Chapter 15

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"In the Quraan there are some aayahs
which rebuke the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) and mention some things to which Allaah drew
his attention. Some of them may have been
embarrassing for the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him). But if this
Quraan had come from the Messenger of
Allaah, there would have been no need for
this; if he were to conceal any part of the
Quraan, he would have concealed some of
these verses which contained rebukes or
drew his attention to certain matters which
he should not have done, such as the verse
in which Allaah says to His Prophet (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him):

But you did hide in yourself (i.e. what Allaah
has already made known to you that He will
give her to you in marriage) that which
Allaah will make manifest, you did fear the
people (i.e., their saying that Muhammad
married the divorced wife of his manumitted
slave) whereas Allaah had a better right that
you should fear Him
[al-Ahzaab 33:37 interpretation of the

After this, can there be any doubt left in the
mind of any intelligent person that this
Quraan is the word of Allaah, and that the
Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him) conveyed that which was revealed
to him in full?"

Nadira faced them. "But you two can read the Quran and ponder in its verses with an open mind if you want, there's a lot if evidences in it alone that shows Allah, the One God revealed it."

"I have three more things to add." Umaiza smiled feeling satisfied. "This Quraan is a challenge from Allaah to
mankind and the jinn to produce anything
like it, but they were unable to. Then He
challenged them to produce only ten soorahs
like it, and they were unable to. Then He
challenged them to produce something like
the shortest soorah in the Quraan, and they
could not do it, even though those who were
being challenged were the most eloquent and
well-spoken of mankind, and the Quraan was
revealed in their language. Yet despite that
they stated that they were completely
incapable of doing that. This challenge has
remained down throughout history, but not
one person has been able to produce
anything like it. If this were the word of a
human being, some people would have been
able to produce something like it or close to
it. There is a great deal of evidence for this
challenge in the Quraan, for example, the
aayah (interpretation of the meaning):
Say: If the mankind and the jinn were
together to produce the like of this Quraan,
they could not produce the like thereof, even
if they helped one another ;
[al-Israa 17:88]

Allaah says, challenging them to produce
just ten soorahs:
Or they say, He (Prophet Muhammad) forged
it (the Quraan). Say: Bring you then ten
forged Soorah (chapters) like unto it, and
call whomsoever you can, other than Allaah
(to your help), if you speak the truth!
[Hood 11:13 interpretation of the meaning]

Allaah says, challenging them to produce
just one soorah:

And if you (Arab pagans, Jews, and Christians) are in doubt concerning that
which We have sent down (i.e. the Quraan)
to Our slave (Muhammad), then produce a
Soorah (chapter) of the like thereof and call
your witnesses (supporters and helpers)
besides Allaah, if you are truthful
[al-Baqarah 2:23 interpretation of the

2- No matter how much knowledge and
understanding mankind attains, they will still
inevitably make mistakes, forget things or
fall short. If the Quraan were not the word of
Allaah, there would be some contradictions
and shortcomings in it, as Allaah says:

Had it been from other than Allaah, they
would surely, have found therein many a
[al-Nisa 4:82 interpretation of the meaning]

But it is free from any shortcoming, error or
contradiction; indeed, all of it is wisdom,
mercy and justice. Whoever thinks that there
is any contradiction in it, that is because of
his diseased thinking and mistaken
understanding; if he refers to the scholars
they will explain to him what is correct and
clear up the confusion for him, as Allaah

Verily, those who disbelieved in the reminder (i.e. the Quraan) when it came to
them (shall receive the punishment). And
verily, it is an honourable well fortified
respected Book (because it is Allaah's Speech, and He has protected it from
Falsehood cannot come to it from before it
or behind it, (it is) sent down by the All
Wise, Worthy of all praise (Allaah)”
[Fussilat 41:41-42 interpretation of the

3- Allaah has guaranteed to preserve this
Quraan, and He says:
Verily, We, it is We Who have sent down the
Dhikr (i.e. the Quraan) and surely, We will
guard it (from corruption)”
[al-Hijr 15:9 interpretation of the meaning]
Every letter of it was transmitted by
thousands from thousands down throughout
history, and not one letter of it was altered.
If any person tried to alter anything in it, or
add something or take something away, then
he would be exposed straight away, because
Allaah is the One Who has guaranteed to
preserve the Quraan, unlike the case with
other divinely-revealed Books which Allaah
revealed to the people of a particular
Prophet only, and not to all of mankind, so
He did not guarantee to preserve them,
rather He delegated their preservation to the
followers of the Prophets. But they did not
preserve them, rather they introduced
alterations and changes which distorted
most of the meanings. The Quraan, on the
other hand, was revealed by Allaah to all of
mankind until the end of time, because the
Message of Muhammad (peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him) is the final message,
so the Quraan is preserved in mens hearts
and in written form, as is proven by the
events of history. How many people have
tried to change the aayahs of the Quraan and
deceive the Muslims, but they were quickly
exposed and their falsehood was discovered,
even by Muslim children."

"Well, Eva and Katie, would you like anything else?"

Let's see what Eva and Katie would like now that Umaiza and Nadira have slayed their ignorant questions.


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