Chapter 30

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Silence followed...

Silence persisted...

"I hope Allah makes it easy for you two! But I will not be in support of this! Never!"

Umaiza screamed, in her voice was hurt, she couldn't believe her ears and all she knew at the moment is that her best friend didn't make a wise decision.

"I always knew you were jealous of me..." Nadira retorted under her breath. "I always knew it, why cant you be happy for me?" She yelled. "Why? Is it because I'm getting married before you? Because I don't understand why my best friend will not support my marriage wishes."

Umaiza laughed sinisterly. "I seek refuge in Allah from jealousy, Allah knows I only want the best for you, but if you will blindly choose a man all because of what your eyes can see at the moment, that's stupid, you're making a dumb, grave mistake, I wish you back your senses, you're not the Nadira I know..." She paused.

"The Nadira Najib I know doesn't make hasty decisions, she speaks to her Lord, and you know...I thought perhaps, just perhaps, as a best friend, you would have asked for my consent, but I guess I mean nothing to you, Salam alaykum."

She cut the call.

With heavy eyes, she faced Umar who understood everything from the conversation.

"Umar, forget Nadira, she's getting married to Mustapha in a three months, Accept it as fate, please excuse me."

Umaiza stood from the couch, dashed to her room and shut the door loudly.

Umar swallowed hard. He knows how his sister can get when something she wants doesn't happen, he even felt more sorry for her than himself, from the conversation, he sensed loss. He knew he had lost the woman he craved for with all his heart, and soul.
Her hasty decision scared him, it made him tremble, the new feeling that grew alongside the pain he felt, wasn't jealousy, it was more like fear, but not any type of fear...the kind of fear in which you know that something evil will happen to someone you love. Was he being normal? She's going to get married, right? That's a good thing, it's the sunnah.

Umar sat affixed, his thoughts flushed him, overwhelmed his mind. He quietly smiled as memories of Nadira's naive self engulfed him. The way she ran to the masjid, many years ago, and fell. How she looked when she was curious about knowledge...then he found himself laughing out loud, he laughed so hard, tears rolled down his cheeks, slowly...steadily....then rapidly, he sniffed continuously, then stopped. He just stopped, not to complain, but make dua.

"Oh Allah," he stretched his palms to the ceiling, something about looking upwards and stretching the hands attracted a spiritual connection to him, not because of the action, but because of his heart.
He could somehow feel Allah's presence, he knows only Allah can aid him now, because he is more broken than the whole world right now.

"Allah, I think I have lost her...give me the strength to move on and endure all of this pain, but in case, just in case,  she is really mine, let her come back to me..." He fell on his kneels.

"You're all powerful and I have no idea if it'll be possible but Allah bring her back please, if she's mine...I love her, I love her that it hurts, I feel..." He bowed, then ended up in uncontrollable tears till he slept off in that bowing position.


Nadira threw her phone on the floor, walked aimlessly round the dining table. Her breathing changed, it was restless and unstable, obvious that rage owned her lungs now.
Her hands ran angrily through her hair, then face, and over her shoulders, she hurriedly flipped her now scattered hair.

Teeth gritting, lips trembling, she shot Katie a desperate look, her mouth moved sharply. "I did the right thing, right?"

Before Katie could answer, another question followed. "I am not daft right?"

She moved closer to Katie as she grabbed a chair them dragged it forward. "Umaiza doesn't get it right? She's only jealous, yes! It is pure jealousy! ... And all some sort of misunderstanding."

Katie was in despair as her sister was running mad in her eyes.

"Answer me!" She smashed her fists in the glass table.

"Nadira, relax or you'll run crazy... You already are acting crazy...the deed has been done, you'll marry the prince in three months, If Allah wills."

Nadira took in a deep breath, puzzled, she slouched on the chair. "I will marry a prince...In Sha Allah...but why am I afraid, things have been going well...I have a new job,and soon, a husband. Why is Umaiza not happy with me? Or for me? I...I am not irrational right?"

Katie sighed. Nadira was crying now.

"Look sis, do the needful, go and pray about the whole thing please."


"Yes, your Istiakhara, you told me you perform it when a decision is hard for you to make, and you need Allah to help you with it."

"Katie, I have already made my decision, there's no turning back, I love Mustapha and I will marry him, I know Allah is in support and is pleased."

Katie rolled her eyes. "I suggest you still pray, prayer is never too much."

Nadira flared. "Oh My God, Enough okay? What can go wrong?'re just a little girl, hmmph you know nothing about marriage, nothing."

She stormed up and began walking towards the corridor.

"Perhaps now i see what Umaiza sees."

"What. What Is that?" She halted and faced her. In her response was curiosity, the truth wanted to erupt and part of her wanted it to.

"You are a shadow of yourself, Nadira, you need to calm down and pray about this, else you'll regret it."

Nadira sighed, hissed then twirled while spreading her arms. "Allah is with me, take it or leave it, you all will see, I and Prince Mustapha will be very happy."

Katie watched as she walked out on her, said a little prayer for her now confused sister as it is evident she is growing lost by the second, due to her rash decision. Her eyes later fell on her phone screen, thanks to the harsh vibration. She got an email. Not from anyone at all, but from her long lost friend...


I finally did it. Alhamdulillah. Expect more next week In Sha Allah. Please don't be mad at me. Enjoy xo.

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