date with fate

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"How could a dream lead to all of this" I ask myself as mother nature pins me and my brother to the ground using the element of earth. We watch as the man covered in dark blue energy forces his fist Into the ground causing the earth to shatter. "SHIT, WHERE ARE YOU BOLT!!!" I yell Inside my head.


Its just me, Bolt, and Titan. We all sit around the table eating our food. Bolt is our leader, he has the power to teleport and fly, oh I almost forgot he has lightning powers. Titan is like our funny guy of the group, he has the power to make clones, run at super speeds, make thunder, and create these spherical shaped black things we call black bombs. Bolt has a wierder personality but he is cool I guess. Titan has a personality alright, he talks too much, he tries to be funny but isnt, and he always slacks off for girls, but like it or not I grew up with him. Me, my name is Shift, I have the ability to turn into anything I want, and about my personality, I am...the quiet or shy one. Even though our personalities dont seem compatible we all look at one another like brothers. Anyway as we all sit unusually quiet, a not bad looking girl approaches us. "Look at the body she has." Titan says. "Not half bad." Bolt whispers. "She has ears and a tail." I say, thinking she is some human-rabbit experiment. I look at bolt as he clenches onto his sword not knowing what her plan is. The rabbit girl approaches us smiling. "I want to fight one of you." She says with a smirk on her face. "Oh yup that will be me!" Titan jumps up. He sets his sword on the table thinking he wont need it. They go out into a huge grassy field just in front of the resteraunt. Me and bolt follow them to enjoy the show. "This could be dangerous shift watch your back." He says low enough. "Yeah." I reply back without really caring. Soon were all in the huge grassy field. "Whats your name joy?" Titan says as he gets in his fighting pose. " Akikko." She replies back happily. "Dont expect me to go easy on you, Akikko." Titan says. "Oh trust me I wont be." She says getting into her fighting stance, pulling out her katana.


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