Chapter 1

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Edit- Authors note: Okay so I was young when I wrote this story so please don't judge the writing skills too harshly haha😅but I am so grateful for the love it's gotten! Thank you all for reading this story🥺Hopefully my writing has improved somewhat over the years. But yeah just wanted to mention that. Have fun reading if this is your first time!💖

I watched hopelessly outside as I ran my finger along the car window frame.
"How much longer?" I asked quietly without looking at my best friend, Mason, while he was driving.
He quietly chuckled at my impatience and he managed to mumble a quick
"Five minutes."
I bit my lip to try and conceal my excitement. But I'm literally on the edge of my seat!
I'm getting an apartment by myself for the first time. I am more then excited to live in town too.
This is the first step to being an adult. I mean, this is the literal highlight of my year. I rubbed my hands together in impatience. Up until now my life has been such a boring blur.
Going to high school was even more painful. It was a reminded that I'm not like the rest of the kids.
I'm from an orphanage and since no one wanted me and I turned 18, well, here I am.
By myself. I mean, don't get me wrong. Mason has been such a big help with my anxiety but it's hard sometimes.
I've never had much love in my life, but I've learned to adapt to it, sorta like an animal.
I sighed and shook my head.
Mason stopped the car and my eyes instantly looked up at the beautiful sight of my new apartment building.
I sighed, but this time from awe.
Mason laughed at my expression.
"Earth to Naomi." He waved a hand in my face.
"What?" I asked as I looked at him.
"Come on." He laughed as he opened the car door. I nodded at the building and I opened my car door. I hopped out and I slammed the car door shut.
"How are you feeling, peaches?" Mason asked me as he put an arm around me.
"Hanging in there." I mumbled as we walked towards the building. I was scared of living by myself, but Mason lived in the same building so that was fine. As long as I knew someone from around here then I'd be fine...I hope.
We walked in and we started walking up flights of stairs.
"What floor am I on again?" I asked while I was out of breath.
"Floor 10." He laughed.
"And what are we on right now?" I asked.
"The 3rd floor." He laughed again and grabbed my wrist and pulled me along him.
"And I seriously have to make this walk all the time?" I asked out of breath.
"Yup!" He exclaimed.
No wonder he's so in shape. I mean, I am too, or I'm skinny. But it's a miracle I am the way I am.

I fell to my knees.
"Leave without me. Save yourself." I mumbled as I laid on the stairs.
Mason narrowed his eyes at me and he grabbed my arms and started dragging me up the stairs.
"Seriously, you're so childish." He mumbled under his breath.
"You know you love me." I smiled a cheeky smile at him. He dropped my arms and I hit my head on the floor. I groaned with pain.
"Here we are." He said as he pointed towards a door on his right. I slowly got up and I brushed myself off.
"Jerk." I mumbled.
He smiled at me. And I grabbed the keys from my back pocket.
I unlocked the door and I walked in.
It was breathtaking. It has a big window and it has a living room and a kitchen all for myself. My eyes swelled with tears.
Mason closed the door.
"What's wrong? Don't you like it?" He asked.
I looked at him and rubbed my eyes.
"It's perfect! It's beautiful and it's my own! My very own! No more sharing with other kids." I smiled.
He laughed at my expression.
All my furniture is already in here since the moving guys came in and put my new furniture in. A sofa sat in the middle of the place and a TV sat on the corner.
It was perfect.
"Well, I have to do. I'll let you settle." He waved goodbye and left me alone with this beautiful place. I'm literally in love.
I sighed as I sat on the couch. It's perfect.
I snuggled up to a pillow and I slowly shut my eyes.

   I woke up because my stomach growled. Am I seriously that hungry?
I rubbed my eyes and I sat up sleepily.
I looked at my watch. It's 7:47.
Wow. I slept for a long time. I jumped off my couch ( I love calling it mine!) and I opened the door and go out. I was going to get food. Even if it was getting dark outside. I ran down a flight of stairs and I paused as I looked at a sign.
Are you kidding me? Mason freaking made me walk flights of stairs when theirs elevators?!
I clenched my fists. I'm going to kill him, I swear.
I rolled my eyes and I pushed the down button.
I waited impatiently as the elevator made a ding sound. I paused as the elevator doors opened and a beautiful dirty blonde young man was standing there awkwardly. I walked into the elevator and I got into the opposite corner of this guy. The elevator doors closed and it was awkward.
The tension in the air was basically killing me.
He gave out an awkward cough.
I would give occasional glances at him.
He was so gorgeous! With blue eyes and everything. I could possibly have melted right on the spot. But, I didn't. Instead I just stood there awkwardly.
There was another ding and the elevator doors opened and we both tried walking out at the same time, which resulted to an awkward bump into each other.
"Sorry." We both said at the same time. Gosh. I even love his voice.
He laughed awkwardly as he held out his hand, motioning  for me to go first.
"Thanks." I mumbled as I walked backwards towards the exit.
Instead I hit my shoulder on the edge of the elevator and I stumbled backwards. I shut my eyes as I was ready for my back to hit the floor (being the clumsy person I am).
He quickly jumped next to me and caught me.
I opened my eyes slowly and there he was. His dirty blonde hair and in his eyes as he looked down at me.
"Sorry." I mumbled again.
He laughed and I stood up right.
"You're the new girl who moved into floor 10 aren't you?" He asked curiously as he started walking to the lobby.
"Yup. That's me." I laughed awkwardly as I put a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Well, new girl from floor 10, what brought you to this town?" He asked.
"Well, I don't know. The best option I guess." I mumbled. He laughed at my answer.
"Okay then smart guy, what did you come to this town for?" I asked while putting my hands on my hips.
"I work in this town as a matter of fact." He smiled down at me as we walked out of the building.
"Work? Where do you work?" I asked. But before he could answer, I heard my name being called. I turned around and saw Mason.
"I have to go..." I mumbled towards this really cute guy.
Damn Mason. Why did you have to come now?
"Okay. I'll see you around..." He waited for my name.
"Naomi." I answered.
"Naomi." He mumbled as he smiled at me. He turned around and put his hands in his pockets and disappeared down the street. I watched him walk the whole way.
Mason pulled on my shoulder to make me turn around.
"Who was that?" He asked.
"I don't know..." I suddenly remembered that I didn't even get his name. But, he sure did look familiar.

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