Unleashed Hells Pt.4

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Me and shift both charge at him waving our blades everyway possible. My blades now have electricity covering them, and Shifts has red solar energy around his. We both slash with anger, but just couldn't land a hit. He grabs us with giant sorcery hands that are just too strong to break he squeezes us litterally until blood spills from our mouths. Then all of a sudden I hear a big bang, then the giant hands around me and shift disappear. Its Akikko and Titan they made it. My body hurts bad, I look at shift as we both float in space.


"Are you guys alright!??" Akikko calls out to Bolt and Shift. "Yeah were fine." Shift replies coughing up blood. I read there energy and that explains why Bolt couldnt have just teleported or why Shift couldn't Shapeshift. I fly closer to them to see if they had used cuts. "You guys should've tried a team attack." Akikko says. Me and Shift didnt use cuts yet, I say seeing Zuriki recover from the black bomb. "Well the whole gang is here now no more holding back. Zurili says smiling as he creates total clones of Bolt and Shift. "You son of a bitch!" I yell out of control. I then cut my hand, allowing me to transform. "Come on Akikko we can beat him. I say over confidentiality.


I feel so...weak, so...helpless. I would use cuts but im too low on energy. I look at a beat up Bolt and all of a sudden I get an idea we use our energy restoring abilities we learned. Now let me explain how this works, you basically go into your own mind and you have to talk to your guardian and conplete tasks they tell you to do, in your unconscious world. Do you have to basically complete a test in your head, and if you pass those tests you build up energy. The catch is that these are two different time zones, and time is faster in your conscious. In real life it takes long as fuck. Me and and Bolt both do it. "See you on the other side" I say to Bolt,then we sleep


I notice that Bolt and Shift decided to enter their unconscious states to build up energy. I look around as I see planets destroyed from this battle. I pray to him that we can win...


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