Chapter 9

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Leo's P.O.V.
I grabbed Naomi's arm and I pulled her towards me. I swam to the surface and I took a deep breath.
"Naomi." I slapped her lightly on the face. She was pale, too pale.
I swam the fastest I could with one arm to the shore. But, it was hard because she was weighing me down.
"Come on Naomi...don't give up on me."
I picked her up in my arms and I stepped onto the sand. She was literally blue. I placed her on the sand as far away as the ocean as possible and I put my ear to her chest.
There's a heartbeat.
Why did you have to be such a klutz Naomi?
I don't even know how to do freaking CPR.
I quickly gave her 10 chest compressions and then I put my lips against hers.
Come on Naomi! Breathe!
She coughed up water as she sat up. I sighed in relief and patted her on the back.

Naomi's P.O.V

I gasped for breath as I started coughing up water. Leo rubbed my back.
I took deep chattering breaths. It was literally freezing. I started shaking as my chattering teeth got louder.
I laid onto the sand again as I curled up into a ball. Leo grabbed me and started rubbing my arms.
"W-why a-are you being so nice?" I asked through chattering teeth.
Leo's hair dripped of water and his teeth weren't chattering. Which surprised me.
"You call saving your life nice?" He asked.
He laughed and shook his head.
"I-I'm sorry. For everything." I said through chattered teeth.
"I don't care about that right now. We need to get you home before you get sick." He stood up and grabbed me.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
He threw me over his back.
Leonardo Dicaprio is freaking giving me a piggy back ride.
But, it was hard to stay on because of how freezing I was.
"Hold on." He said as he started walking towards the road. I nodded as my teeth chattered.
I was surprised to notice I was shaking and you could see my breath in the air.
Was it seriously that cold?

We were halfway home when Leo and I started hearing whispers.
"This isn't good." He whispered to himself.
"W-what?" I asked.
"The paparazzi are coming." He whispered.
Suddenly a crowd of people were around us. I felt a bit irritated that they wanted pictures and interviews with Leo and I right now.
"Are you guys dating?" One girl asked as she pushed her microphone against my freezing face.
"Can you tell us about Titanic Mr.Dicaprio?"

"When is your next book coming out?"

Leo tried pushing through the crowd, but it was too much for me. They were so close, and it was so freezing.
"Move." Leo said as he pushed past some people. Someone bumped into Leo and Leo almost fell forward. Everyone was getting on our nerves.

"Miss.Evans!" Someone said. I felt someone pull on my wet shirt. My hands slipped from Leo and I fell off his back and onto the floor. I banged my head against the concrete and I blanked out.

I heard the T.V playing and the light glistened from my window.
I opened my eyes and I saw I was laying on my couch.
"Morning." Mason exclaimed as he set a cup of coffee on the coffee table.
"What happened?" I asked while throwing the blankets off of me.
"You passed out of the floor in the middle of paparazzi. They took a few pictures." He held up my computer. It was a picture of my blue self on the floor.
This is so embarrassing.
"After about a couple of seconds, Leo ran and grabbed you. Then he called me and I came and picked you two up. He hasn't been around though. I think he's still mad."
"But he saved me. Why would he be mad?" I asked as I sat up.
"Just because he saved your life doesn't mean he forgave you. He saved your life cause you needed to be saved. You would be dead if it wasn't for him." Mason shook his head at me.
"So you're mad at me too?" I asked as Mason stood up and walked towards the kitchen.
"No. I'm disappointed. Two VERY different things." He turned towards me.
I fell silent for a couple of seconds.
"What's wrong with going on a date? Honestly...."
"That's not what I'm talking about. Why were you near the water anyway?" He asked.
"I was thinking. Okay? Im sorry! I didn't exactly mean to fall into that water!" I almost screamed. I was so frustrated.
"Look, I'm sorry that everyone is mad at you and everything, but you should've been smarter. If you pull one more thing I'll make sure you go back to that orphanage for sure." He said.
I narrowed my eyes at him.
"I'm 21. I can't go back to that stupid place."
"I'll make sure of it." He mumbled. I was a little scared at the tone in his voice. That orphanage was the worst.
"Look, I don't know what I'm doing. I went out with a guy I barley know. I got a job I don't even think I'm ready for. And I have feelings for a celebrity!" I crossed my arms.
"Naomi, I'd love to see you have this little tantrum, but you need to start acting like an adult." He said as he gave me a slice of pizza.
"I am." I took a bite.
"I'm just saying, think before you act. Especially with that boy Noah. Leo seemed awfully jealous." Mason mumbled.
Jealous... Is that what he was?
"He was jealous?" I asked as I took another bite.
"Obviously. The way he looked at you two almost kiss. Wow. It almost made me feel sorry for the poor boy."
"Almost." I mumbled as I looked at the picture of me on the floor.
I sighed.
"I'll talk to him soon. I need to clear everything up." I said.
"That's good. See? You're almost acting like an adult." He said as he nudged me on the shoulder.
Leo saved me because I needed to be saved. He was jealous and he still saved me. I don't like Noah. I only like Leo.
Leo is the guy I like and he's mad. He's mad at me for something I didn't do. I didn't kiss Noah. And I didn't want too either.
How am I going to explain what really happened?

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