Chapter 19

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Nadira got up as early as 3:56am, it was like her mind, body and soul has been programmed to obey the usual routine of getting up early to perform Tahajjud(midnight prayer) & prepare for  FAJR(prayer at dawn).
Also, on her mind was school, she had to get there as early as possible since her first lecture starts by 10am, she didn't have any problems with Pedro, her step father's second driver, as he is very hardworking and wouldn't mind taking her to school as early as 5am if she wanted.

After her prayers in which she spent some more time supplicating and thanking Allah for making the weekend fruitful, she started getting ready for school, then realized she didn't call the roomies to check on them since Saturday.

"Oh! I'm so going to get it from Delilah." She exhaled noisily.

A glance at the wall clock and the time ticked eagerly, it was already 7:05am.
School is two hours away from her home, and to avoid traffic she has to leave in a fee minutes time.

"Mom! Sir! I'm off!" She announced knowing fully well they were awake but just somewhere in the corners of their room getting ready for whatever event or work if need be that they had to get ready for.

"Katie!" She dashed to her room to find her still sleeping, typical!

"Kay, I'm leaving!" She said anyway then hurried down the stairs to grab any available snack.

"Argh I'll eat proper food later at school."

It was a good thing Mr James already informed Mr. Pedro that she will be going from home to school for two straight weeks, he knows what's on ground.

"Mr Pedro, good morning, I'm ready please, let's leave now." Her shrill voice echoed as she tried to be polite but panic and command lingered somewhere in between.

The tall man in his thirties nodded then got into the car.
Just as she was about to pull open the passenger door, her mother's voice called from above, on raising her head, she spotted her mom yelling from the balcony.

"You couldn't even wait to see us eh?"

"Mother I am so sorry but I don't want to be late!" She replied.

Then her step father appeared. "Children grow so fast nowadays, let her be Lizzy."

"Bye Mother, Bye Sir." She waved in a rush then hoped into the car.

"Bye have a great day." Mr James waved.

"Come back early! You know how traffic gets in the evening!" Her mother ranted. "Besides I don't know why these girls of nowadays choose their options stupidly! Even if she wants to go from home can't it be like when its convenient! If she comes late, I'll so scold her, sometimes her attitude makes me wonder if she is just eighteen...growing so fast and almost ignoring her mother all the time."

Mrs Benson kept ranting in the balcony till she saw the backlights of the car no more as it already vanished from the estate.

"Calm your old age woman! You sound like a grandmother, I believe you have to get used to the fact that your girl is no longer a baby, besides she already informed us of her plan of going from home to school! Women though!"

"James so now you're taking her side? At least she would've waited to greet us properly this morning before disappearing like that..."

She went on and on but James fell silent, he had better be quiet at times like this, if not things may expand to levels he never thought of.


Nadira got to school on time, her driver dropped her in her faculty, the faculty of science, it was 9:40am, they encountered some traffic on the way but it was better that way, at least now all she has to do is wait for a few more minutes before the lecture began.

As she sat gently in the middle row of Lecture Theatre 004, waiting for the Microbiology 203 lecturer, she turned to her right only to see Tunde Coker laughing with a popular girl named Tara.

"Phew! At least he is off my case."

The weekend seemed so long that Nadira forgot her own life for a while, she quickly remembered Toyibah and her threats but was no longer afraid.

"Naddy! Been looking for you!" Tunde said then sat next to her on the vacant seat by her side.

"Oh really? You were looking for me by laughing happily with Tara? What a liar."

"Tara? Oh! I was only enjoying her company, she's all over me, its you I like."

"You can keep that to yourself Sir, its you I am not interested in."

"But you are jealous heyyy." He dragged then winked.

"Jealous? No, I was actually rejoicing inwardly that you have found another obsession to replace me, guess I was wrong, now I'm broken."

"Who do you have interest in then? Umar? Right?"

"Tunde please, don't start."

"Tell me and I promise to quit disturbing you."

"Tunde...I would have loved to lie so you can vanish out of my life but there's nothing between I and Umar! What's everyone's problem?"

"What a relief." Tunde rested his back on the chair.

"I have a surprise for you..." He grinned. "So after class, I'll like to see you."

"Forget it Mister, no more gift acceptance from you! The poor bracelet you gave me sometimes back, I don't even know what to do with it!"

"Chillax, please just see me."

"You wish."

"Hmm, feisty and fiery as always, my type."

Nadira felt uncomfortable the way Tunde stared at her like she is some kind of chicken barbecue, then the lecturer walked in and saved her from the strange feeling.
Even as Tunde is a cassanova, he's the type that doesn't speak in lectures so as to gain knowledge for he is also a bright student.

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