Chapter 4

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I looked at the TV in disbelief.
"Leonardo Dicaprio and Naomi Evans are now dating as a supposed 'Fan' caught this picture of them."
It showed the picture of Leo and I looking at eachother. I gotta admit. It was a cute picture, but I can't believe someone was this...stupid.
I groaned in annoyance and I laid on the floor. I swear, I think I'll have an existential crisis.
I rubbed my head slowly.
There was a knock on the door.
"Not now! I'm having an existential crisis!" I yelled.
"Okay. I'll wait." Leo mumbled. I heard his back slide down the door as he sat waiting. I scooted myself over so I was also laying my back towards the door.
"Do you think everyone is going to want take pictures of us?" I asked slowly.
"Yes." I said.
I sighed and I stood up. I opened the door and he looked at me.
"So, Naomi Evans, wanna hang out without everyone wanting to be in our business?" He asked.
I nodded and I allowed him to come in.

He was holding a bag. I closed my door and I looked at the bag.
"Why did you bring that?" I asked.
"I know how you said that you hadn't seen my movies, so I brought some." He pulled out a bunch of movies.
"Wow!" I grabbed some.
"You're so lucky..." I mumbled.
"Why?" He asked as he zipped his bag.
"Cause you can act. It's been my dream to act. But, I'm too shy." I laughed.
"It's not that hard. I mean, sure there's some awkward kissing scenes that are funny to get through. But it's worth it to see the final thing on the movie screen." He shrugged and sat awkwardly on the couch.
"Right. Which one do you want to watch?" I asked as I looked at all of them.
"Well, I'm mainly in Romeo+Juliet. So, that one first." He said as he pointed towards the one with him on the over holding a girl. I got to admit, it did give me a little feeling in the bottom of my stomach aka. Jealousy.
"Can you put it in the DVD player?" I asked as I passed the movie too him. He nodded and stood up. He grabbed the movie, while softly touching my hand (I was screaming inside) and he went to the TV.
I sat on the opposite end of the couch as Leo played the movie and sat on the other side.
It started playing and I was definitely excited.

    So, now it's near the end of the movie and Romeo is dying! Who does that?!
I sniffled and tried to hold in a tear but I couldn't help it! I wiped my eyes.
"Naomi, are you crying?" He asked curiously.
I laughed.
"No judge! It's just...Romeo didn't deserve any of this!" I cried.
He laughed at me and rubbed my arm in a comforting way.
"Don't worry." He laughed again.
"I can't! I mean, I've written death scenes in my story but this! It's pure genius!"
"It's called Shakespeare." He tried to conceal a laugh.
"I know! I'm not an idiot! But, Leo, you have a real gift. Your acting is spot on." I wiped my eyes again.
Although it did make me a little mad when Romeo and Juliet kiss, I love the movie!
He shook his head with a goofy grin.
"What is it?" I asked.
"You're too nice." He mumbled.
I smiled.
He stood up.
"Do you have anything to eat?" He asked as he walked to the fridge.
"No. We can order pizza." I suggested.
"Perfect." He mumbled as he turned back towards me.
I walked towards the phone but he snatched it before me.
I crossed my arms.
"Now." I held out my hand. He turned his back towards me and started dialing the pizza phone number.
I rolled my eyes and I turned my back towards him too.
There was a knock at the door.
I ran to the door and opened it. It was Mason. I quickly slammed the door shut.
"It's Mason! My best friend! Hide!" I whispered to Leo. Leo quickly ran and tripped on my rug. He disappeared behind the couch.
" that." I opened the door and I acted normal.
"Mason!" I smiled. He can't know that I know Leo.
"What is this?" He asked as he held up the newspaper.
It had the picture with Leo and I.
"Uhm... I don't know." I said. Mason walked towards me as I walked back.
"Naomi, I know when you are lying to me." He said.
I bumped into the couch.
"I honestly don-"
"I see you Leo." Mason said as he looked behind the couch. Leo was crouched behind the couch. Leo smiled nervously.
"Hi...Mason. I've heard so much about you." Said Leo.
That's so not true.
"Mason, meet my...friend, Leo. Leo meet my best friend, Mason." I introduced them.
They both shook hands but I'm pretty sure Mason squeezed Leo's hand hard cause Leo made a little wince sound.
"Why are you guys in the newspaper? This is gonna be bad for your career." Mason said only talking to me.
"I know. We're trying to find that out." I said as I ran my hand through my hair.
"Look, we're going to be fine." I said.
Mason slowly relaxed.
"Fine." He mumbled.
He looked at Leo and shook his head.
"I have to go." He mumbled as he walked out the door. I looked at Leo weirdly.
"That was weird." I mumbled.
I closed the door and I looked at Leo.
"Mason, huh?" Leo crossed his arms.
"Mason's a friend from orphanage. He's been my best friend for a while now... He means the world to me." I smiled at that. There was silence.
"I hope one day I can be as important to you as him. Or maybe even more." Leo smiled at me shyly. I didn't know what to say to that.
Instead I just looked at him.
We just stared at each other. It was one of those moments. Like the one down the stairs.
"Let's continue watching." I said breaking the silence.
I sat on the couch and Leo sat on the opposite of the couch. We were awkward like that.
During the next movie (this boys life), I kept of making glances at Leo. He didn't pay the slightest attention to me though.
I tapped my foot on the floor.
"I want to go out to the grocery store. Pizza isn't coming until another 30 mins anyway." I said as I stood up.
"Okay. Let's go." He said.
He grabbed his car keys.
"Why don't we just walk?" I asked.
"Because last time we walked you almost got hit by a train." He said as he laughed.
"Right..." I mumbled.

