Chapter 41

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"Marry you?" She raised a brow, squinted then stood akimbo. Her eyes scanned Umar.

"Oh my Allah! You're a 120% for a husband according to my human woman senses."

This incited a guffaw from Umar. He knew she was hilarious, but the sudden confidence she had that replaced her usual shyness whenever she was with him put his head on a hot balloon.

"Umar, you're a good guy and all but I need to still pray about this, and after I do pray, you're going to ask me in the way I've always dreamt you would, if you did, and now you have but listen, you don't just say 'Marry me?' You've got to up your game brother."

Umar, consumed by shyness smirked. "I will my Queen, do pray well."

Nadira smiled warmly. "Let's go."

As Nadira and Umar stepped out of the room, Elizabeth and Umaiza dragged Umar and Nadira by their arms.
"Come, we just saw it too, see, you two, Nadira is on the local news!" Katie said as she followed.
When they got to the reception. Eyes glued on Nadira. Umar scowled as he watched the news.

"The Wura Kingdom has been in chaos for two days for failure in the search for Miss Nadira Najib. The Prince, Mustapha Tijani describes her as beautiful but ambitious and deadly. The King of Wura Kingdom hereby says that the lady tried to murder his only son due to a simple disagreement they had. Here, with us is Princess Sekinah, she would like to speak on the issue at hand."

"Thank you Miss Anita Okezie. I, the daughter of King Tijani, Ruler of Wura Kingdom, the Kingdom that has grown over thousands of years in Lagos City, Nigeria. Our tradition is pure and clear, I would first like to bastardize any rumour out there against our family. It is our wealth and status they all envy. Ever since my father was crowned King thirty years ago, he has held that Kingdom firmly, generation to generation, the Tijani family has been firm, we always have heirs from our side to bear the throne, as we have been blessed by sons."

Katie pointed to the television. "Is this not the so called princess that always acts perfect. She's a liar. She would soon tell so many lies against my sister!"

"Calm down Katie, let her keep up with her slander. Allah will vindicate me." Nadira said.

Everyone at the reception,  even nurses on duty focused on the news. The newscaster continued. "So how did Miss Nadira have any strength against the Prince?"

"Thank you Miss Anita Okezie, you ask the most intelligent questions. I was also dazed and dazzled out of my brain! She's probably a witch or a sorceress or whatever has to do with magic and extraterrestrials! My brother wanted to marry her because he loved her from the University but she said she wanted a baby as soon as possible! Imagine! A woman! A Muslim woman! She begged my brother for sex! But he told her it wasn't done that way. I honestly feel so bad for her. I'm sure she wanted to get pregnant so soon for him out of greed, out of desire for royalty.  She was impatient and perhaps was trying to seduce my brother, maybe because he rejected her offer for sex, that's why she threw to his head dangerous objects!"

Nadira enlargened her eyes. "A liar! A freaking liar! I can't believe this."

When Nadira spoke, nurses, patients and people at the reception turned to face her. One lady got up and pointed. "That's the lady in question. That's Nadira Najib!"
A man clapped and said. "How greedy a woman can be!" 

"And they call themselves pious women! These Muslim women who cover even in the heat, they can't even cover their shame. God has exposed them!"

"She's beautiful, she can't do that, this princess might be lying"

"Does beauty give excuse for evil? Please!"

People kept muttering, some pointing fingers and others already accusing Nadira of all sorts of things.

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