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I turn into a giant and I begin to walk back to the HQ. I try to look around to see if I can still see him but he is totally gone. I walk over the villages party zone, they dont run and scream in fear like most people in other villages would. Instead they cheer for me as I step over them in my giant form. I begin to turn small after I get over and out of the village. I soon get closer to home.


Using my purple spike energy ability, I turn me and lightning invisible as we fly through the night sky. I also saw the one that tried me turn huge and add step out of the village. I know who he is, but he doesn't know me. He is one of the Kuni guardians, just like my old friend, Bolt. I fly back to my rented hotel room in the village of gold. Surpisingly, they allow pets. "Lets see whats tv." I say to lightning as he lays himself down on the floor of the room. Later on I would grow tired and black out.


"So your saying he glows different energy colors." I say to shift, not believing him. "Yes!" He replies back shouting. "He had different energies, that did different things." Shift says. "Ok, so here is what we ate all gonna do, we are going to stay a night with Syndicate, then we investigate from there." I say yawning. "Oh, and he had a dragon like thing too." Shift says. In that exact moment I knew who it was..."Spike!" I say aloud. "Who?" Akikko said clueless. "Spike is an old friend of mine, and were going to catch him in action." I say In excitement, due to me and my old friend meeting in battle. Spike is a better fighter than me but he lacks brain power. "So were going to catch this guy tomorrow?" Titan asks. "Hell yeah." I say seriously, as we all head to our sleeping spots. It is kind of weird to see Titan and Akikko head into that room together. I mean im happy for him, but how could you have sex with your own teammate. You know what im just going to stay to myself, I say in my head as I get into bed.


I think about Titan as he crawls into bed next to me. "Titan, titan?" I say twice, but I realize he is a fast sleeper. Its kind of weird sleeping next to someone after so long. It feels...warm, and I don't like it. Im sorry but im going to have to put a stop to this . This relationship ends...tomorrow, I say to myself while yawning.


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