Chapter 12

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"Umaiza! You're where? Are you for real? Okay, okay, I'm on my way."

She took to her heels as she fled from the sitting room to the main door leading to the lobby.
On unlocking the door, her eyes collided with that of her soul sister. They exchanged the islamic greetings then Nadira sank into her arms.

"Easy Nadira hahaha." Umaiza chuckled.

"I'm very glad you made it! Its an hour to the time and I'm so feeling strong right now, all the ideas that Umar gave us on whatsapp are splendid! I already searched for those Quran verses and read them! And the-"

Umaiza pursed her lips then took a glance at her invisible wrist watch. "Wow, look at the time, I'm sure I would love a seat and that can only happen if I'm allowed inside the house."

"Oh! I'm so sorry, just so excited, come in please."

Nadira led Umaiza into the sitting room, the lobby alone is breath taking not to talk of the amazing looking sitting room and its spectacular decor.

"Woah! Subhanallah! Your house is huge! Not only huge but breath taking! I thought it was fantastic outside but the inside is spectacular!"

"Calm down Umaiza," she smiled. "Mr James Benson is wealthy yes."

"Sit here darling."

After Umaiza sat, Nadira got up and went into the kitchen to get her some food.

"Here." She dropped the tray of jollof rice, plantain dices and chicken drumstick with fruit juice on a glass stool next to the white couch that Umaiza occupied.

"All for me? Thank you sweetie, eat with me?"

"Oh please, spare me the good girl act, its my home, I can eat whenever I deem it fit, besides I already ate, so yes its all for you, all!" She mimicked Umaiza's voice at the end of her statement.

"Yum Yum!" Hands on her veil, she flipped it over, exposing her thick black natural african hair, that was braided into four parts, the four long braids reached her mid-back.


"Jealous!" She spat back jokingly at Nadira.

After eating her food, she and Nadira finally had time to talk and strategize.
Umar also wished them the best after giving more advice, then he told them to pray about it as only Allah can change hearts miraculously.

Katie had been spying on the two ever since she heard the footsteps of Umaiza, but she wouldn't even let anyone know she was aware of their presence.

"Its five minutes past one now, let's go perform dhuhr." Nadira reminded Umaiza.

"Sure, let's."


"Katie! Its thirty minutes past one, and your Eva friend is nowhere to be found!" Nadira yelled facing herself to Katie's room since she had been hiding there all along.

"I know you're in there! And our parents will be back soon so what's the delay for?"

Katie walked out of her room grinning, as she climbed down the stairs, you'd think she was counting each step she took.

"Oh hi punctual friend of my half sister who has been here long ago." Then she faced Nadira.

"No need to over react sis, Eva is here now." She moved to the main door but neither Nadira nor Umaiza followed her, they just walked to the living room to wait for the queen of lateness.

Nadira Najib (COMPLETED) ✅Where stories live. Discover now