Chapter 8

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Nadira packed some clothes into her brown leather big bag, she also took her toothbrush and we other things she may need for the weekend, since home was calling.
Her mother, Mrs Elizabeth Benson phoned her the previous day, complained bitterly that she hardly comes home to visit, not only that, she also instructed her to come for the weekend and Monday is a public holiday which makes it even better so she can spend more time with her family.

"You're going home for the weekend and hols?" Gold Nelson asked as she chewed gum loudly, stretched her feet against the wall while putting her head on a pillow lying opposite her long legs.

"Yes Gold, I'm going home."

Gold jumped down from Delilah's bed, climbed the bunk  to tap Titilayo who was still sleeping.

"Tee, Nadira is going home for the weekend."

Titilayo rubbed her eyes somnolently with both palms, yawned then groaned.
"Is that why you woke me up?"

"Not really, just wanted to wake you." She made a big bubble and made it bust noisily. "You sleep a lot, not cool."

"You irritate me." Titilayo jumped down from the bunk, immediately her eyes enlarged on seeing Delilah's bed, on it was a bag, some books, Gold's phone, tangled earpiece, a carton of juice, underwear, half eaten cookies, crums of toast bread, a used disposable cup that had juice coming out of it because it was lying there carelessly.

"Gold! Look! You've messed up Delilah's bed, again! Why don't you do your rubbish on your bed! My bunkmate is fed up of your slobbish attitude and nasty behaviour, you've got no etiquettes at all!"
Her gesticulations showed that she was filled with rage.

Nadira quickly plugged in her earpiece into her phone, blocked her ears, even if she wasn't listening to anything, this gives people the impression that she's not able to hear them, it always works.
She knew the two girls were about to start a petty fight because there is no way Gold can take all that and keep it in and not contributing to their drama will help her out of their mess by not interfering at all.

Gold took her bag and books then walked a few steps away from Delilah's bed, climbed her own bunk, the one she shares with Nadira, then laid flat.

"Sorry caretaker." She winked to Titilayo.

"Slob, won't you come clean up the mess, Delilah would soon be back from the saloon and I don't want any problems at all in this room! She left three hours ago, look at the time, its 11:58pm! There's thrash on her bed, even stains on the bed spread! Its disgusting!"

Gold retorted with so much annoyance.  "Are you sane? Why the fuss? Is it your damn bed? Even Delilah doesn't complain this way! Are you smoking weed or something?"

"That's your problem, you're a pig! I don't care if you're 23years and I, 19, you're not wife material, a pig! Is what you are! Ooooh, is it because your parents are famous in Ghana? Bitch, please."

Nadira heard all what they were saying but ignored them.
"Bye girls." She moved to the door, bag in one hand.

Gold rushed to her then dragged her by her hand. "You think you're leaving? I don't think so, we all know you're aware of what's going on, now sit and relax, I need a witness here, I'm going to kill this rat."

Nadira sighed, her plan was perfect, what went wrong? She put her bag down, sank into the nearest chair.
"Girls, please act mature and get over this...I have to get going."

"Nope." Gold dashed to Titilayo and pulled her hair, you'd think Newton's law of gravity is a faux, as Titilayo's hair was up in the air, one would think her brains will come off.

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