Chapter 44

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I wiped my eyes as I sat on a bench.
I had my knees to my chest and I sighed loudly.
I looked up and I saw kids playing with a guy in a goofy costume.
I smiled at the kids.
I wonder if Leo and I do get married. Would he want kids? Would I want kids?
I heard music in the distance as I tapped my foot softly.
I hummed softly.
"Talking 'bout my girl..." I mumbled to the song.
I saw someone's hand in front of me. I looked up.
It was Leo. He smiled, the song playing perfecting in the background.
I smiled.
"You came." I mumbled.
I stood up.
"I will always be here for you Naomi. Always." He said as he smiled.
I took his hand and I smiled.
"Thanks Leo." I said.
I glanced at the kids and Leo seemed to notice. He walked around me so he was standing next to me in front of me. We both admired the children silently.
Leo walked away for a second.
"Leo?" I asked. He appeared a few minutes later as he passed me an ice cream cone.
"Thanks..." I mumbled as he disappeared again. He appeared again, but this time he was talking to one of the kids. Leo passed the ice cream cone we was currently holding to the kid and the kids face lit up.
"You are such an idiot Leo." I mumbled to myself as I watched closely.
Leo walked towards me with a smile on his face.
"A good deed can go a long way." He said as he looked at the kid from a distance. I wrapped my arm around his and I sighed.
"You're such a great person. It's intimidating." I mumbled. His shoulders seemed to go up for a slight moment as he laughed.
"Don't have too high expectations towards me Naomi." He said as he raised his eyebrows. I looked at him weirdly. We looked at eachother weirdly as the world seemed to slow down. It's as if the only good thing in the world was Leo. Only Leo and that's it.
"You see, this is why we make a good couple." Leo said.
"Couple?" I asked. Leo's eyes widened.
"Only if you want too!" He exclaimed.
"I'd love to be a couple." I shrugged.
"Really?" He asked.
"Of course." I said as I looked at the kids.
"We still have that deal don't we?" I asked. Leo glanced at me and we made eye contact then he stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets.
"Of course." He mumbled as he only kept his eyes on the kids.
"Do you ever...hypothetically....want kids?" I asked as I looked at his for a second. He took a few seconds as he sighed.
"Of course." He mumbled.
I slipped my hand into his jacket pocket to hold his hand.
"How much exactly?" I asked. He took a few more seconds but then he got his other hand and held up the number two.
That's exactly how much kids I want.
I squeezed his hand.
"Two kids if we get married when we're 29?" I asked.
"Sure. One boy one girl." He shrugged.
He looked at me for approval.
"You're the best." I mumbled.
He smiled as he looked back at the kids. It's that goofy grin again. That one that kinda makes me wanna kiss him again.
I leaned on to him for support as I put my head on his shoulder.
"Naomi," he whispered. I didn't answer. I fell forward as I felt my body slip into an unconscious state. Leo caught me on time before I blanked out.
I woke up on the floor with goofy and Leo standing over me.
"What?" I asked.
"You passed out..." Leo mumbled.
"From dehydration." Goofy mumbled.
I rubbed my head as I sat up.
"What time is it?" I asked as I noticed it was dark outside. I looked around at all the lights. It was beautiful but I just wish I hadn't missed half the day.
"Summer hasn't....looked for me has she?" I asked. Leo didn't answer but rather just looked up towards the sky.
"Naomi, look." He mumbled. I turned my head to where Leo was looking and it was Summer and Ryan.
They had Mickey and Minnie hats in their hands. Leo helped me up and I walked towards Summer.
"I'm sorry. I went too far. I was just a little jealous that Leo was getting more attention then me." She laughed as she passed me a Minnie hat.
"This is for you. And the Mickey one is for Leo. We do really want you guys to be a couple." She said as she held out the hat to me. I sighed as I grabbed the hat and put it on.
"Thanks. I guess I was a little crazy with Leo and all." I whispered so Leo wouldn't hear.
"Still heard that." Leo whispered to me.
I quickly passed the Mickey hat towards him and I sighed.
"Shall we go?" Summer asked. I shook my head. Fireworks started going off in the sky as Summer turned towards them. Ryan looked at them and he seemed to pause. Everyone seemed to pause as if we didn't dare to break this great, great moment that was just made for us. Leo wrapped his hand around mine slowly as if he was afraid he would ruin the moment. And that was one of the best moments I had in a long long time.
I woke up to no one snuggling me. I sighed loudly in delight and I rolled over and felt someone.
I opened my eyes. It was Ryan.
I screamed again and actually fell off the bed. Why does this happen almost every morning?! Ughh.
Ryan looked to the floor at me.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Why the hell are you in my bed?" I asked as I sat up.
"Wait! Where's Leo?" I asked.
Ryan shrugged as he put a pillow over his face to muffle out my talking. I took the pillow off him and I hit him with it.
"Wake up!" I yelled.
"Naomi, it's 7 in the morning! Let me sleep." He mumbled as he snuggled to the blanket.
"I will fight you." I mumbled. He groaned as I heard a knock at the door.
I stood up and ran to the door. I opened the door and I paused once I realized who it was. I instantly shut the door and I walked back to Ryan.
"Who was it?" He asked. I rubbed my head in confusion.
"My mom."

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