Chapter 27

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Nadira was stuck in her stance, her head was processing the big information.

How can they be here when I've not dressed up?
The Tijani family must not see me like this!
I have to get dressed into something worthy

"Katie! Please take care of everything! I have to get dressed!"  She yelled then raced herself to her room, leaving her parents all by themselves with Katie, 
When she got to her room, she attacked her closet and started yanking clothes out of it like crazy, to find the perfect dress, then giving in to curiousity, she peeped outside her window and saw four breathtaking Jeeps parked in her compound.

The cars are of the latest models and are decorated in a royal style with ribbons of gold, red and silver dancing at the door sides and beneath the car screens, and the plate numbers of each Jeep are customized.

This is so amazing!

She watched as a lady stepped out of the first Jeep with a male bodyguard, this Jeep is white in colour, her scarf was crowned with a bead made tiara and her neck beads are purple and gold, resting on her white lace scarf that signified she is a Muslim woman, her long, floor sweeping dress is of silk, shimmering silver silk and her henna had stones of purple and pink making them look more dashing.

Nadira squinted to see more of the royal family and something told her that the young lady she just examined might just be related to Mustapha, she is right as that is Sekinah.

"Don't you just stare blindly, here, hold my bag!" The same lady snapped at a lady of similar age, only she dressed simpler in a plain red blouse, red scarf and gold skirt, something told Nadira that the lady is a servant.

"I'm sorry my princess." The young lady said as she held the bag so firmly like her life depended on it.

"Better." She scowled.

What a temper she has
I meanit's just a bag
Woah, her dress is beautiful though,
But what arrogance!
I hope she's not always so cold

Nadira's thoughts were interrupted when she set her gaze on Mustapha who came out slowly after his bodyguard, from the next Jeep that is red in colour.

"Sekinah, behave yourself and try to be quiet, today is about me, not you, okay?"

That voice,
That face,
That stance,
Those eyes,
That beautiful charisma
Oh Mustapha

Nadira stared lost at him, he wore a native outfit made of blue lace material, simple but distinct, his cap is red and the beads were matching, his shoes are of high taste but looked simple and stunning as they're brown and black.

"Kaleemah always behaves sluggish, she deserves some scolding, if I don't scold her, who will, I mean she's my personal assistant and favourite girl helper but..." Sekinah ranted on and on.

The King and Queen stepped out at the same time from the black Jeep, two servants, one for the king and one for the Queen, dressed in red and gold and two bodyguards, dressed in all black hopped helter-skelter trying to show their utmost devotion to both royals.

The last Jeep was customized in the police force colours and about four policemen came out of it.

Like seriously?
It's just my home you're coming to honey

Nadira giggled at the sight of so many people, she did a quick count and realized that there was Sekinah and Mustapha,  the King and Queen, Four policemen, Four bodyguards and three servants, in her home compound right now. A total of fifteen people.

At least Mustapha didn't bring along a servant haha

She was really enjoying the conversation in her mind when Katie pulled her from behind.

"You're not even dressed yet and your closet looks raided! What do you want? To delay your future husband and his family? Get ready sister or I'll do that for you!"

"So bossy eh?" Nadira chuckled. She looked at the wall clock, it is already 6pm, she decided to make sure she didn't delay the royals, as she moved to her closet, she heard her phone ring, on picking it up from the top of the drawer, she saw that the caller is Umaiza.

"Give me that sis, not now, you have to get ready." Katie snatched her sister's phone then tossed it into one of the drawers and placed her hands on her hips. "Hurry!"

"You're right,  I can tell Umaiza everything later, it's just that I feel so guilty she doesn't know a thing!"

"The deed has been done okay? Now let's get you something beautiful to wear." Katie  moved towards Nadira's closet and searched carefully for a perfect outfit in the 'special gown section'.

After some minutes, they both agreed on a beautiful dress that Katie selected.
It is royal blue in colour and has white details on the tips of the bottom of the dress, the material is shiny and very eye-catching, her accessories were silver, which consisted of a beautiful bracelet, two pairs of knuckle rings, and a simple purse with gold stones.
Nadira finally slipped her feet into her favourite silver shoes, then was about to leave the room when Katie called her attention to the fact that her hair wasn't covered!

"You better put on this huge scarf...let me wrap it for you..." Katie almost laughed to death when she saw the expression on Nadira's face after wrapping the scarf.

"It's breathtakingly're good." She said, staring into the mirror, as she used her palms to feel the texture of the silver scarf, she bought it randomly one time when she went shopping and didn't know it would look this beautiful on her, in fact she almost forgot she had it until fashion queen Katie dug it out from her scarf section.

"Nadira,  you're my sister and all, but Woah,  you look like a queen yourself. "

"Thank you Katie...let's go downstairs now please." Her cheeks were flushed with happiness, and she couldn't wait to say yes again to her prince charming.

As she stepped further and closer towards the main living room, with Katie taking the lead and looking pretty with her simple flowing pink dress that she hurridely changed into, feelings of confusion rushed over her.

Ya Allah
All this is happening too fast and my feelings are taking the better part of me
My desires are claiming my heart and soul
Please don't let me regret this Lord
Please Lord...

Nadira Najib (COMPLETED) ✅Where stories live. Discover now