Chapter 9

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When Katie saw that Nadira was dumbfounded, she smirked then squirmed on her seat, sniggering.
"Christiana, I may be 16 years but not to worry, I'm emotionally prepared for this, all you have to do is make me physically ready because I wouldn't want to disappoint Felix, Eva and the girls."

"Who the heck are Felix, and Eva?"

"Felix Okoro, is the love of my life and Eva is my best friend forever."

Nadira's nose shrunk as she felt so sorry for poor Katie who has surrounded herself with low quality friends. After some seconds of silence, like God taught Nadira what to say because she had been quietly beseeching him for help.
To go about the situation needed care and wisdom because any mistake and Katie wouldn't still get it.

"Kay, how old is Felix? How long have you known him?"

"Oh he's 18. I met him four months and some weeks ago in the university, during first semester, he's in level three."

"I see."
Nadira moved closer to Katie then held her soft fingers.
"Look, I can't let you do this, until you're fully ready, and you won't be ready until you find the one you're to spend the rest of your life with, then when you both seal your love with marriage, I pray I'm still alive, I will give you tips on that but now, no sister!"

Katie faced the other angle then sighed. "So you've not done it?"

"Of course not." Nadira flinched mildly. "Look, don't you learn from experiences you watch on TV or read in magazines? Premarital sex causes more harm than good."

"Ah! Spare me." Katie smirked.

"Katie! Sex before marriage is fornication! Don't you read your bible? Or hear that in church at least?"

Katie set her fingers free from Nadira's soft touch. "I'm not a bible or church person..."

"Your dad is a pastor, what do you mean Kay?"

"Nadira, Eva said its no big deal, I can't be the coward here and Felix will leave me for another girl, can't lose the reputation of having a popular rich guy as my man and besides I'm not a religious person, so all your religious talk can't do me any help."

Nadira was stunned at her sister's words. "What?"

"Yes, I don't really take religion too seriously."


"I don't even know why I'm telling you all this, but I guess its high time someone knows...never have I been comfortable with the idea of being so deep in believing in God, going to church only builds more darkness in my soul, I may be little but my imagination is wild so please say anything you want to."

Nadira took in a deep breath, this is partly her fault, she was busy hating the new change of family that her instincts never bothered about Katie's feelings or thoughts. For four years, Katie had been lonely even when she was there, now is the best time to make things right.

"Since when did you conclude that you're like this?"

Katie made a poker face then stood up from her seating position, as she paced the sitting room slowly, in her strides she began. "Ever since I was a little girl, dad took me to church, taught me that if I'm lonely or in pain, and can't do a thing about it, I should ask the one who created us all, that he loves me so much and will do anything and everything good for me, he will protect and take care of me, even better than daddy does.
I always believed this, I grew to love a supreme being I couldn't see but feel in my heart. I asked God for everything possible.
But then, my life was boring with no fun in it, my secondary school days were as sad as hell.
I was always the nerd, spoilt daddy's girl, unsocial one.
Nobody liked me, in fact I was bullied and almost raped by guys who were my friends...the ones I trusted."

"I have so much wealth since dad is rich but happiness and i haven't been friends until now, my mother left me when I was only three, as if that wasn't enough, my life was empty, no real friends, no real love...but now, I realize you have to be happy by not obeying rules, by breaking free, by living a life with no limitations and whatever will be, will be, God or not."

"When I got into the university, I made up my mind to set my soul on fire and do anything that makes me happy, the friends I have are also rich and guess what? We don't give a damn about anything, we are here to live fast and die young, that's how life is supposed to be."

Nadira couldn't believe her ears at all. All the while Katie had been an "introvert" she was just hiding so much hurt and pain.

"I've missed out a lot when it comes to you, but I'll start by asking you a few questions."

"Shoot." Katie winked.

"What happens after death Kay?"

"After death is nothing, nothing happens after death, people just develop the sense that there's going to be judgement or whatever, who has really come to tell us about the hereafter?" She laughed loud.

" do know you were created by God right?"

"Yes yes yes, I know, in a way, but for what purpose?"

"To be tested to see which one of us is best in deeds."

"Christiana, or Nadira, look at me, God abandoned me from the first day I was born...I'm a loner and that aside.Now, see, we were created to live and die, that's all, even if you do all the good-"

"Katie you sound like an atheist!" Nadira howled in grief.

"Well, I'm not a full one but perhaps I'm beginning to see what Eva sees in this world, emptiness upon emptiness, it'll take a God to change me, if he truly exists."

"I beg you, don't do anything with Felix..."

"Stop me."

"How?" Tears were in Nadira's eyes now as she didn't know what to do or say.

"I give you a month to convince me that fornication is bad and that God truly exists and cares about me...if you succeed, I would change who I've become but if you fail, forget about it, my new lifestyle won't change ever."

"A month? Give me some more time!"

"I don't have time to waste, I'm leaving home for school in two weeks and I have to make excuses for my love, a month is more than enough, sister!"

Katie twirled then grabbed the box of chocolate from the sofa where she dropped it, she also packed some of the books she was studying.

"Oh! Thanks again for the chocolates, I had these on my first date with Felix."

Nadira's tears dropped now, Staining her outfit, she has just a short time to help her half sister, first, she'll have to know her and what she does with her time, so that she can get into her head and mind, she also has to learn more about Islam so as to use it as a sword to win this battle but would that be easy for her in a month?
She needs Allah now more than ever because now she realizes how much she loves little Katie and wants the best for her.
All these thoughts flooded her mind.


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