Chapter 42

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It's been about two months into school.
"Have you absolutely lost it?" I asked Leo. He was holding up four tickets to Florida. He told me he wanted to take Summer and I to Florida for DisneyWorld.
"What are we even gonna do about school?" I asked.
"We can have an excuse." Leo shrugged," plus" he added as he waved the tickets in my face annoyingly," it's not even that long."
"It's five days." Summer said.
"Why do you have four anyway?" I asked.
"Me, you, summer, and sadly..." Leo looked over at Ryan across the field.
"Ryan?" I asked. Leo nodded.
"He's your friend now right?" Leo asked. I shrugged.
He is my friend. But him seeing Leo and I kissing in that elevator made it awkward. So whenever we talk it's more like one worded responses like okay, so, really? That kind of stuff.
I sighed.
"Why do you even want to go to Disney all of a sudden?" I asked.
"I want to spend quality time with you guys. Plus, we all have never been to DisneyWorld."
"What y'all talking about?" Ryan said as he approached us.
"Disneyworld. You in?" Leo asked.
"So am! I haven't been there since I was a little boy."
"Great. We're leaving today." Leo said.
I packed my stuff and Leo and I got in a taxi. Not gonna bore you with the details of the flight. All you really need to know was that not sitting next to Leo was literal torture. In stead I sat in between Ryan and Summer. Which was kinda awkward.
We got off the plane and Leo said he planned a hotel already.
"How have you planned this so suddenly?" Summer asked as she looked around the hotel. Leo shrugged as if it was not a big deal. I looked around the hotel and it seemed normal with a big lobby and a diner at the side.
Leo went to the front desk and later returned with two things of keys.
"Here." He mumbled as he tossed me a key.
"That's for the girls room." Leo said.
"Okay. When are we going to Disney?" I asked.
"Tomorrow. Early though. I'll be in your room when you wake up. So don't sleep in anything weird." Leo was mainly looking at me.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.
"Nothing." He hummed as he walked towards the elevators. Ryan shrugged as he followed Leo.
"Are you excited about this?" Summer asked as her and I started following the boys.
"Sure." I shrugged. I've never really been to DisneyWorld. Field trips didn't happen at the orphanage. I kinda wish Mason was here.
I smiled.
"Let's go to our room."
I woke up to someone hugging me. I lazily opened my eyes and saw Summer cuddling me. I screamed and I fell off the bed while banging my head on the nightstand. Summer fell off the opposite side of the bed.
I groaned in pain as I rubbed my head and stood up.
"Morning." Leo mumbled as he sat in a chair. Leo snapped a picture of us.Ryan was leaning on the wall.
"How long have you been here?" I asked as I still rubbed my head. That hurt so much.
"For like five minutes. It's Disney time my ladies." Leo said as he stood up and lended me a hand. I took it and Leo pulled me up.
"Thanks." I mumbled.
"You're welcome." He mumbled. There was an awkward silence.
"Shall we go?" Ryan said unexpectedly as he walked out the door. Summer ran into the bathroom to change.
"I have to change out here." I mumbled as I gestures towards the locked bathroom door.
"Change. I'll turn around." Leo said as he turned his back from me. I growled under my breath as I started changing.
"Naomi, aren't we going?" Ryan said as he walked into the room.
"Ryan!" I screamed as I got under the covers. Ryan ran out of the room. Leo bursted out laughing.
"NOT funny." I mumbled as I got out of the covers and I finished changing. Leo turned around.
"It was hilarious." He mumbled. I smiled as we stared at eachother. I could feel like magnetic pull towards him...I can't explain it. He slowly put his hand up and ran his hand through my hair in a romantic gesture.
Summer walked out of the bathroom. Leo dropped his arm.
"Ready?" She asked. I nodded.
"Which park first? Magic Kingdom? Oh! Epcot? No...ANIMAL KINGDOM. Wait, no HOLLYWOOD STUDIOS!" Summer said excitedly.
"I don't know. What do you want Naomi?" Leo asked me. I shrugged.
I didn't even know there were 4 parks.
"I say Magic Kingdom." Summer said.
"Fine. Fine." Leo mumbled as he guided me towards the park. I was completely lost in the parking lot. If it weren't for Leo walking slightly ahead of me, I think I would've went into the wrong that even possible?
Leo slowed down his walking pace to walk with me.
"How you feeling short stalk?" He asked me jokingly. I felt his hand slide down my arm and into my hand where he intertwined our fingers.
"It's fine. I mean, I don't know what to expect." I mumbled.
Leo gave my hand a tight squeeze.
"You're gonna have the time of your life."
So, we arrived to the park and used to bracelet to get in. I looked around and I was amazed at how much people were actually here. Then I stopped walking.
It's a castle. A real castle! Leo stopped walking with me, I felt his hand grip loosen.
"Wow." He mumbled as he looked at the castle. He looked towards me for my reaction.
