Chapter 45

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"Your mom? Weren't you born into an orphanage?" Ryan asked as he quickly stood up and walked towards the door. I pulled him backwards towards me.
"Don't you dare touch that door." I threatened.
"Why do you hate her?" He asked.
"She expects to know everything about me. Plus she always tells me how she didn't mean to put me in that stupid orphanage." I whispered as I guided Ryan away from the door. I stopped at a safe distance and I sighed.
I heard another knock on the door and Ryan and I looked towards it.
"Naomi?" I heard Leo ask. I sighed in relief as I ran towards the door and opened it. Leo held up a McDonald's bag in one hand and he had a confused face. I threw my arms around him in a hug. Then I quickly grabbed his shirt and pulled him inside the room and I shut the door behind him.
"What happened?" Leo asked as he looked from Ryan to me.
"My moms here." I said.
"In Florida?" Leo asked. Ryan and I nodded slowly.
He looked at me with worry. We seemed to know what eachother were thinking instantly.
She's gonna ruin this trip.
Ryan, Summer, Leo, and I both basically ran out of the hotel room and down the stairs.
I sighed in relief as we appeared at Epcot.
"That was close." Leo mumbled.
"Naomi!" I turned around and there she stood.
"Did you follow me?" I asked. But before she could answer, Leo stepped in front of me.
"Why are you here?" He asked.
I tippy toed to look over his shoulder.
"I'm here for my daughter, not you."
"Don't talk to Leo that way." I mumbled.
Leo stepped aside so I could see my mom.
"Look, I just want to spend time with you." She said as she tried to touch my arms. I stepped backwards.
"Don't touch me." I mumbled.
"Look," I sighed.
"I don't want to see you again. I don't even want to talk to you again. But," I grabbed Leo's hand and I squeezed it. Then I let go of his hand and I sighed.
"I'll give you an hour of my time." I said.
My moms face lit up.
"But, I'm not gonna call you mom. What's your real name?" I asked.
"Daisy." She mumbled.
"Well, Daisy, I'm Naomi. Your daughter."
This hour is going pretty slowly... I expect to be with Leo today. I sighed as I sat down since my feet were aching.
Daisy was inside the store buying some things. I rubbed my face with my hand.
"Hey! Hope everything's going well! Good luck with your mom. I'm going to be walking around for a while. Bye." Leo popped in front of me and said this all so quickly. He peaked me on the cheek and he left just as quickly as he came.
I was a little taken back as I sat there looking around.
"Did I miss anything?" Daisy walked out of the store with a bag.
"No... Nothing at all."
I sighed as five minutes was left on the clock.
I told Leo to meet me near the entrance. I could feel light rain as I walked slowly towards the entrance with Daisy walking next to me. We stopped as we turned towards eachother.
"Maybe we could do this again sometime." She requested.
"Perhaps." I mumbled while looking around for Leo.
"I know I don't deserve your forgiveness and I know your dad would've wanted your forgiveness also bu-"
"Would've? What do you mean?" I asked slowly looking at her as the rain started raining harder.
"Oh... I haven't told you, um..." She said. I took deep stressing breaths as my heart beat sounded in my ears.
"Naomi, your dad died two years ago."
I felt like my heart stopped as I took a couple of steps back. The world seemed to spin. I didn't know the guy, I knew that. But it was reassuring to know that he was out there somewhere. The rain poured as my hair and clothes become soaked.
"Naomi..." I heard someone mumble behind me.
I turned around and I saw Leo standing there. His hair dripped and his clothes were drenched as he scanned my face.
"My dads dead Leo." I mumbled.
His face fell.
The hour was up. And when I turned back around, Daisy was gone, hopefully forever.
Leo gave me a piggy back as he walked into a store. He up me down on a bench in the store and he kneeled down in front of me.
"Naomi..." He whispered. I looked at him.
"Do you just want to leave the park? Think things over?" He asked.
I shook my head.
"Don't do that. You paid for this trip." I mumbled.
"Yeah but you aren't gonna remember Epcot as a good place anymore." He mumbled as he grabbed my hand and kissed it. I smiled weakly.
"Don't force yourself to do something for me." He mumbled as he set down my hand.
"Isn't that what you do for me?" I asked. He stood up and sighed.
"Look, I'm fine. I didn't even know the guy. So can we just drop it?" I asked. His hair still dripped of water as he looked down at me.
Before he could answer I heard a familiar voice walk into the store.
"Leo, Naomi, what's up?" Ryan asked with Summer next to him. They were all soaking wet too.
"I have an idea..." Leo mumbled.
He grabbed my hand and he pulled me up.
"Can you turn up that song?" He asked the worker as he gestured towards the Stand by Me song that was currently playing.
