Chapter 52

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I woke up and I was tied to a chair. All I saw was a wooden desk, with a knife on it. Boarded up windows. Locks on doors. Stairs that leaded somewhere.
"You've got to be kidding me." I mumbled.
Mason was whistling behind me.
I gulped and I closed my eyes shut.
This has to be a dream.
"Good morning Naomi. Rise and shine to your doom." He said. He walked in front of me and he leaned down so he was right in front of his face.
"How long have I been passed out?" I whispered.
"A couple of hours." He mumbled as a slight smirk appeared on his face.
"What are you planning on doing to me?" I asked.
He smiled and leaned back.
"Let's just say it's gonna hurt."
I sighed a shaky breath. I'm terrified.
A while has passed and I'm getting weirdly sleepy.
"Why are you doing this to me?" I mumbled weakly.
I was trying to untie the knot with my hands but it's no use. I can't do it.
Mason smiled down.
"I've always loved you Naomi. It just..." he tapped his chin," really pissed me off when you didn't like me back."
"I used to love you, you know." I mumbled. He looked up.
"I did. I always looked up to you. And you were my best friend in the whole world." I smiled.
"That's over with." I mumbled.
He grabbed the knife on the desk.
"Don't say that Naomi or I swear I will do it!" He put the knife to my throat and he pushed lightly. I winced.
"Don't do this." I whispered softly, making sure my throat didn't get sliced.
"I know you Mason. I know you. You can't do this to me." I mumbled.
"Try me." He mumbled as he pushed harder on my throat.
I swallowed a wince and I shut my eyes.  Hot tears we're starting to appear in my eyes.
Mason took off the knife and he walked back to where he was standing at first.
"Don't test me Naomi. I will hurt you. I'll do it." He said. He groaned in annoyance.
I gave out shaky breaths as I stared at that knife. No ones gonna save me. Not now.
I woke up again and my neck ached.
I groaned as I opened my eyes. My vision was blurry. I couldn't see Mason anywhere though. Someone else was standing in front of me.
"Naomi, I'm here to get you out of here." Someone whispered. I groaned again.
I couldn't make out the face.
They grabbed the knife from the desk and they quickly rushed towards me and started untying my ropes for my hands and feet.
"Can you stand?" They asked as they stood in front of me.
I shook my head weakly.
"Okay." They mumbled. They grabbed my arm and put it over their shoulder. My vision got back in focus and I was surprised at who it was.
"Ryan..." I mumbled.
"Shhhh." He whispered.
I groaned as I leaned more onto him.
"Woah. What did he even do to you?" He asked.
"I don't know. I just remember passing out a lot." I mumbled weakly.
He pulled me up the stairs and I could hear Masons whistling coming from the kitchen. The whistling came closed. Ryan pulled me behind a corner and put a hand over my mouth.
"Don't speak a word." He mumbled in my ear. His breath gave a tingling feeling down my neck. I nodded my head. Mason passed our corner without noticing us and he walked towards the stairs.
"Naomi, I need you to run to the exit. It won't be long before he finds out you're not here." Ryan mumbled in my ear again.
"What about you? What'll you do? I can barely walk." I whispered back.
"Crawl if you have too. Just run when I say so. Okay?" He asked. I hesitated but then I nodded.
"Okay...go..." he waited a couple of seconds.
"Where is she?!" I heard Mason scream downstairs.
"Now!" Ryan said. I heard Mason running up the stairs as I got out of Ryan's grip and I ran towards the exit.
I heard Ryan tackle Mason.
I can't just leave him here.
I appeared at the door in no time and I bumped into someone.
I pointed towards the stairs.
"Ryan is there. I think he's in danger." I said desperately.
"Wait here. I'll handle this." He said.
"And Leo, be careful. He has a knife." I mumbled.
He nodded.
I got up slowly and weakly and I saw Summer waiting anxiously a couple of yards from me. She was pacing back a forth.
"Summer?" I asked.
"Naomi?" She ran towards me and hugged me.
"Leo and Ryan are taking care of Mason and I don't know what to do." I said way too fast.
"Seriously? You're Naomi Evans. You'll do what you always do. Protect your family." She whispered.
"Masons also my family." I mumbled.
"Maybe so. But he's not the one in danger." Summer said. I nodded.
"Come in and help me." I asked. Summer nodded.
"Let's do this."
{Leo's P.O.V}
I pulled Ryan away from Mason. Mason was bleeding badly from his nose and mouth.
The knife was away from the both of them, but blood stained the silver surface.
I looked at Mason and he seemed okay. No stab wounds. I looked over and Ryan and I swallowed a gasp.
His hands were on his stomach. Blood stained his shirt.
"Ryan!" Naomi said as she was standing at the stairway.
"Naomi! Leave!" I urged her.
"I can't leave him." She mumbled as she looked at Ryan with tears in her eyes. Summer had her hands over her mouth as she stood behind me.
"Yeah, Naomi. Leave." Mason said as he tackled her. They both fell down the stairs and now we had two problems at once.
{Naomi's P.O.V}
I groaned on the floor. I felt a bruise already forming on my back. I winced as I tried sitting up. It didn't work. I looked down and I saw Mason passed out.
"Naomi!" Summer rushed down and she kneeled down in front of me.
"Let me help you up." She said as she grabbed my arm and she pulled me up.
I felt someone grab my foot and pull me down. Resulting to me hitting my head on the stair.
Mason was awake, that's for sure. His hand was grabbing my ankle tight, making me think he was breaking it. I screamed.
"Naomi..." summer said as she tried taking off Masons hand. I rubbed my head and she grabbed me quickly once Mason let go.
She rushed up the stairs with me.
"Did you call them?" Summer asked Leo.
"Call who?" I asked weakly.
"911 of course" Leo said.
I looked over at Ryan.
"This is all my fault." I mumbled.
They both stayed quiet for a couple of seconds.
"Don't say that." Leo mumbled.
"It was. He was saving me."
Leo and Summer exchanged looks.
"Actually, we sent him here. We told him everything and we told him to go in and pretend he was doing this charity thing, because Mason doesn't know him." Summer mumbled.
"So's our fault."
I kneeled down next to Ryan and I looked down at his stomach where the stab wound was.
"You doing okay?" I asked him.
"How honest do you want me to be?" He asked.
"Not that honest I guess."
"Im hanging in there." He mumbled. He started breathing weirdly. I ran my hand through his hair and I sighed.
"You better get well." I mumbled. He laughed weakly.
"It has been a great time hanging with you, Naomi. I really liked being in life or death situations with you. Thank you for a adventure." He mumbled softly.
"Anything for you, Ryan." I mumbled softly.
He smiled.
The police came and took both Ryan and Mason away.
I didn't understand why Mason would do this to me. But it just shows I can't trust anyone.
Only my family.
My true family.
And I'm glad I have one.
Hey guys! It's the author, Riley. Just wanted to say that I made a story with my actual name. It's about Leo also, and it would mean a lot if you guys gave it a bit of love. Thanks!

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