Chapter 11

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No response.


No response.

"Katie Benson!"

Now, Nadira was fed up indeed, so she bounced inside the room after patiently knocking hard and waiting for what seemed like light years for her half sister to open up.
She stormed up as her hands flung the red duvet Katie buried her body in.

"Katie!" Another ear piercing scream but to no use.

"Katie!" She tapped her shoulder repeatedly but this only made the sleeping girl roll over, stretch, fold in her limbs and unconsciously drag her duvet over her body.

"Won't you wake up already lazy thing! Mother is calling you!"

On opening her eyes, her slumber wonders what kind of punishment this is, never was she a morning person.
Her peepers cried for rest but Nadira's voice wouldn't give them a chance to shut once more.

"Its Sunday you! Mom says..."

"Church, church, I know." Katie yawns as she sits up then slacks her shoulders after giving her scalp a little scratch

"Not interested."

"Get up though, go tell her that." Nadira sighed.

"What's your problem miss perfect? I'm not intere-"

The banging sound of the door as it was hit against the wall was like a gunshot.
"Katie! Let's get going! I give you two minutes to get ready, meet me downstairs."

"No ma, i-" she feigns nausea then rushes to the bathroom, forcing her throat to sound irritated and like it wanted to vomit the organs of her digestive system.

"Oh dear, are you alright?" Poor Mrs Benson was feeling bad for Katie the pretender, she dashed to her in the bathroom and stroke her hair gently.

"Love, are you okay?"

Katie didn't reply but placed her palms on her tommy, them squatted slowly. "Ma, its my stomach, I feel very weird."

"Let's take you to the hospital at once." Mrs Benson believed the petty drama displayed by her husband's daughter.

"Come on mom, she's pretending." On rolling her eyes, Nadira hissed.

"Christy! Don't be heartless, look at her!" Mrs Benson frowned then helped Katie walk to her bed, lay her down by supporting her head and raising her legs to rest straight in the bed.

"Mom, Katie is a liar, she doesn't want to-"

"Nad, I'm not surprised you don't care, never did you like me."

"Hey brat, shut up!"

"Christy!" Mrs Benson grimaced. "What's with you? Behave yourself now, get dressed also, we are all going to the hospital now."

"Ma, no, I really don't want to, its slight fever and mild irritation, I need to rest, happens a lot to me in school, all I need is sleep and care."

Nadira folded her arms, rolled her eyes, then was on her way out of the drama queen's room when she heard what seemed like a sentence to prison.

"Okay, Chtistiana will take great care of you, since both of you will be at home together...Christy, make a lovely breakfast for Kay, Lunch should be on point too and I want no complaints okay?"

"Mom!" She turned in anger. "What's all these?" Her arms spread out in protest.

"Take good care of her, you're the big sister, make sure she gets bed rest and good food, its a mild irritation okay?" She said getting ready to leave the room by grabbing her bag and marching towards the metal double door.

Nadira Najib (COMPLETED) ✅Where stories live. Discover now