? Oh. Okay. We've left home. Wura kingdom is where we are headed. Yeah. She is supposedly there. Drive towards there. Where are you guys? ...Uh uh,  it's closer, just follow the third mainland bridge, the palace house isn't too far from UJAN Automibles. Okay. We'll meet you there. Yeah. Bye."

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