We appeared at the grocery store and we entered.
Leo grabbed the cart as I started picking stuff of shelves and dropping them in the cart.
"So, any other color you see in my heart yet?" He asked curiously.
I shook my head.
"No. Why?" I asked.
"I did save your life, you know." He was acting cocky.
"Yeah. That's an act of kindness." I said in a matter of fact tone.
"So you said you can act?" He asked as he pushed the cart slower. I think he was trying to change the subject.
"Yeah, I mean. I'm shy." I tripped over my words.
"Don't be shy. We should really practice sometime." He said as he smiled.
"I'd like that." I said.
"So, about this book you wrote. What's it called?" He asked.
"Don't want to answer that. But, I have the first copy if you want to read it." I suggested.
"I'd love that." He mumbled. I smiled and I grabbed the chocolate from the shelf and I put it in the cart.
"So, what exactly do you write? Drama? Romance?" His voice cracked as he said Romance. As if he was nervous...
"Actually no. I write adventure. Perhaps a bit of romance. But, that's it. Which is weird, cause I don't have either of those things in my life. I guess I live vicariously through my characters in a way only a writer knows how to explain." I laughed.
"What do you mean no romance? You don't have a boyfriend?" He asked. I turned my back towards him as I got the drinks.
"No. But, I've always had a crush on someone in the acting business." I said shyly.
"Who?" He asked.
"Johnny Depp." I mumbled.
I put the drinks in the cart.
"The Johnny Depp?" Leo asked disapprovingly.
"Yes in fact, I used to see him on magazines at the orphanage and I thought he was the cutest thing ever."
Leo scoffed.
"A real jerk, he is. Trust me Naomi. He isn't your type."
"Why? Because I can't act and he can?" I asked.
"No. Because he is a pain." He mumbled as he grabbed the handle of the cart harder.
"Okay then..." I said as I grabbed the orange juice.
"So, how do you write? What is your inspiration?" He asked curiously.
"Well, my inspiration is people. The things people say, do, act, and their mood. Sometimes nature helps me too. But only on the places I want the character to go too. Again, instead of going to places, I live vicariously through my characters." I said as I put the orange juice in the cart.
"So, who's the most important person to you?" He asked.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Who's the most important?" He repeated.
"No one I guess. Of course I don't have any parents, no siblings. I guess you could count Mason, but he can be a pain." I smiled.
"How about you?" I asked.
"My mom. She means the world to me. She always will. She's been through so much." He smiled as if he was looking at a picture of her.
I froze and just stared at his caring expression.
Pink. I see pink in his heart. Aka. Love. Leo looked up and saw me staring at him.
"Sorry." He mumbled.
"It's fine. You have someone you love, and that's great." I smiled. Although, inside I wish I had what he had. Love.
There's no pink in my heart. Only blue.
Aka. Sadness.
I guess he could see my expression cause suddenly I felt arms wrap around me in a hug. I was shocked at first, so shocked that I stepped backwards and I hit the shelf. It fell backwards and had a domino affect on all the other shelves.
Leo and I's jaws dropped.

  "And stay out!" The manager screamed at us as he slammed the grocery door in our face.
Leo and I were still shocked.
We freaking knocked down the whole grocery store supply.
We looked at each other and started laughing.
We laughed so hard that both of us were rolling around on the floor. Leo was clutching his stomach as I put my face in my hands. My stomach was sore from all the laughing until we finally stopped and I wiped off the tears from my eyes.
"This is the most fun I've had in years!" I exclaimed.
Leo's face slowly got serious as he took that information in.
"What?" I asked.
"I've never seen you laugh like that. It was nice." He said.
I looked at him weirdly and then I stood up.
I held out my hand to help him up. He took it and stood up.
"I've got to say. I've never been this much of a klutz until I met you Leo." I said as I laughed.
"Same here." He laughed.

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