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Me and Mink both race through the villages that surrounded the village of gold. "We are almost there!" She yells at me while using her wings to blast in the air. I then make some ice wings out of my back and fly alongside her. "I cant wait to see everyone that helped in the battle with Mother." She says while flying slowly now. I look down below us, seeing all of the village people scrambling like ants. "Were here." She says, sounding like she's about to drop a tear of joy. We fly down to the middle of the village of gold, as we land everyone stares at us. "OH MY GOSH! FIRST AKIKKO, NOW YOU!!!" A warrior shouts to Mink. They escort her to the huge mansion before us, but they point spears made of gold at me. " Oh, don't worry, he's with me!" Mink shouts back while heading down the carpet, to the entrance. I begin to follow, but soon as I begin to walk a voice booms. "What's all the commotion?" "Its the return of Mink sir Spike!" A warrior shouts out, responding to the man with the booming voice. "Impossible, I thought she died!" Sir Spike shouts back. "No Sir, its true...I am a friend of hers." I say seriously and fearlessly. "Then show me to her." Spike replies back to me. "She's inside captain." One of the warriors say. I begin to continue to walk down the carpet, and the one known as Spike joins me.


I wake up only to see Kiki gone out of bed, but I do smell some good food. I get out of bed and do my morning routine, then I head into the kitchen. "Something smells good." I say entering the kitchen, but she doesn't hear me because she has her earphones In. I watch her dance for some time, she doesn't know because I stand behind her from a distance. Overtime it got boring, so I yanked the earplugs out of her ear. "I said something smells good!" I yell in her ear playfully, I then kiss her for a very short time. "There is your breakfast over there." She says happily, pointing to a soggy bowl of cereal on the table. "What?" I say loud enough for her to hear me. "Yep." She responds. "So you get bacon, pancakes, and eggs, and all I get is a soggy bowl of cereal?" I ask her seriously. "Im just playing, its just fun to see you whine." She says smiling wide at me. She then takes the bowl off of the table to wash it. "I fucking love you." I say smiling while sitting down at the table to wait for breakfast. "I know." She says happily. "I love you too." She says handing me my plate. "I bet you didn't know that I joined the arena yesterday." I say while eating a piece of pancake. "It wont be fun to watch my baby get his ass handed to him in a fight." She replies back seriously. "Psst, girl please I got hands for anybody who wants them. "Well you know who wants your hands on them right now, me." She says whispering in my ear as I eat. "I am going to save my hands for you later on tonight." I say eating. I know today is going to be a long ass day.


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