Chapter 54

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I sat in the car and I stared off at my hand, which had burn marks along my fingertips. I need to feel something.
"You okay?" Leo asked me from the drivers side.
"Fine." I said as I looked up and I smiled.
"You sure?" He asked, I nodded.
He reached for my other hand and he squeezed it, trying to comfort me. But as I looked at his hand, I felt nothing. I gave off a weak smile. And he seemed to be convinced. We arrived at the apartment and I looked around, a bit surprised about how much it felt different. It's not been that long since I've been here, but it feels like a lifetime ago, as if someone else stood on this wooden floor...not me. Leo guided me to my room and I sat on the bed as he kneeled down next to me.
"Want something to eat? You haven't eaten in a while." He asked. I shook my head.
"Anything at all?"
He kinda looked disappointed as he stood up.
"You sure?" He asked.
"I'm fine Leo." I snapped, although I didn't mean to.
"Naomi...I know you don't want to talk about this...but, what happened? To this..." he was pointing towards him and I.
I froze, for that was the question I had been dreading for him to ask.
"Um..." i played with my fingers," I don't think there is an us anymore..." I looked up to see his reaction.
"Oh." He leaned his head on the wall.
"It's just...everything. It's different now. You must see that."
"Goodnight Naomi." He said firmly.
"You don't even want to talk about this?"
"Good night Naomi." He sounded like he meant it this time.
I got under my covers and I faced my back towards him.
I expected him to come and talk to me, but I heard my bedroom door shut, and then silence.
I instantly broke out into tears, tears I had been holding in for so long, about everything.
That morning I woke up because of the blinds, sun shining through onto my face. I sat up and rubbed my eyes as I looked around. Then I looked at my foot, which still was bandaged securely. I gasped as I lifted up my hand and I saw burnt marks along my fingertips, I had totally forgotten...
I ran my other hand through my hair and I tried to stand up with one foot. I limped to the door and I gripped onto the door handle.
"Good morning!" I felt the door loosen under my grip and the door hit my head hard. I fell on my butt and I rubbed my head as I groaned in pain.
"Oh my gosh!" Leo grabbed me so I would sit up.
"Great start to the morning right?" He laughed. I smiled weakly.
I stared out over the bridge, where a body of water was over it.
I sighed as I looked down, wondering how much seconds it would take to reach the water. I swallowed another sigh and I rested my head on my hand.
"Naomi!" I jumped up as I looked to the right towards Ryan.
"Huh? What is it?" I raised an eyebrow.
"I know you want answers, so..." he looked down at the body of water also," I got a hold of some of the people at the hospital and they said that you and I  ,of course, would be able to talk to Mason. Of course there'd be a doctor in the room for safety purposes, and I know it isn't that great...but" I interrupted him with a hug. My crutches fell beside me and I gripped tightly onto him for support. He tensed up for a couple of seconds and then relaxed.
"Thank you! Thank you! But..." I let go of our hug and I put my hands on his shoulders.
"Don't tell Leo. Please! He already worries about me as it is."
He signaled him zipping his mouth shut. I sighed with relief.
"Thank you." I smiled. He nodded.
I walked in (with help) into the hospital and I instantly wanted to walk out. My heart was pumping out of my chest, and I felt something tight in my throat.
Before I knew it, Ryan and I were standing in front of the room.
" Physically...still no."
He laughed and grabbed my shoulders. I stiffened.
"Just breathe." He whispered. He took a deep breath and I did the same. He opened the door and before I knew it, I was in the room.
Mason was sitting up straight in his bed.
"Naomi! Hi! I have chocolate pudding. Your favorite." He held up a cup. I looked at the doctor for help.
"Mason doesn't remember anything about that day. He hit his head pretty hard. But the memory should come any day now." The doctor reassured.
"So he's the same Mason?"
"Same Mason."
"You guys know I'm right here right?" Mason waved a hand.
I smiled weakly.
Ryan guided me to a chair farthest away from Mason.
"How are you?" I asked quietly as I leaned forward in my chair.
"I'm fine. Why you ask?" He laughed.
I looked at Ryan seriously. What's wrong with Mason?
"Don't be so serious Naomi." Mason lightly pushed my shoulder.
Ryan gripped Mason's hand tightly and he threatened Mason with his eyes.
"Don't touch her." He mumbled.
Mason yanked his hand away from Ryan and he rubbed his wrist.
"Everyone's so touchy today. Sorry I touched her." Mason said sarcastically.
A nurse came into the room and called the doctor out.
"It'll only be a moment." She said as she walked out with the doctor.
"So how's Leo?" Mason asked as he stuffed a mouthful of pudding into his mouth.
"Um...he's fine."
"So which ones your boyfriend?" He asked bluntly.
"This one," he pointed to Ryan with his spoon," or Leo, the savior, the I'll never let go, Leo." There's something about how he said Leo the last time that made him sound scary.
"Ohhhh...none are." He nodded as he ate his pudding.
"I didn't come here to talk about boys." I said.
"Then why are you here Naomi? Cause frankly I can't remember anything." He shrugged.
"Um...Ryan." The nurse came in and called him.
"We need you for a moment." The doctor said.
Ryan nodded towards me and he left, leaving Mason and I alone.
Mason pointed towards the seat closest to him.
I scooted over.
"I'm really sorry, for whatever I did." He whispered.
"But,  I want to make it up to you." He leaned closer.
"I'm running away from the hospital tonight. I need your help to drive me somewhere, anywhere, out of town. Then I'll be gone for good."
"Why would I do that?"
"Because once I remember what I did, old Mason won't be here anymore." He pointed towards his head. "And I'm sure you'll want to protect your friends. The only way is for me to be out of town right?"
I stayed silent...thinking.
"I'm doing this for you...Naomi." He ran his finger on my cheek.
"And if I don't?"
"Then, I don't know." He shrugged.
"You never know, Mason might...snap." He broke his plastic spoon in half.
I heard the doornob rattle and I scooted back.
Ryan walked in and we said our goodbyes to Mason.
What do I do?

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