Chapter 22

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Umar's apartment was booming with the laughter and euphoria that filled the atmosphere, his sister, Nadira, her half sister, Katie were having a great time with he and some of his friends, about three of them.

It was a day of reflection on great achievements from all those present in the beautiful sitting room, also avmoment of walking down memory lane and reminiscing on those good old days.

Umar at 25, is now the CEO of UJAN Automobiles, a company he found with the help of his two friends, Jamal Ore, and Nathaniel Ijaiya. The three are great partners of the company but Umar is their driving force.

Umaiza, now 23years old, works in one of her father's industrial companies as the managing director of the department of engineering and mechanics.

Nadira, recently got a job at Diamonds medicare and diagnostic centre, as the laboratory microbiologist, it is one of the renowned Health care centres in Africa and the world.
Just a week before, she turned 22years old.

Katie Benson, now 20years old is done with her final year at the University and is getting ready for her Masters degree in Public Administration after her one year of service to the nation.

The lady with Jamal and Nathaniel is Joy Reynolds, an American Lady who works alongside Jamal in the managing section of UJAN Automobiles, the three friends met Joy at a function in the United States of America during their masters programme in engineering.

"I am so grateful to Allah that UJAN automobiles is one today, and it seems like it is ten years, we are very successful." Umar smiled from the bottom of his heart.

"It has not been easy man!" Nathaniel gave him a one sided bro hug then pat him on the back in manly way.

"I'm so proud of you all." Joy poured herself another cup of apple juice. "When i met you three, I knew I found gold." She added after she downed the drink.

"Thanks Joy, you also brought Joyful ideas to the company's development!" Jamal grinned.

This made them all laugh again.

"Congratulations Nadira on your new job." Umar faced her, making her face light up in appreciation for the recognition.

"Congratulations!" All others beamed as they uttered.

"Awwwh thank you all, I'm delighted." She replied in total shyness.

"And my baby sister,well done as you boss those guys around in dad's company okay?"

Umaiza stood akimbo. "Why not? You know me!"

They all laughed again.

"So, Katie right?" Jamal asked, he had been stealing glances at the gorgeous lady and finally found an opportunity to talk to her, she was just quiet and shared only laughter with them all.

"Yes." She nodded.

"Well, what's up with you, do you work with your sister?"

"No, I am about to start my masters degree in public administration soon after my one year service." Her eyes avoided Jamal's handsome face.

The perky and bold Jamal sniggered. "Is my face that hideous Katie? That you can't stand it?"

Katie held her mouth to hold the laughter, he caught her.

"Jamal! If you want her just go straight to the point and stop your round about driving moves." Nathaniel nudged him.

Nathaniel is the carefree one, he utters whatever he deems fit, and anything he thinks of is deemed fit to him.

Joy chuckled at Nathaniel's words. "Give Jamal some space dude."

Katie just pretended that the cup of juice in her right hand has the most interesting colour of drink in it, so she stared into it the whole time and her cheek bones were raised so high thanks to her uncontrollable smiles.

"My sister here is the sweet shy type guys, don't over do it." Nadira teased.

Then the living room got more lively as Katie was made to share her experiences at school and aspirations in life then Nadira and Umaiza spoke about their university days, the good and the bad times.
Jamal and Nathaniel spoke on how they met Umar in Masters class at the United States and how Joy came into their lives as she is one of the fastest thinkers they know.

After some time, Umaiza followed Umar to his room after he used sign language to draw her attention.

"Sis, we have to talk." He whispered.

"Yeah,no one can hear us from here, so quit whispering, what's the plan?"

"Nadira! Its been a while I saw her! And now more than ever, she looks more beautiful, I can't get my eyes or mind off her,I can't hold myself."
He paced his room and gesticulated frustratingly.

"Her voice echoes in my head,her aura drives me crazy,I want her to be mine but-"

Umaiza bounced on the bed with her fall as she let herself lay care freely. "But what Umar? You have money and all now,so what are you waiting for? Wed the girl already before some other guy takes her."

Umar looked at his sister with sadness in his eyes. "I am confused,does she see me the same way?"

Umaiza sat upright. "Yeah I am also confused on her love reactions, it's like she doesn't really care,she has never mentioned a man interest all our years of friendship! The girl is indifferent..."

When Umaiza saw the look on Umar's face, she stood from the bed then placed her hands on his shoulders.

"Umar,what if she has been keeping quiet because of all that happened in the university and can't say a thing about it due to fear."

Umar nodded. "I hope so."

"My advice is you pray about it then prepare to face her, before it's too late you know."

Umar grinned then embraced Umaiza. "Thank you dear, I am so calm now."

Just then Nadira's voice echoed into the room all the way from the living room.

"Umar and Umaiza! You two had better come back here!"

Umaiza laughed as she saw the glow in Umar's eyes.

"Her shrill sing song voice is beautiful and I feel excited when she calls my name..."

'You're in love brother,better cure your madness by marrying this woman." Umaiza said then added. "Let's go join the others."

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