Chapter 8

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I stood awkwardly as I gave Mason the "shut up" look.
"Who's this Naomi?" Mason asked with a smug face.
"Everyone, this is Noah." I mumbled.
"Noah, this is my friends, Mason and Leo."
"Leonardo Dicaprio?" Noah made his way into the apartment and I followed close behind him.
"You are a legend." Noah said in awe at Leo. He held up a hand for a high five. Instead Leo just raised his eyebrow with his arms folded across his chest. I wanted to hide. Preferably forever.
Noah put his hand down in defeat.
"Anyway, I have to go. Hopefully another date sometime?" He asked me as he walked towards the door.
Why did he have to say date?
"Maybe." I assured him. He exited the room and there was awkwardness in the room.
Leo shook his head at me and then he walked out the door angrily. I don't know what I just did, but I know I messed everything up.
I looked at Mason with tears in my eyes.
He held out his hands.
"Give me a hug." He mumbled. I threw my arms around him as I sobbed into his shoulder.
"I don't know what I'm doing." I mumbled.
"I know. I'm sorry." He mumbled as he held me tighter.

     It's been a month since I've seen Leo or Noah. It's not like I want to see them. I don't. I'm embarrassed. I was sitting next to the window. It's turned Winter and it's gotten a lot colder in here, so it's getting harder to look out the window without me having to go get another blanket.

I want to dial the phone number that Leo gave me, but I'm scared. He'll ignore me. But, I don't know why he was so mad. Leo and I aren't dating! And supposedly neither is Noah and I.
I looked out the window.
The phone rang. I jumped up and all my blankets fell to the ground.
It has to be Leo!
I picked it up.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Miss.Evans, I'm here to talk to you about your job interview."
"The what?" I asked as I sat down calmly onto the couch. I totally forgot...
"You're interview." She mumbled while probably feeling irritated.
"Right." I nodded.
"You have been accepted to work with us. You start next week." she said.
"Thanks great! Thank you! What time?" I asked.
"Preferably at 10 in the morning till 3 in the afternoon. You start on Monday, Miss. Evans." She mumbled.
"Thank you!" I basically squealed into the phone.
The phone hang up before I could say anything else. I put the phone down and I did a mini happy dance.
I looked outside. It was still bright. I should celebrate. Even if it's just with myself.
I got my jacket and I ran down the stairs and out of the building.
Where to go? Where to go...
I know!
I walked for 10 minutes until I got to the beach. A beautiful pier was there, and I loved looking at the water. But, I never go into the water. Mainly cause it's freezing right now and well, I can't swim. Surprise surprise.
I sat at the edge of the pier and let me feet dangle. The scary thing is that this pier is so tall. I must be 6 feet from the actual water. I kinda wonder what it'd be to jump off. But, I would never do that. Never.
I wonder why Leo's so disappointed in me. We aren't dating! What's his problem?
I blew a strand of hair out of my face.
Maybe I should just...try to find him and just fix everything.
I stood up (careful not to fall in) and I turned around surprised to see someone a few feet from me.
"Naomi?" They asked. My eyes focused and I realized it was Leo.
"Leo?" I asked. I took a few steps backwards in shock. My foot slipped and I felt myself fall. I screamed and I landed in the water.
I tried my hardest to reach the top of the water, but it was useless. The more I struggled the more I went lower. I started running out of breath and I struggled harder while kicking my legs and arms everywhere.
It was freezing! So freezing that I literally feel myself turning blue.
I felt the air get sucked out of me.
The surface was at my fingertips. But, it was too late. I started slowly shutting my eyes. But, right before I closed them completely, a person started swimming towards me, grabbed my arm, and pulled.

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