Chapter 25

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"Nadira! Who is Mustapha Tijani?" Katie asked again.

"Relax, for me to mention his name, it means I'll definitely tell you about him, i don't know why I'm spilling, but its high time someone knew."

Katie switched to 'quiet mode' so she could get the full gist.

Nadira swirled then placed her palms across her chest.

"I met him when I was strolling down to the library on one sunny afternoon near the Moremi car park, it was my second semester in year three, he bumped into me and immediately apologized..."

Her cheek bones rose. "I looked up to see a tall dashing fine young man with a spotless white shirt, he looked radiant as the rays of sunlight beamed his oval shaped face, lightening up his already light brown skin, he smirked when he saw how long I stared, I was so caught off guard, my eyes moved to his wrist out of shyness, I spotted two royal beads on his right wrist and suddenly it dawned on me..."

She collapsed on Katie's bed and embraced the pillow. "I immediately knew he is of the royal family but only nodded to walk away, but then--"

Nadira covered her face with the pillow and let out a girly giggle. "I heard the most amazing husky voice ever! He said calmly that he would like to know my name."

"The typical me would have walked away but I told him anyway, he smiled and told me his also, I remember asking him if he is a Prince and he nodded modestly."

"Woah!" Katie seemed so interested, it was as if she was watching a movie and couldn't believe it.

"Mustapha accompanied me to the library and since that day, we were friends. When he left the university, I was so sad, but we still kept in touch, I guess now he is so busy working for his father's kingdom that he hardly has time to see me."

"When last did you see him?"

Nadira moved her gaze to the floor. "Two months ago."

"Two months what? And you call that hardly? You're so secretive!"
Katie stormed out of her seating position. "I can't believe you didn't tell me this! I am sure Umaiza is aware, after all she's your best friend."

Nadira let out a forced fake laughter of confusion filled with air. "I only told her a little about him, she has no idea I am very much into him."

"Wow! Why? Even your best friend!" Katie threw a pillow to her.

She caught the pillow and put it down gently.
"I know, I'll tell her, its just that I get very shy over things like this that I prefer to keep it to myself."

Katie placed her hands on her hips. "I'm honoured you told me first anyway." Then she winked. "What kingdom exactly does his father rule?".

Nadira started ranting about Mustapha when her phone rang.

She saw the caller and almost fainted.
It is Prince Mustapha! She turned the phone to Katie whose countenance grew excited.

"Put it on speaker please!" She squealed.

Nadira did that as she answered the call. His voice sent shivers down her spine and even Katie's.

"Nadira, May peace be upon you, how're you?" He began.

"May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon you too, I am good, you?"

Katie sniggered at Nadira's shaky voice.

After the two asked about each other's welfare, Mustapha cleared his throat.

"I have to tell you something..."

"Go ahead." She smiled.

"We have been friends for a while and I have told my family about you."

When he said this, Nadira swallowed hard.
Katie almost screamed out but controlled herself.

"Nadira, you know me to be a straightforward person, I really like you and I am very much interested in you, and as a prince, my father has been pestering me to bring home a wife. . . I can think of none but you. . .Nadira, I hate to do this on phone, I'll ask properly if you give me the go ahead, I just need to know... Are you interested in being my wife, princess and future Queen?"

Nadira gasped for air, this happened too fast, no time to think,nothing.
She wanted to tell him to give her time to pray about it, to seek Allah's consent, to speak to her Lord and perform Istiakhra but her desires flushed her thoughts, took over her, before she knew it, she replied.

"Yes, I want to be yours Mustapha."

Even Katie grimaced, the typical Nadira wouldn't rush things like that, this man really has an effect on her, a strong effect.

"Alhamdulillah my love, the royals are on their way to make it official, my family and I will be at your home soon, to ask properly for your hand, you won't regret your decision, I promise you my love."

Nadira prayed she wouldn't.

"Worry not fair maiden, I still know your home address, it's fresh in my memory, every word you uttered to me, will utter to me, is always, will always be in my heart, expect us soon, we have to pick a date."

"Okay dear, let me go prepare."

When the call was over, Nadira bit her lower lip. "Katie, let's go tell our parents, the Tijani family is on their way."

"Nadira, everything is still surreal to me! I can't believe you said yes!"

"The deed has been done, so are you going to come with me to tell our parents or what?"

Katie sighed. "Let's go."

Nadira must be in love!
She just said yes to the Prince
How about Umar?
Is she making a good decision?
This happened too fast.
What do you think?
Comments are highly welcomed.

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