Chapter 6

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I can't stop thinking about that almost kiss. I mean, wow! Leonardo Dicaprio was going to kiss me! And I was way too nervous. What would've happened if he had kissed me?
I bit on the end of my pen as I thought on my couch.
Today I had a job interview with some people at the article writing place. It'll help pay the bills as I wrote my book.
Which was fine... But I'd have less time with writing and less time with Leo. Not like we spend a lot of time together. We hang out maybe twice a month, which kinda gets on my nerves. I want him to hang out with me twice a week! But, we aren't that kind of friends, even though he tried to kiss me.
He tried to kiss me...
Still sounds weird.
I groaned in annoyance as I rolled over and I looked at the ceiling.
I shouldn't focus about Leo. Let's focus about my career.
Job interview starts at 4.
I looked at my watch.
I jumped up and ran towards my closet. What do I even wear to a job interview?! I finally picked an outfit and I looked at the clock.
Ughhh. I ran towards the door and I ran past Mason.
"Can't talk!" I said as I ran down the stairs carefully.
"Where are you going?" He asked as he ran after me.
I got into the elevator and I pressed the down button.
"Job interview. Explain later." I said as the doors closed.
I waited patiently.
The doors opened and I ran out. I called a taxi and I got in.

I got to the place and I looked at the intimidating building.
I sighed and I ran inside. Once I got inside I started fast walking to the front office.
"Hello." The front lady women said cheerfully to me.
She was wearing a uniform (I'm guessing) that made her look twice her age. And her makeup was way over done.
I swallowed a sigh and I stood up straighter at her intimidating voice.
"I'm here for a job interview." I said.
"Naomi? Are you?" She asked.
"Yes!" I exclaimed way too loudly. All the people looked at me and I wanted to shrink out of existence.
"You're awfully late aren't you?" She asked while looking at me up and down.
I looked at my watch.
"No offense, but five minutes late isn't that late. I'm sure you've been later then five minutes just doing your makeup." I sarcastically winked at her. She seemed to clench her jaw.
"Mr. Murphy will be with you in a moment." She mumbled.
"Thanks." I mumbled before turning away and rolling my eyes.
She gets on my nerves.
Suddenly I really don't want to get this job, cause seeing her everyday will literally want me to hide in a hole.
I waited in a chair for five minutes.
"Miss. Evans! Thanks for waiting!" A guy came out and shook my hand way too tightly.
"Thanks for having me." I smiled at him.
He was about in his 40's and was wearing a Grey suit with a red tie.
"This way." He said as he walked into a long hallway.
Oh gosh...I'm really not ready.
I followed closely behind him like a lost puppy dog.
He walked into a room (I'm guessing his office) and he sat in a big chair with a desk in front of it. I sat in the guest chair and I awkwardly shifted in my seat.
"So, tell me about yourself, Naomi."
"Well, I was in an orphanage for most of my life. I'm a writer. I've written a few boo-"
"And have those done good?" He asked.
"I'd like to say yes, sir. I have gotten a lot of good feedback. It pays bills too."
"And Ho-"
I heard a click of the door and we both turned our heads towards the door.
"Mr.Murphy, uhmm sir, do yo-" the girls eyes landed on me.
"Naomi!" She exclaimed.
"Summer?" I asked.
"You work here?" We both asked at the same time.
I face palmed myself.
"You guys know eachother?" Mr.Murphy asked.
"N-" I started.
"Yes! And she's the best of the best! Her books are so awesome!" Summer exclaimed.
I shook my head at her.
"Well," Mr.Murphy stood up," that seems to be all the time we have. You'll get an answer by tomorrow." He said as he walked towards the exit.
I looked at Summer in a "I'm gonna kill you" way.
She looked guilty. I'm most definitely not gonna get this job now.
I followed Mr.Murphy out of the hallway and Summer followed slowly after me.
"Don't follow me." I whispered to her.
"I only wanted to help!" She whispered/yelled.
"Well, you didn't!" I whispered loudly.
"Ladies, no fighting. We're in an office building." Mr. Murphy said as he was mainly looking at Summer.
Summer seemed to shrink where she stood. A tint of pink spread across her cheeks.
Mr. Murphy stopped at the office exit building.
"Goodbye Naomi. We'll reach out to you soon." He said.
"Right..." I said as I walked out of the door.
I sighed of relief that it was over. Finally!
But, I sure didn't get the job.
I wanted to hide in a hole.
I dragged my feet on the sidewalk.
I just need to...loosen up.
I looked up at the book store. This place is literally my home.
I stepped inside the store and I started quickly scanning the aisles. I grabbed a book and I started scanning it. It seems great. A girl likes a boy, that common stuff. I carried the book to another aisle and I started looking even more.
I picked 3 more books.
I loved all of them. All of them had different genres.
And Horror.
I smiled down at my books. Then, I bumped into someone. I stumbled backwards and I dropped all my books while landing on my butt.
"Sorry!" Someone said. I rubbed my head and I looked up. It was a guy. He had black hair and really pretty green eyes. I kinda just stayed there, staring.
He raised an eyebrow.
"Sorry." I mumbled as I got into my knees and I started picking up my books. He crouched down and helped me get the books together.
"What's your name mysterious girl with too much books?" He asked.
"Naomi." I said as I smiled up at him with all the books in my hands.
I stood up and so did he.
"That's weird. You kinda look like Naomi Evans. But, she doesn't have a purple strand of hair in the front of her face." He laughed as I stayed serious.
"Wait..." He looked closer at my face. Maybe a bit too close. He was a few centimeters.
"You are Naomi Evans aren't you?" He asked as he leaned back while strangely having a smug look on his face. But, I kinda liked it.
"I am, actually." I laughed.
"It's nice too meet you. I'm Noah." He leant out his hand. I kinda just stared at it for a couple of seconds. Then I looked at both my hands carrying the books.
"My hands are kinda...full." I said.
He chuckled and ran his hand through his hair.
Wow. I really like him.
"Here. I'll help you." He said as he grabbed all the books but one out of my hand. I looked down at the book.
Romantic book.
I looked up at him.
"Aren't you coming?" He asked as he started walking to the paying line.
He smiled at me.
"You really don't have to help me. I can handle it." I said.
"No. It's my pleasure." He winked at me.
I was about to fangirl. This boy is gorgeous!
We got to the front of the line and he placed the book down.
"I'll pay." He said to me.
"No! Really! I'll pay." I placed my money down.
"Thanks, sweetie, but you can repay me later." He pushed the money towards me.
He payed and I looked at him weirdly.
"When am I going to repay you?" I asked.
"You can repay me with a date. Tonight." He said.
"A date?" I asked while almost chocking. I only met this guy!
"Yeah. Why not?" He asked.
We passed me my book bag and he walked away.
"Wait! Where?" I asked after him.
"Let's go for pizza. Let's say at 7:00?" He asked as he waved goodbye.
I was left standing there.
Drowning in my own thoughts.

What just happened?

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