Chapter 43

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Anita Okezie smiled at Joy, Umar, Umaiza, Katie, Elizabeth, Mr. Benson, Jamal and Nathaniel. They all were present to watch the television show, amongst the audience, they sat. Joy had gotten a reply from her an hour after she left Umar's office some days ago, after digesting what Joy texted, she replied, saying she would talk to the organizers of the show. After some hours, she sent Joy a convenient date for the interview.
Nadira, Kasali and Ashabi stood on stage, the camera men were setting the lights, Anita was also there, smiling at her friend, Joy and the others, who sat in the front rows. Anita's make up took a while, but Nadira was ever patient and ready for the day's interview. Kasali and Ashabi looked very good too, but were nervous to the core. Nadira kept muttering words of encouragement to the duo.

"It'll be like speaking about it the way you did to my family, just be calm."

They nodded.

"Okay, Anita, show starts in five minutes, are you ready?" Said the producer.

"Sure Mr. Henshaw." Smiled Anita.

Anita quickly ate some toast, gulped down her orange drink, then sipped some water. It was 9:59am now. The usual time for the show is 10am. Nadira, Kasali and Ashabi were shown their seats, so they settled there comfortably.

"Are you ready?" The producer called.

"Ready!" She quickly dabbed around her mouth corners, pursed her lips.

"Lights, Camera...and Action!"

"Good morning lovely people, you're welcome to 'The Real World' show again and again and I, Anita Okezie is your wonderful presenter as always."

There was a round of applause from the audience.

"We have lots of issues to talk about today, but our major one will be hot!" She winked. Facing the camera. "Are you ready people?"

"Ready!!!" Chorused the audience, the lights shone on them, as the camera was rotated to their section.

Anita listed some matters that will be discussed on the show before mentioning the big one.

"The Wura Kingdom has reigned for many years, several generations have come and gone, the reign of the Tijani family however has brought several questions to the lips of people in our state and even country as a whole. Rumours have it that they stick to a certain tradition that has been practised within their kingdom for years which forcefully assigns their children to some gods or so, I don't know about that, as I'm a Christian anyway but I'd like to find out the truth." She flashed a smile.

"Some days back, we had Princess Sekinah Tijani on our show, she lambasted a certain lady, Nadira Najib, accusing her of seducing her brother, Prince Mustapha Tijani, in a bid to get pregnant very quickly, meaning she has thirst for royalty and is an overly ambitious fortune hunter."

There were mumblings and mutterings from the audience.

"The princess also said Nadira Najib almost killed the prince when he refused. There's a lot of unanswered questions though! How will a woman already about to marry a prince want to get pregnant before the marriage? Why would she want to kill him before marrying him? I mean if she kills him, how would she get into royalty as the fortune hunter that she is. I wanted answers that the princess couldn't offer that day, she only kept saying her family was on the search for the potential murderer. Here, on our show, we don't take sides and we are not bias. The truth distinguishes itself. We have here with us Miss Nadira Najib, and two others, who would gladly introduce themselves to us, they're here to say their own side of the story."

Nadira Najib (COMPLETED) ✅Where stories live. Discover now