Chapter 35

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"No. No. No. No. No." I mumbled as I looked at our new apartment.
It was semi-big. It had two bedrooms, one bathroom, one kitchen, and one living room. The two bedrooms were right next to eachother.
"You've got to be kidding me." Leo mumbled to himself as he put his stuff down. I sunk into the couch that the movers put here yesterday.
Leo grabbed a marker.
"Huh?" I asked as I sat up and looked at what he was doing. He drew a line in the middle of the house.
"There. You stay on your side and I'll stay on mine." He said as he dropped the marker and he walked into his room. He slammed the door on the way out.
"Jeez. I don't want to live with you either!" I screamed to his door (careful not the step on his side).
I groaned and I walked into my room and I slammed the door. I slid down the door and I sighed.
"How could this happen?" I asked myself.
I thought about it for a while.
(10 mins later)
My stomach growled.
I seriously need something to eat... Suddenly the smell of pizza filled the room. I slowly opened the room to my door and I saw a bunch of pizza boxes on the kitchen table....on Leo's side. I crawled out of the room and saw that Leo wasn't there. I slowly reached for a pizza box.
A hand grabbed my wrist before I could.
"No way am I letting you have my pizza." Leo said.
"Jeez. It's only one box. You have like four." I mumbled.
He rolled his eyes.
I sat on my side of the floor and I looked at the pizza with longing.
Leo grabbed a plate and took a slice of his pizza.
He saw the look on my face and he sighed.
He grabbed a plate and put a slice on it. He slid the plate onto my side of the floor. I looked up at him.
"Thanks!" I said as I grabbed the pizza quickly. Leo nodded and he sat opposite of me on the floor. I ate the pizza quickly. I was literally starving.
"You sure were hungry huh?" He asked.  I nodded.
"Could you get me a drink?" I asked.
"Sure." Leo mumbled as he stood up. He walked towards the kitchen and slipped on the marker he dropped earlier. He fell backwards with a thud.
"Payback." I mumbled as I ate the last of my pizza. I rubbed my hands together. Leo stood up and grabbed a soda.
"Here." He mumbled as he slid it across the floor. I stopped it with my hand and I drank the whole thing.
"How the hell are you skinny?" He asked in awe.
I shrugged and stood up.
"I'm going to sleep. Enjoy your side." I said as I walked into my room leaving Leo on the floor.
I woke up in the middle of the night and I needed to go to the bathroom. I groaned as I stood up and rubbed my head. I opened the door to the room and I walked out.
There's a problem.
The bathroom is on Leo's side.
"You've got to be kidding." I mumbled. I crossed my arms.
"Leo!" I whispered towards his bedroom door.
He didn't come out.
"Leo!!!" I whispered louder.
I stomped my foot in annoyance. I have to step on his side. But it was so dark.
I took his step onto his side. I carefully made my way towards the bathroom. I slipped on that stupid marker and I fell backwards. I fell with a thud and the lights of the living room turned on. Leo stood over me.
"What are you doing on my side?" He asked. I quickly stood up.
"I needed to go to the bathroom." I mumbled as I pointed towards the bathroom.
He looked at me and then towards the bathroom.
He nodded as he quickly went back to his room. Does that mean I can go to the bathroom? I sighed as I grabbed the marker and I put it on the kitchen table. I hate that marker.
I quickly ran into the bathroom.
It's morning now and I lazily walked outside of my room. I stretched as I walked towards the bathroom. I walked in and I grabbed my toothbrush. I sighed as I looked in the mirror.
I froze as I dropped my toothbrush. Leo was freaking in the shower.
I turned away from the mirror and he finally noticed I was there. We made eye contact and I screamed.
"We seriously can't live together." I said as I rushed out of the bathroom. Leo followed me with a towel wrapped around his waist. He was careful not to step over the line.
"I agree." He mumbled. I dialed Summer's number. It rung a couple of times and she didn't pick up.
"She didn't answer." I mumbled.
"What the hell are we going to do?" I asked.

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