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We soon arrive to one of the hugest prisons on earth. I am very nervous, after all of the days I had skipped, only to see him now. We stand at the prison entrance, the others waiting for my lead. "Listen, I don't think I can do this." I say lowly, not really wanting to step into the prison. "Its fine." Sharuzu tells me. "He's right there is no reason for you to worry at all, because we got your back." Kensu says smiling. "Okay, then lets go in." I say gaining my confidence and walking into the prison entrance.

"She's really cute Shift." Kensi whispers in my ear, as we walk to the police chief. "I know she is." I whisper back at Kensu. Sharuzu has been quiet for some time now, I think he had a good time last night. We walk up on the police chief, he was huge as hell. "Your like eight feet tall!" I yell lowly but energetically. "Its not my fault im this huge, I was born from the land of giants. But anyways who are you have for?" He asks all of us with his booming voice. "Were here to see....Ashasuke minatuki." Sarei responds back to the eight foot man in a shaky voice. "WHAAAAT!, he actually has visitors!!!" The chief yells in a shaky voice. " must be a really close someone to him, that guy has no friends." The chief says. " his eldest sister." Sarei says looking down at the ground. "NO...fucking...way." he goes from being loud to a whisper. "Follow me." He says in a low but serious voice. We walk past many noticeable criminals, psychopaths, and molesters that are well known. They were all wearing black jumpsuits, representing there level of badness you could say. We then near a huge door at the end of all the cells we have passed. "Wow, thats a really big door." Sharuzu says as the chief opens it up with five different keys. We soon enough enter and as we look to our right there is a HUGE cell, but it is really dark. "Coming to check on me chief?" A voice sounds ending the sentence with a small laugh. "No you crazy ass motherfucker, you have visitors." The chief responds. "Oooh yay, visitors!" The voice calls out. We cant see him because he is in the dark part of the cell. "Ashasuke, its me, your sister." Sarei says loudly. "Show youself." Kensu says irritated. "Ok, if thats what you want." He says chuckling at the end. We see movement in the shadows then...


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