Chapter 28

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Lord please have mercy on me
This is a big deal for me
I should've asked you about it first
But please let it be your will
I...I don't know how to explain myself to you Allah
I feel uneasy
Something isn't right. . .

"She's here!" Katie did a little bow and stretched out her arms, whilst pointing her fingers, all ten to Nadira when she finally appeared in the living room where the Tijani family waited patiently.

There was this awkward silence.
Then The Queen started putting her hands together, her smile was huge and her countenance interpreted ecstasy.

"Is this her? Oh my Allah!" Sekinah hurriedly ran to embrace her, making poor Nadira feel embarrassed. "She looks so beautiful and rare! Its been years since i saw her last! She and Musty were friends then but wow, she looks..." she paused then took a look at Nadira after freeing her from the long embrace. "I know my brother has great taste! He's the luckiest man alive!"

Mustapha smirked after seeing the shyness in Nadira's eyes, the same shyness he saw when they first met at Moremi the car park at school.
His father, the King was also very impressed, so all his merriment was packed into one happy smile before he finally said. "Well done my son, you've made a brilliant choice."

"Sit darling." Sekinah ushered Nadira to a seat next to hers. "My soon to be aister-in-law, now I have to buy a gun for my brother."

"Why?" Mustapha asked wondering what his crazy sister was thinking.

"Well, to keep all those hungry men and their big eyes away from your soon to be wife, if you really want to protect her from being stolen."

Everyone present in the living room laughed, even the bodyguards.

Mr and Mrs Benson were already falling in love with the royal family, they seem like lovely people.

"We are glad you see our baby girl like a worthy spouse." Mr James smiled warmly.

"I am so proud of my son, when he came to tell us earlier today about him having a choice already due to the ultimatum we gave he and his sister to bring home a spouse because of certain reasons, I was astonished, my heart was uncertain as to whether he has made the right decision, on seeing Nadira, my soul has found coolness." The Queen said.

"My wife has said a lot, I will just like to ask Nadira if she's satisfied with my son, and you, her parents, can ask any questions you want, it's not easy giving a woman out like that, not to talk of a beautiful rare lady like your daughter." King
Tade Tijani added.

Nadira rose her head to take a look at Mustapha, who is sitting across her. "He's. . ." She stammered. "He's all I want sir, I am satisfied with your son." Her eyes caught his smirk. "Completely satisfied."

Sekinah pecked her then embraced her again to breathlessness. "Oh Nadira, you two will give my parents the cutest grandchildren in the history of Africa, and I will be the most blessed aunty in this continent and the world."

"I am pleased with your son." James nodded. "But I and my wife would like to ask a few questions."

"Go ahead." The King placed his right palm on his jaw.

"Mustapha, right? Do you love Nadira? And feel you're able and capable of taking proper care of her emotionally, financially, spiritually, physically and in all situations, are you ready for this, I hope you do know what you're getting into and marriage isn't a plaything."

"Mr Benson, I am honoured you asked, what I feel for Nadira is pure love, I have always been attracted to her in all terms, she's beautiful, intelligent, God fearing, kind, loving and patient, also very hardworking and appreciative, I am ready for this, I promise not to hurt her or let her down, I know what I am getting into. "

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