Chapter 10

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8pm at the Benson's Mansion

The cool night breeze wandered around playfully, charming the bright light skin of Nadira, her gold brown curly long hair blew in accordance with its directions, gracing her scalp as it felt so smooth to be favoured by the wind.

Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!
(Allah is the greatest! Allah is the greatest!)

The call to prayer rang in her ears announcing the arrival of Ishaa prayer, the last but not the least of the five daily obligatory prayers of muslims.

Her worries took form, she released her fears in a sigh.
"Perhaps after my prayer, I'll know what to do as all knowledge is for the King of the heavens and earth and all that's between."
Her feet carried her slowly but steadily away from her balcony till she entered the bathroom in her room, after performing ablution, she spread her mat and began her prayer.


"Hmmm, what deep focus!"
Said Katie as soon as Nadira ended.

"Been watching you for a few minutes, felt weird, anyway, our folks are back and they want to see you downstairs."

She slammed the door like the drama queen she is, a chameleon indeed.

Nadira rolled her eyes then slipped her feet into her socks, it was getting unbearably cold, the red scarf on her head was topped with a black one that covered her perfectly, her skin could almost not survive the sudden harsh weather.

"Christiana!" Echoed her mother on seeing her only biological daughter coming down the stairs, forcing a smile even if she was frozen.

"Christy, how're you dear?" Her step father grinned genuinely.

"Mom, Sir, I'm happy to see you both, welcome home."

"Good Lord baby, are you shivering?" Arms now around her daughter's back, as if that's enough to warm her up, Nadira's mother couldn't take the view.

"Christy! You're lean! What has that school done to you?"

"Lizzy, calm down, its alright, school drains these girls."

"Oh Dad! Let her please over react like she did with me when I got home few days ago also!"
Katie chuckled.

"Oh Nadira, you wouldn't believe what mom did! She made me a time table on the types of food to eat and when to, now I'm adding up and my skin is glowing!"
Then a peck landed on Elizabeth's cheeks, thanks to Katie. "You're awesome."

"Thank you darling!" Elizabeth smiled warmly.

"Christy, your mom is just worried about your well being, dear I have to admit it, you look so dull, anything the matter?"

"No Sir, I mean...yes! There's a problem."

This scared Katie, would Nadira really reveal her secret? She panicked.

"The problem is my school life! So I have decided to stay home for some weeks, what a great opportunity to fatten up and glow like my little sister."

A huge relief Katie had.

"How would you go to school, don't you still have lectures next week? You know home is two hours away from your school and that's why you're in the school hostel."

"Lizzy, you worry too much, I'll assign Pedro, the second driver to drop her off and pick her up at school for as long as she wants."

"Sir, two weeks is good."

Nadira Najib (COMPLETED) ✅Where stories live. Discover now