Chapter 34

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Nnenna is about to lose her job" not only due to her rude behaviour to Umaiza, which is the icing on the cake. Umar has endured a lot from her, her failed seduction roles have provoked him, he was searching for the perfect time to fire her and she did it justice.

"Sir, please, you can't fire me!" She protested.

"Did you employ me? Or was it i who employed you, Miss?"
Umar smiled, as he shook his head, wondering how she still had the nerve to question his order.

"Umar." Nnenna called softly. Trying one of her acts again. "Forgive me please." She faked a sober face. "I only am hurt like you..."
She sniffed and dug her hands in her hair, acting all crazy, like she only just escaped from a psychiatric hospital.  "I need love, I need someone. You're lonely, I'm lonely too. Please, help me, I'll help you too."

Nnenna sat on his desk now. Umar was tempted for a second. He was hurt, yes. Nadira, the one who has his heart, is holding another man's too. He stared at Nnenna for a second,  it seemed like an hour long for the devil already hinted him on what to do. Umar closed his eyes and asked Allah for forgiveness.

"Nnenna." He began. "I'm hurt, and anything I do now will  be because I'm vulnerable--" Umar sighed, looked at Nnenna, who was grinning  and moving her shoulders in merriment.
"--- but I won't do it, No. I won't bring myself so low, that I need a companion doesn't mean I have to go dirty."

"Umar." She moved closer to him by shifting on the desk.

"Get out of my office woman." He got up, pointed at the door. "You're fired!"

Nnenna got down from the desk in anger. "Whatever! There are better men than you!" She hissed dramatically, stormed out of his office, then slammed the metal door behind her.

Umar thanked his Lord for saving him from temptation yet again. He has to forget about Nadira Najib and try to move on with his life. For she is definitely now Prince Mustapha's wife to be. Three months, and the reality of her marriage will dawn on him.



Nadira and Umaiza still haven't gotten things together. Umar did speak to his sister as he promised, but it hasn't been the same. Whenever they spoke on phone, the talk was pointless, it was forced and rough, their touch was lost, both parties have thrown their vibe into the sea. Katie suggested that Nadira goes to visit Umaiza, perhaps seeing her in person will solve the problem.
Nadira didn't take her sister's advice, feelings of guilt consumed her but then, her heart felt good about the marriage most times, other times it felt wrong. So she decided to shut all "negativities" as she tagged them, out.
Her visits to the palace have been amazing. Sekinah always did her best, by coming to pick her up, and exploring the Palace with her. She explained the duties of a Queen-to-be to her. Sekinah and Nadira got along, so she confided in her about her challenges after accepting Prince Mustapha's proposal.

"My best friend, Umaiza, ever since she heard about my sudden upcoming wedding, she has been acting very distant." Nadira told Sekinah as they strolled in the palace corridors on the third floor.

"Does she have a husband or fiance?"

"No." Nadira shrugged. "None that I know of." She stayed quiet for a while. "No." She shook her head. "Umaiza is still single."

"Well darling sister-in-law to be, I think it is jealousy, simple." Sekinah waved to a passing palace maid signalling she comes forward.

"No." Nadira shook her head. "Umaiza would never ever react that way if she were even jealous. She's very mature and would only support me, then we would pray her own time comes soon, that's all."

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