"Leo, what are yo-"
"Shh." He said once the music started playing louder.
"Follow us." He told Summer and Ryan as he dragged me outside.
We all four stood in the rain as we waited for what Leo was gonna do next. He grabbed both my hands and started dancing with me.
"What are you even doing?" I asked as I looked at him weirdly.
"I'm dancing in the rain, Naomi Evans, it's your choice to join me." He said as a goofy grin spread across his face. The rain seemed to pour harder as I kicked a puddle. The water splashed onto Ryan and Summer as they laughed.
We all danced to the song playing faintly in the store. Of course I'm still sad. But Leo helps me through this, and I'm very, very thankful.
I woke up and I felt around the covers to find someone. I felt someone and I opened my eyes to see Leo, he was laying next to me as he stared at me.
"Why are you staring at me?" I asked as I shut my eyes again and I sighed.
"I don't know." He mumbled. I smiled and I sighed as Leo pulled me towards him.
He was centimeters away from my face.
"We promised Summer we wouldn't kiss." I whispered. He kissed the corners of my lips and he smiled in a teasingly way.
I pushed him away and I stood up quickly. I tripped over Summer who was sleeping on the floor.
"Doesn't anyone freaking have their own room?" I asked as I groaned. Summer seemed to laugh as she shook her head.
"I didn't want to leave you two alone. And Ryan got the other room for himself." Summer said as she stood up. I stood up too and I rubbed my head.
"Where are we going today?" I asked.
"Hollywood studios." Leo and Summer said at the same time. Leo stood up and I barley even noticed his shirt was off. I quickly looked away from him and he seemed to notice my glance as he chuckled.
He rubbed his back of his neck as he walked to the bathroom.
I looked at Summer as I sighed.
"How are you?" She asked.
"You mean how am I doing about my dad?" I asked.
"I'm fine." I mumbled.
"You don't seem fine."
"Well, I am." I snapped towards her.
Leo walked out of the bathroom, changed and ready to go.
"Let's do this."
I looked at the map as I sighed. I was a little worried Daisy would randomly show up someplace. I got scared as Leo tapped me on the shoulder.
"Wow. You're very jumpy today aren't you?" He asked as he laughed a little.
"I guess you could say that." I wanted to laugh too. I grabbed onto Leo's hand and I sighed.
"Where do you want to go first?" I asked.
"Star Wars!" Ryan yelled as he pointed at my map towards the Star Wars ride.
I raised an eyebrow as I shrugged.
"Fine." Leo said.
I sat in a restaurant that looks like it's from the 60's. It's beautiful with a juke box in the corner of the place. Leo sat in front of me as Ryan sat in front of Summer.
"What do you want to do next?" Summer seemed to ask me.
"Huh?" I asked as I snapped out of my trance. I was thinking about my dad for a second there...
"Really? You've been out of it all day today." Summer sighed as she drank her drink.
"Seriously? Can't a girl be sad about her dad?" I snapped. Summer sipped her drink in guilt. I reached inside my bag and I grabbed some coins.
"I'm going to play a song." I mumbled as I walked towards the juke box.
"Naomi, are you sure you're okay?" Leo asked as he met me at the juke box.
"No offense Leo, but I don't need your pity." I snapped as I picked a song.
"I'm not giving you pity." He snapped back. I sighed as I handed him some coins so he could also pick a song.
"I'm just saying, if you wanted to just be alone for a while, I'd totally understand." He said.
"Look, I'm fine. I'm just...pissed at the world at the moment." I said as I walked back to the booth.
I sighed as I sat down in the booth and I looked at Summer.
"Please take me for a walk." I mumbled.
Summer and I took a walk as we talked.
"You aren't okay..." She mumbled. I shook my head.
"I just...I didn't even get to say hi to him, you know? It's so unfair. I mean, you have a dad and mom, you could never understand what I'm going through." I sighed as I ran my head through my hair.
"Is that why you're taking your anger out on Leo?" She asked.
"I'm not taking my anger out on him... It's just, I want him to get the message." I mumbled as I played with my hands.
"What message is that?"
"It's a message for help. I need help with this. And it feels easier to just pretend like I'm okay, but I'm not. I thought if I pushed out all my feelings towards Leo then he'd get the message. But, even if he did get the message, I don't know what he'd do to make me feel any better." I looked up as Summer stopped walking.
"Summer? What is it?" I asked as I looked at where she was looking.
"I need to tell you something." She mumbled.
"Okay..." I said.
"But, I need you to promise that you'll be my best friend no matter what." She said as her voice got all shaky.
"Summer, I won't get mad at you."
"Promise me." She demanded.
"I promise." I sighed.
"I invited Mason." She pointed towards a guy in the distance. I froze as he looked directly at me.

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