Chapter 37

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I walked along that stupid line that separated Leo and I. I don't even know why he drew it. Was it to get away from me? Did he not want to touch me?
He definitely wants nothing to do with me...
I sighed as I heard a knock at the door.
"Coming!" I said as I jumped up a step and I opened the door. Summer stood in the doorway.
"Summer!" I said as I threw my arms around her.
"I missed you so much." I mumbled.
"Likewise, I brought you something." She said as she walked into the apartment uninvited.
"Woah... What happened here?" She asked as she set her bags down. I'm guessing she's talking about the line in the middle of the apartment.
"I'm not allowed on his side." I mumbled as I plopped onto the couch.
"What a pain." Summer mumbled as she sat next to me.
"So? What did you bring me?" I asked.
"Oh!" She said as she reached into a bag.
"Ta Da!" She said as she held up a bathing suit. It was black and white and it seemed to suit my personality well.
"Huh? A bathing suit?" I asked. I forgot to tell her I can't swim...
"Um...Summer..." But before I could say anymore, Leo's bedroom door opened.
He froze once he saw both of us.
"Oh. It's you." He mumbled towards Summer. She nodded.
"I'm going to change." I said as I interrupted this awkward tension. I grabbed the bathing suit and I ran into my bedroom.
Honestly...I can only have privacy for like two seconds.
I changed and I walked out of the room.
"Looks amazing!" Summer exclaimed. Leo was playing on his phone.
"When am I ever going to use this? Fall starts soon." I mumbled.
"You'll use to soon." She said as she reassured me.
"Hey, sorry if I freaked you out the other day." Summer said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Oh...I forgot. I came here a couple of days ago and I saw you sleeping on the couch. So I put a blanket over you." Summer said.
"Oh..." I mumbled. So it really wasn't Leo who put that blanket on me.
Leo glanced our way for a while. Then he looked back at his paper.
"I'm going to change back." I mumbled as I slowly walked towards my bedroom.
"Um...Naomi." I heard Leo say.
"Hm?" I asked as I turned around.
"Don't get yourself into things you can't do." He said. I guess he was talking about the bathing suit.
I nodded and then went into my room.
"That jerk..." I mumbled as I started changing.
"Telling me what to do. He isn't the boss of me." I mumbled as I finally got my shirt on.
I sighed and I walked outside.
Summer wasn't there.
"Where did she go?" I asked feeling disappointed.
"She said something about needing to be somewhere." Leo shrugged. I sighed loudly. Leo stood up and started walking towards his room.
"Wait!" I said. I walked towards him but I slipped on a bag Summer left behind.
Leo stepped over the line and he caught me. We both stared at eachother for a few seconds.
"You crossed the line." I mumbled.
"You did it first." He said. I stood up straight.
"That's totally not fair." I mumbled as I crossed my arms.
He laughed as he stepped back onto his side. I missed him so much and I didn't even notice...
"What did you want to tell me?" He asked. I took a deep breath.
"Goodnight, Leo." I said.
He nodded.
"Goodnight, Naomi." He said. I nodded. He stepped into his bedroom and he shut the door behind him.
I wonder why he doesn't like to be around me anymore. I looked at the bag Summer left behind. I grabbed it.
"Stupid bag made me fall." I mumbled. I looked inside the bag. It had a letter addressed to me. I quickly opened it.
Dear Naomi,
        Here's a little sorry for being such a pain with this whole moving thing. It'll be perfect to make Leo jealous.
                       Your best friend,
I set the note aside and I grabbed whatever was in the bag.
It was a dress. I unfolded it and I tried to hold in a gasp. It was beautiful! It was red and probably to my knees.
I ran my hand across from it. Will this really make Leo jealous? Do I want him to be jealous?
I heard his bedroom door open slightly and I stuff the dress into the bag and I ran into my room. I shut the door and I sighed.
That was close.
{Leo's P.O.V}
I heard Naomi's door close. I got out of my bedroom and I walked to get a drink of water. I looked over and saw a letter to Naomi on her side of the house. I slowly walked over to the note and I reached for it. I grabbed it and I leaned back onto my sides wall.

Naomi's trying to make me jealous? Two can play at that game.

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