Chapter 40

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"The doctor prescribed some drugs, we've gotten that at the pharmacy downstairs. Darling, you'll be discharged today. It is so exciting because the hospital food you've been on for two days can't beat home made food my baby! Katie is with Umar and Umaiza outside. I'm here to get you ready, after which, it's time we hit the road."

"How about Dad?"

"He's at Church, couldn't make it today."

"Okay mom. Let's go."

"No. You've got to put on these clothes first, selected them from your closet at home. Your hospital gown is driving me crazy. I can't also imagine that that animal of a prince tore your clothes that way. I saw them in a nylon bag, the nurse changed you on the first night. I'm so happy you're fully recovered my love. Here, take these, change okay? And hurry. I love you."

Elizabeth walked out happy. Nadira didn't blame her mother for being talkative. She really does love her and probably thought she won't make it alive.
As she put on her butter cream jalabiya styled dress with royal blue prints, thoughts of Umar's last words on the first night hammered her head.

He loves her?

She chuckled. How could that be possible? Perhaps she was hearing things. After all her state of mind was shabby.

Who am I deceiving? I did hear Umar's words well. Do I confront him?

She sighed. Tying her royal blue scarf, making sure it covers her curves properly, her mind wandered off to Umaiza. She wanted to speak with her at length. Umaiza did apologize and explained the reason she acted strange. It was not easy for her to accept Mustapha, her dreams also pushed her to act weird.

Oh. I was lost. Alhamdulillah, I'm better.

She heard a knock on the door.

"Mother, come in. I'm ready."

It wasn't her mother. It was Umar. Her heart skipped a beat.

"Salam alaykum Nadira." He grinned. She replied his greeting, then looked away, staring outside the window, at nothing.

"Are you set? Your mom is on a call, so I decided to check on you. Everyone's waiting for you."

Nadira looked him in the eyes, she did this intentionally to study him. Her study proved her right, he does look away when she faced him.

"Umar. Honestly, I didn't mean to make life difficult for you. I am very grateful for all you and Umaiza did to help me, I heard you single handedly took care of the hospital bill. Thank you. May Allah bless you abundantly."

"Aameen. You too, you never made life difficult for me, not at all."

Should I ask him if he actually said those words?
Or I should let it fade?
Well, if I say it, I'll probably feel too forward, I mean I just got out of a crisis.
What kind of a silly girl am I anyway?
Whatever, I'll let it go
He would not own up even if it were true

So she grabbed her things, the bag her mother brought from home, and the matching cream bag. Oh her mother is such a darling. May Allah give her paradise and forgive her lapses, direct her aright. As she was about to lift the two bags, Umar grabbed them for her. Their eyes collided.

"I'll help you." He smirked.
As he led the way, she followed quietly. Suddenly, he stopped.

"What's wrong?" 

Umar tapped his forehead.

"Nadira. I can't do this anymore."

"Oh! If it's the bags, hand them over, I'll carry them myself."

Umar pursed his lips, holding his smile.


"That's what Nadira, You, everything you do gets to me. I admire the silly things, crazy things, every single thing you do. Like what you just said, and like that day we first met, when you tripped in the masjid. I want to admire you for the rest of my life."

She almost fainted.

"I love you." He said, lowly, slowly and steady.

"I'm in love with you Nadira. I know you're only just recovering from a lunatic's pool of lies but I can't hold it anymore. You're the one I've always loved, ever since our university days, I was waiting for the right time and that's why Umaiza was angry when you said you were getting married."

Woah! He just manned up! I'm melting.

"She always knew I loved you. So it got to her. I don't know what's on your mind now but I had to talk."

What do I say?
What do I do?
I really am lost here.
He looks so vulnerable when he talks about loving me
I'm feeling all giddy yet confused.

"Umar, I don't know what to say." She directed her eyes to face the marble floors. There they were, almost outside the room, everyone was waiting for them but here they were, in between earth and space. In love. One admitted it, the other, still clueless.

"It's okay, if you don't know what to say. I'm lighter now that I've confessed my love for you. If you don't feel the same way, then, I won't blame you. It's just going to hurt a little." He laughed. "Hurt a lot, I mean. I understand that you're not in the right situation. We are still in the hospital where you just recovered from a deceitful trap and--"

As he talked on and on. Nadira made herself speak sense into her. She always had this rare feeling for Umar but suppressed it thinking he would never look at her that way. When the rumours spread like wild fire that they were dating, and Toyibah was crazy about Umar,  all she could do was force herself not to grow feelings for him, all to prove them wrong. With Mustapha, she was always in doubt, and knew something was missing. Umar, with him, it was totally different. She wanted to lower her gaze but couldn't help but get lost in those deep dark eyes of his, his eyes spoke for him-- a beautiful soul, a beautiful heart. Nobody cares if she's just recovering, Okay, she doesn't care, In fact, she needed so much healing now and Allah just sent the right cure.

Umar continued. She couldn't hear him anymore, so she spread her smile further. Lost. It was a beautiful kind of lost. On seeing she was almost losing her mind, she looked down at the pretty marble floors again.

Islam saves. Allah! What kind of moment of reflection was that?
It is like all the feelings I suppressed burst out in the
open at once and I can't help but admit that i--

"I love you Umar. I love you, I always have. I love you for Allah's sake, I love you."

Umar would've collapsed if not for his back that found a wall to lean on.

"Umar, I love you, I do." Nadira repeated.

"I always tried to run from it, I ran but I guess you can never run from Allah's predestination, I diverted my attention to Mustapha because of haste, I didn't know if you loved me back so I let it mellow. To hear you profess love to me triggered my ancient emotions for you and, and I,  I--"

"Marry me?" He grinned.

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