Chapter 39

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"Ah! What? What hospital? Oh My God! Okay. Okay--"

"Who? Who is in the hospital?" Elizabeth squirmed on her seat.

Katie flung her phone on the car seat. "It was Umaiza..Dad. Mom. Nadira is in the hospital!"

"Hospital?" Elizabeth and James asked to be sure.

"How? What happened? Which hospital? Why? Why her? Oh it's too dark and late for this trouble! My daughter is probably in pains and hungry!"

"Look, Elizabeth!  Stay calm. It's not easy, I know, but endure please. Everyone here is worried about  Nadira but indiscriminate laments won't help us." When he saw that Elizabeth was quiet, he faced his daughter. "Katie, what's the name of the hospital?"

"She said they would text it to me, with descriptions too."  Her phone beeped. "Aha! I've got it."
Katie directed the driver. Elizabeth took refuge in loud prayers, while James silently prayed for Nadira.
Katie's mind journeyed memories that she's had with her sister. From how she helped her from going astray in her teenage years to the bond they both share at the moment. As she looked outside the car window, the freezing air blew directly on her face, drying the running tears as they came down. She remembered Eva Ogah, how Nadira helped change her. It's true that good people don't last forever, but is this how her sweet sister would pass away? Did Allah need her so soon? Katie bit her lower lip, perhaps she shouldn't have encouraged her to dance to the prince's tune, but who  would've known that she would end up in a hospital from the kingdom. Nothing added up. So her lips moved in a silent prayer.



asali, Ashabi, Umaiza and Umar waited at the reception. No one was allowed to go in for that period of time in which they took Nadira into a private ward for check up and treatment.

Kasali sat next to Umar, while Ashabi was next to Umaiza. Umar then demanded to know what happened to Nadira. Kasali said his own part of the story. Ashabi shed more light on it.

"Rape? For a family ritual? That's insanely outrageous, it's dirty and despicable!" Umar got up in anger.

"I can't believe this. Did he rape her or he wasn't successful?" Umaiza scowled, hoping to hear the latter as an answer.

"MA." Ashabi started. "I'm not sure if he was successful, because I heard noises from the hall, after which, I entered. When I got in, he was on top of her and--"

Umar slammed his fists on the wall. "Balderdash! Oh Damn!"
He was breathing heavily. "Oh if I lay my hands on that coward, I'll strangle him to death! I will!"

"Ashabi, how long were they in there?" Umaiza managed to ask, she was burdened by the pain Nadira must be in.

"It was for so long, I was even afraid to go in for about an hour, they were in there for so long ma." Ashabi played with her fingers absentmindedly, feeling guilty.

"I can't stand this! I can't! " Umar bellowed. He was engulfed in rage. Umaiza's eyes were teary. She sighed severally and shook her head countless times.
A nurse, who was passing by walked up to Umar. "Sir, this is a hospital, please try to speak in a low volume, your noise may disturb others."

Umar ignored her, then walked away. He usually is silent whenever he's angry. Umaiza followed him.

"Umar, wait up!"

He walked still, till he got outside the hospital. At the parking lot. There, he stood, holding back his tears from dripping. The night was beautiful but he couldn't notice. The stars that sparkled, sparkled his thoughts and he said them out loud.

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