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" it really you?" I say with my eyes watering. "It is me Bolt." She replies back. After all these years, after all the pain, and she was never gone. "But how?" My eyes water as I ask the ultimate question. "You see brother, after my burial, I visited my conscious and I trained with her for days, weeks, months, and years. I would eventually become strong enough to defeat the beast and return to life. That day was today." She says. I cant believe it wait until mom and dad find out that Geniya is alive, they going to flip out crying. "Geniya you have to go see mom and dad." I tell her. "You see brother, I cant, before they allowed me to walk the earth they said there are certain things I cant do or I will return to the after life. One of those things is not meeting mom and fad again." Geniya says with a sad face. Damn. "Well I want to make you a promise sis, I will never let anything happen to you again." I say to her with rainfalls ready to shoot down my eyes.


Yes its working, I disguised myself as Geniya, Bolts old sister so that he could lead me to the guardians base. I disguised myself by using mother natures grass ability, just like she used to disguise herself as that giant hiss guard a while back. "Um, brother I was wondering can I live with you, until I get on my feet you know." I say to Bolt. "Yes...NO OF COURSE!!!, you could become a guardian too, come on!" He says pulling me out of Syndicates house. We then zoom our way out of the village if gold. I cant wait to figure out where the guardians nest, I shall see where my old love, Shift, used to lay his head. I am not with my mother no longer I vow to help the guardians with there problems, for as long as they accept me. We still race through the village of gold, and for some reason I feel like my mother is looking at me.


Oh this will be juicy, wait until Mother gets an update about her daughter. "Mother nature will be very pleased with us." I say to Hiss guard two while smirking. "She will indeed." He responds back grinning hard.


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