Chapter 32

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Eva:     I woke up stretching like a baby, I was glad I wasn't raped the strange men but then I looked up after sitting against the bed, my gaze met that of a very tall lady in a short dress, her hair was dyed red and so kinky and full, I hissed thinking the 'calm guy' does this everyday. 'Save girls, keep them as trophies'. So I quickly scanned my body, I was not touched but I was clothed in a big sweat shirt and pink baggy shorts, my feet were even cozy pink socks. I hugged my knees and took a look at the pretty lady in front of me, she left her standing position, sat next to me, introduced herself as KAWLAH, I feigned a smile and told her my name. She sensed something in me then said everything she felt I needed to know, like how she is 'calm guy's' sister, how she took care of me and put on those clothes for me. Then she told me that their parents were no more but left a lot of inheritance for them. I later learnt 'calm guy's' name is YUSUF.

I asked for my bag pack but she said she didn't see me with any when I was brought in. I concluded that I left it during the struggle.
After I had my bath, I was given a beautiful dress by Kawlah to put on. I packed my hair into a bun. We both got downstairs to get our stomachs filled. Yusuf already made breakfast. I stared at him as I ate that I spilled tea on myself. Kawlah made a joke about it. I learnt a lot about them in one day.

Katie: Wow, it's freaking funny what you went through but, why didn't you let us know you were okay.

Eva: After I told them what happened to me, Yusuf advised I speak to my parents to let them know why I ran away and explain that I want to be a better person. I called mom with his phone, I apologized sincerely but told her I wanted to learn about Islam and change and that's why I couldn't be a model anymore. She disowned me. She insulted me badly. It was on speaker, so Yusuf and Kawlah finally understood that I wasn't exaggerating about my parent's weirdness. After a week , my father called Yusuf, I guess my mom gave him the number, he called to say he has disowned me also.

Katie: you never called me. Or didn't you know my number by heart. And how about my mails? You never replied.

Eva: I was undergoing metamorphosis. I changed my email, I changed my school, Alhamdulillah, Yusuf sponsored my university education, I changed my lifestyle, I changed my name, it was starting all over again for me. I had to grow past my past, the jealousy I had for your own life, the hatred I had for the truth. I learnt so much about Islam from Kawlah, who is now twenty three years old, and Yusuf, who is twenty six. He is older than me with four years.
When I was found at age 18, he was only 22 and had achieved so much.
The night I was saved, he closed terribly late from work. He had to shoulder all the properties his parents left them and he is a prodigy. I've never met someone as genius as him.

KayKay, my Muslim name is Aisha now and I'm getting married to Yusuf in a few weeks.

Katie: Wow. This is a lot to take in. It is amazing how fate plays tricks on us. Aisha? Aisha Ogah. Wow.

Eva: Katie, I've missed you so much. I schooled in the University of Lagos and studied Accounting in the faculty of Business Administration. I'll help my Yusuf with the company. Kawlah is engaged also to a man named Tariq. I can't wait to see you.

Katie: I'm sorry you had to type all of this but I was curious and somewhat mad at your silence for years. I love and miss you too, I can't wait to see you too, Aisha.

Eva: Awwwwh.

Katie: Send me a photo!!! It's been a while I saw you.

Eva: Lol. Send me one of yours too.

*Photo attachment.*

Katie: Slay Muslim!

*Photo attachment.*

Katie saw that Eva looked beautiful even when covered. Her eyes were huge as usual but had life, her smile was gorgeous. Her skin, dark brown and flawless. Eva really underwent metamorphosis and Nadira must hear of this.

Katie and Eva shared a lot and Katie told Eva of Nadira's upcoming wedding to a Prince, she also explained how it had been hard and confusing for everyone, especially Umaiza. Katie sent Nadira's number to Eva, she promised to speak to her later.


"Nadira." Katie knocked on her door gently.

"Come in." She said drily.

"What's up sis, preparing for work tomorrow?"

"Nah,I've changed my mind, I won't work at Diamonds Medicare, I spoke to my prince some minutes ago and he says there's no need to work, I'm considering moving to the palace next week also, like to learn my royal duties before the wedding commences, just as his parents advised that day."

Katie smiled. "Are you collected now, did you pray?"

"Yes, I did, and I'm okay... I want to-"

She tapped her thigh repeatedly for courage. "I want to apologize for my nasty attitude earlier, forgive me baby."

Katie giggled, ran to her and have her a big hug. "It's fine, all you need is rest and prayers, lots of them, everything will fall in place In Sha Allah."

Nadira nudged Katie. "You said In Sha Allah?" Her eyes looked like the moon, lightened with curiousity.

"I guess that's what happens when you have a Muslim half sister and crazy revert best friend."

"Am I missing out on anything? Who is the anonymous revert?"

Nadira narrowed her peepers jokingly. "Hey! Spill!"

"Hahaha, Eva Ogah, who is now Aisha Ogah and is getting married to her hero, Yusuf, in a few weeks. Can you beat that?"

Nadira muttered 'Alhamdulillah' about ten times before she began saying it audibly then loudly, very loudly as she jumped. She held Katie and they both jumped till they fell flat on the bed.

"Tell me how it happened, everything!"

"Okay, okay, I will." Katie sighed.

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