Cute Or Creepy

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Shawn's POV
There she is, the girl I've been crushing on since the beginning of the school year. The way she smiles at teachers when she passes by, her hair flipping when she turns around. I sighed as I admired her perfect person. It's sad though that we don't have any classes together.

"Excuse me, may I go through?" I heard her polite voice as I saw her....standing right in front of me! I must've been daydreaming about her for too long. 

"Oh uh, s-sorry there, Y/N." I stuttered and moved out of the way.

Get a grip on yourself, Shawn! You don't want her to think that you're a wimp!

I see her walk away towards a classroom, I sighed once again as I smiled.

"What goes on, buddy?" I hear Cameron come up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

I didn't reply. I just sighed happily.

"Y/N, come here..." I whispered as I stuck my arm out to try and reach for her, but I know she's already far away in a classroom.

"Oh come on! Her again? Dude, you really gotta ask her out instead of stalking her everyday!" He tells me, I nodded no.

"I'm not stalking her!"

"Yeah, you are! You would make an excuse to go to the bathroom just to find the classroom where Y/N is. Then you would just stare at her and drool until she notices you!" 

"That doesn't mean I'm stalking her!" I argued back.

"And you would stay behind after school everyday to watch her soccer practice from a classroom window and take videos of her practicing without her even knowing. That's creepy!" Cameron added. 

"Well, y-yeah but..." 

"Then you would watch them over and over again until you drool and get 'the feels'!" 

"Okay, so maybe I'm..." 

"And you would always go to her locker at certain times everyday just because you know Y/N will be there by that time!" 

"That't not stalking! That's doing research and putting it into good use!"

"Well whatever you wanna call it, I recommend you stop it! She's probably creeped out by now! You've been doing this since for two months already! Just go up to her and ask her out! It's that simple!" Cameron informed me.

"But what if she already has a boyfriend or says no? I'm honestly gonna break down if that happens!" I admitted. Yes, my feelings for Y/N are very strong. 

"Well, she had no date during the winter prom, and I've never seen her with a guy when we're walking down the hallway so... it's unlikely she's taken." Cameron's already getting frustrated. 

"I don't know, man. I'm just nervous. She's so hot and I'm just...average-looking." I admitted my feelings. I'm not the hottest guy in the school and no girl has ever asked me out.

"And what if she says no?" I added.

"Then, you can continue to be the creepy muffin boy you are right now and keep watching her soccer practice, go to her locker at certain times.... stuff like that." He casually says, I punched his arm quite hard.

"What? I'm just proposing what could happen..." 

"I don't even know how to ask her out!" I exclaimed.

"Sure you do! It's so easy!" 

"I can't just go up to her and say Hi Y/N ,I'm Shawn Mendes, your long-term crush who thinks you're beautiful and cute. Will you marry me, please? and then expect her to say yes!" 

"You're making it look like you sound desperate! Try something like Hi Y/N. I'm Shawn, I think you're a nice girl and we should hang out sometime... Now that will get her to say yes!" 

I pouted. "My idea was better!"

"Oh look, there she is. Go and get her, boy!" Cameron patted my shoulder as I saw Y/N walking towards me. 

My hands began to shake. There's no way she's gonna say yes. There's just no way. 

She stops at the water fountain less than a metre away from me as I made my move.

"H-Hi, Y/N." I hesitantly say.

"Hi! How's it going?" She replied enthusiastically.

Now is your opportunity, Shawn! Don't mess it up or you'll be known as the geek who asked out a girl who's way out of your league and failed. 

"I-I think you're nice a-and I was wondering....c-can we hang out sometime?" I asked, but stuttered.

"Please?" I added. I almost forgot to say that!

She smiles and moves closer to me. Could this be the moment I've waited a long time for?

"You're cute, Shawn. Of course! I'd love to hang out with you!" She says and kisses my cheek. 

"Aaaahhhhh...." I whispered as I feel my hands trembling. My face blushed as I looked down on the floor in embarrassment. 

"So...beautiful." I whispered to myself, but she must've heard it.

"Aww, Shawn! You're so cute! How about we hang at my place after school?" She asks me.

Wait, we're gonna!?

"O-Oh, yeah! Sure, today at your house. Sounds good!" I reply and gave her a thumbs up. 

"Sounds good! See you after school!" She holds my hand. I can feel chills go down my spine.

"Okay?" She asks sweetly and looks at me. I smiled shyly and whispered back.

"Okay." Y/N lets go of my hand and walks back to her classroom. 

"YES!!" I jumped around celebrating and running around the hallway. 

She actually said yes! Cameron comes back to me.

"Well, how'd it go?" He asks.

"She said yes! Your tips helped me! Thank you so much!" I pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek quite harshly. I don't even care that I did that. 

"That's great! Now you don't have to creep her out anymore! Let's get to class!" He says sarcastically and we walked to our classroom.

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