Chapter 36

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Mustapha's parents raised their glasses of juice, grinning ear to ear, they clinked the cups, with satisfaction, downed the chilled apple juice in merriment.

"Without me?" Sekinah danced her way to their presence. King Tijani was seated on his throne. His wife, seated on his legs. They were in a joyous mood.

"I want the whole carton!" Sekinah gulped the juice from the carton. One, two, she had three gulps then kicked it away. "Some royal baby making is going on, on the last floor"

"I am proud of my son, cheers iyawo mi." Referring to his wife in Yoruba language, he laughed in a boisterous manner. "Obafemi, my son. What a smart boy."

"Mustapha Obafemi Alao Tijani! I'm happy he went ahead to conclude the family ritual, he was a bit skeptical before he mentioned that nearly white Nadira lady to us months ago, I'm glad it's working out well." She crossed her legs, still sitting on her husband's.

"It'd have been easier for my brother if Nadira understood our tradition, but no." Sekinah shrugged. "Religion, religion,religion!"

"Ehnn, that girl, if not that Obafemi, my son, my Mustapha has interest in her,there are many girls that want this golden opportunity!"

"Iyawo mi, don't mind her, I'm sure after she takes in,  she will relax a bit with it, it's not so bad after all.  She will later understand."

"Dad. Of course she will, it's royalty we are talking about here."

Just then, Ashabi walked in, almost tiptoeing into their midst. Sekinah rose angrily from her sitting position and striked the maid's face with her right hand. She complained that the food was late, after Ashabi informed her of its readiness.

"I'm sorry my lady." Ashabi managed to say. "It isn't my fault, I'm sorry."

Tears dripped from the young girl's eyes. Wetting her white chiffon shirt. The Queen only supported her spoilt daughter.

"Ashabi, don't annoy my daughter again tonight,  you lazy insignificant thing."

"Don't spoil my mood you wretch, just go serve the food, place it in my room, there I'll eat."

"Okay ma, I'm sorry ma." She quickly wiped her tears with her hands. "My lady, how about Lady Nadira's food?" She asked innocently.

Sekinah laughed wickedly, facing her parents. "Dad, mom, maybe she'll be so weak after the job's done, I envisaged it all, so I asked them to prepare her meal."

"Well done my darling. " King Tijani smirked.

"You! You're still standing there, are you a scarecrow? Or statue? Do you crave another slap? Go serve my food now fool."

Ashabi fidgeted, walked forward then back, finally turning to her left, after she walked to the right, she left for the kitchen.

"So dense a girl!" Sekinah sighed.

"Don't get angry my baby girl. That's how they're,  let's manage them for now."

"Okay mommy."

The three discussed the need for the ritual and how excited they were to expect good fortune and consistent blessings by obeying the tradition of their forefathers. Sekinah reminded her parents that she was also going to get married soon and would be pregnant for her husband to be easily, as he understands the tradition and has agreed to the dedication of their first child to one of those deities. Ashabi eavesdropped, she couldn't help but try to digest all what she heard. She knows they aren't good people. Had she known this before, she wouldn't have applied for the position of a maid in their kingdom.

Ashabi realized from their discuss, that Nadira is going to be taken advantage of, or is being taken advantage of that moment. She hastened to inform the cooks that they should serve Sekinah's food, take it to her room. Her excuse of not being able to take the food to the princess was that she wanted to ease herself in the toilet.

Ashabi was frightened, in as much as she wanted to mind her business, her heart couldn't take the pain. An innocent lady is being raped on the last floor in that same palace, her mind was not at rest. She walked all the way to the palace gate and informed Kasali, her friend, who is a security guard, of the situation bothering her. The lanky guard nodded at her every word. He had a game plan. Luckily for Ashabi, that was the exact thing on her mind but Kasali structured it properly. He told about two security guards the plan at hand. One guard was reluctant for a while but later agreed to the plan. Ashabi thanked him for his help, looked around, to see if anyone was watching, then took the stairs to the last floor, accompanied by Kasali.


Nadira's clothes resembled rags. She never knew Mustapha could be an animal, but so could she. The wrestle was bitter for her, giving up was not an option, so she battled still. Panting seriously now, she watched him closely as he massaged his arm, the exact spot where her teeth did some signature on. His eyes reddened with rage, he had been trying to deal with her but she had this strength from nowhere all gathered and prevented him from going further with his intended action.
Red. Thick red blood escaped from his forehead also, due to the intense hit from a plastic chair by Nadira's sharp throw.
Nadira looked worse, her scarf was in ruins and covered nothing but half of her neck now, as in the struggle, it was shattered, leaving her golden brown hair to drop. She regretted that but couldn't do a thing about it. It was preferable to losing her dignity. The pain in her belly still persisted, his fists dug in her right side severally but so did her nails, on his face.

Panting still, she was trying to stand properly but her legs failed her, she fell to the ground, on the cold tiled floor, she coughed out some blood. Her fragility and strength took turns. The weakness in her eyes switched to strength on seeing the wild dog approach her again.

"You're a witch!" He yelled in that deep voice, such masculinity. The type that scares.

She laughed. She did laugh. He felt the pain she wanted him to. Her plan to give him a tough time is working well and she would indeed rather die than to let him have his way.

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