"It's pretty isn't it?" I asked.
"It's beautiful!" He exclaimed as he tugged onto my arm to walk towards it. Summer and Ryan already were ahead of us.
"Leo, slow down." I slightly jogged to keep up with him running in between people.
"Naomi!" He exclaimed as he pointed towards a bunch of mikey mouse balloons. He pulled me towards the balloon stand.
"Two please." He said as he let go of my hand and reached into his pocket.
"What color do you want?" Leo asked.
"Purple please." I mumbled. It's weird. I was so used to Leo's hand and now I can't stand my hand without it.
"One purple and one blue please." Leo said as he handed the money to him. The man passed me a purple balloon and Leo grabbed his.
"Thanks." Leo nodded towards the man as Leo grabbed my wrist with his free hand. He tied the ballon to my wrist and he tied his own to his own wrist. He grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd.
We met up with Summer and Ryan.
"Hey! You guys got balloons?" Summer asked.
I nodded.
"Where do you want to go first?" Leo asked me. I shrugged.
"I don't know..." I mumbled.
"Haunted Mansion!" Summer exclaimed as she pointed towards a ride.
"Okay." I shrugged. I was okay with scary stuff anyhow.
I swear we've been standing in this line for years. Finally at the front of the line, Leo wasn't holding my hand anymore but rather was leaning on a pole waiting for a chance to get on the ride.
"Next two." The man called.
I reached for Leo, but Summer pulled me instead.
"Come on Naomi. Let's go together!" She exclaimed as she got into the ride. I followed behind her and I sighed in defeat.
I waved bye to Leo as I slowly went into the ride.
This is actually not that bad. Or at least I thought. A thing popped out of nowhere and I jumped up.
Summer laughed. I growled. I wish I was on this ride with Leo.
It's been a few hours and it's fun. But Leo and I aren't able to hang out together. Ryan seems to pull Leo one way and Summer pulls me the opposite direction.
I sighed as I got off the "it's a small world after all" ride for the 100th time since Summer liked it so much.
"They're so cute!" Summer exclaimed.
Leo and Ryan were somewhere else but I missed them.
"Where do you think the boys went?" I asked.
Summer turned my chin towards her.
"You and Leo are dating aren't you?" Summer asked. I was a little taken back.
"No. I mean, I don't think so. I don't know."
"I knew this'd happen." Summer mumbled.
"We can't help it. It's like as if the world wants us together." I smiled.
"If the world wanted you guys together then where is he now?" Summer asked.
"Hey guys! They have ice creams in the shape of Mikey Mouse! Cool right?" Leo asked as he walked towards us. I raised my eyebrows in a "I told you so" way.
"Here, my lady, I got you one too." Leo said as he passed me an ice cream exactly like his own.
"My lady? Seriously? You guys seriously need to solve your priorities." Summer said.
"What do you mean?" Leo asked.
"You guys don't even know if you're dating!" Summer exclaimed.
Leo and I looked at eachother for a second.
"Don't do that. Don't give eachother that look." Summer crossed her arms.
"Look, summer, we'll have this talk when we get home. Okay?" Leo asked. I sighed in relief.
"Okay. Just tell me so I know if you guys are. You guys have such a confusing life I swear. Almost good enough for a book." She mumbled as she walked away.
I sighed as I turned towards Leo. He grabbed my hand.
"We should really talk about us." He said.
"When we get back remember? Plus I totally heard someone saying there's gonna be a show later on tonight on the castle."
"Really?" He asked. I nodded.
He smiled at me.
"Thanks for the ice cream by the way."
It's now 10 and it's the prettiest thing I've ever seen. The castle lights are on and Leo and I are alone standing far away from the crowd. We can probably still see the show from over here.
I sighed as Leo was leaned on a pole far away from me. I stared at the lights as I noticed him slowly scooting closer to me.
"What...are you doing?" I asked as I turned towards him. He froze in place.
"Getting closer to you." He smiled shyly.
I grabbed his arm and pulled him next to me.
"Better?" I asked.
"Way better." He mumbled as he leaned towards me in a playful way. I looked at the lights and I sighed.
"Have you ever seen anything that pretty?" I asked.
I turned towards Leo and he was staring at me intensely. As if he could piece through my soul at any moment. He suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him, pushing our lips together. I was surprised at first but then I relaxed as he had his arms wrapped around me. I was on my tippy toes though since I was so short. Leo put a hand on my cheek and pulled me closer. The show started and I didn't move. I didn't want to move. This was a moment id remember forever. Even if I didn't marry Leo, which I hope I did.
"Naomi, I really like you." He said in between kisses.
I laughed as he finally kissed my cheek and pulled away. I freaking hated that I couldn't get this goofy grin off my face.
Leo seemed to notice as I looked at the castle.
"You are totally falling for me." He mumbled. I raised an eyebrow.
"Shut up."

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