Chapter 7

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What the hell am I even supposed to wear on a date? I've never even been on a date! Oh gosh, I'm going to make a complete embarrassment of myself.
I looked through my closet.
Pizza? What do I wear to go eat pizza?
I sighed loudly and I rolled my eyes at myself.
Calm down.
I picked a random shirt and I put on my favorite jeans. I tied my black converse and I rushed out of my building.
I called a cab and I waited.
I'm so nervous.
I mean, who wouldn't be? This guy is freaking gorgeous. Literally.
Well, not Leo gorgeous. Wait....
Leo! I totally forgot that we almost kissed! Does that mean I shouldn't be on a date with this guy?
I face palmed myself. I paid the taxi driver and I got out of the car at the pizza place. I rubbed my hands together anxiously.
Calm down. Just a place to talk.
I took a deep breath and I opened the door.
I immediately saw him sitting down at a table. His head was plastered onto his elbow and he looked bored.
I almost laughed at his expression, but then his eyes landed on me. Those beautiful green eyes...
He waved at me and I instantly snapped out of it.
Don't make a fool out of yourself.
I sat down across from him.
"How are you?" He instantly asked me.
I was a little taken back.
"Err....fine. I guess." I said.
"You?" I asked awkwardly.
"Great." He said. We both nodded our heads.
This isn't how I pictured it at all. I pictured it like how Leo and I have our talks.
Leo and I...
Why do I keep on comparing them? They are totally different people.
One with blond hair
One with black
One with green eyes
One with blue.
Honestly, I think I'm loosing it.
"I can see you aren't comfy in here. So, would you rather go somewhere else?" He asked. Why was he being so nice? The only reason I'm really uncomfortable is because there's ALOT of people in here.
I nodded.
"I have a perfect place." He said as he stood up and grabbed my hand.
"Wait! Where are we going?" I asked as he dragged me outside.
He stopped in front of a motorcycle.
"No way. This isn't yours." I laughed.
"It sure is. Get on." He said as he swung his leg over the bike.
"No way. I don't do daring stuff." I said.
"This isn't daring. I know how to drive this thing. Just come." He patted the seat behind him. I hesitated but then I swung my leg over the motorcycle.
"You have to hold on to me. Okay?" He asked.
I nodded as I wrapped my arms around his waist and I closed my eyes.
"Just....don't go fast." I said.
"I'm not promising anything." He joked as he started the bike.
I shut my eyes tighter as we started moving. Slow at first, then faster.
"See! It isn't bad at all." He said over the motorcycle noise.
I still had my eyes shut.
"Come on Naomi. Open your eyes." He pleaded. I slowly opened my eyes and it was beautiful. The breeze was amazing.
I sighed and I slowly felt my arms loosen.
He laughed and stopped at a big building. He got off the motorcycle and he helped me off.
"What is this place?" I asked.
"It's where I work." He said.
He grabbed keys from his pocket and he unlocked the front door.
He let me go in first and it was pitch black.
Is this gonna be like one of those horror movies where the guy is all nice and leads the girl to his lair and then he kills her and eats her? It is isn't it?
Noah turned on the lights and I was a little blinded for a second.
I looked at the sign that was on the wall in front of me.
"Art Gallery...." I mumbled. I turned towards Noah.
"You work at an Art Gallery?" I asked.
He nodded and gestured me to follow him.
He stopped in front of the first painting.
It had different colors of blue and purple, kinda like a galaxy.
"I like colors. They represent people." He mumbled. I looked at him weirdly.
That's exactly what I do...
"Me too. I find colors being beautifully painted on a white canvas has a saying by itself."
He looked at me weirdly and walked to a different painting.
It had a huge boat on it.
RMS Titanic, it wrote on the bottom.
"This is personally my favorite. My great great grandpa was on the Titanic." He mumbled.
"Did he make it out?" I asked softly.
"No. But my great grandpa did. Since he was a kid and all...My great great  grandpa sacrificed himself for his son. Can you imagine that kind of love?" He asked as he eyed me carefully.
"No. I can't. I can't imagine love at all..." I trailed off as I tried to imagine giving up my life for someone else.
Then Leo popped up into my mind. And that time I jumped into the street to save him. Is that the kind of love he's talking about? Or was I just looking for self pride in saving someone else's life?
"What do you mean?" He asked as he faced his body towards me. I faced myself towards him and sighed.
"I'm from an orphanage. There isn't a lot of love there. It's not like I was abused or anything. But, I don't remember my parents or even if they're out there. The only person I really have is Mason, my best friend, but I don't love him." I shook my head as I stated at my hands. I wanted to change the subject.
"Wow." He mumbled under his breath.
"What?" I asked as I looked up.
"That was really sad. I'm sorry." He shook his head and put his hand to his face.
"Should we go?" He asked.
I nodded.
"Seems best." I mumbled.
"Let's go."

   He stopped the bike in front of my apartment building. He got off and helped me off.
"I had a nice time today." I said.
"Me too." He said as we walked into the building. We walked into the elevator and we were both on opposite sides of the elevator. It's weird... I feel like I'm cheating on Leo or something.
But, Leo and I aren't dating. Noah and I are.
What's happening to me?
The awkward tension in the elevator was aggravating. This elevator has so much awkward times, I swear.
He gave out an awkward cough.
The elevator made a ding sound as the doors opened. He allowed me to go first and I walked awkwardly out the door.
He followed after me up the stairs and we both stood at the entrance door.
"So..." I mumbled.
"So..." He imitated me.
There was an awkward silence as I just looked at him. It wasn't like with Leo. This was awkward. With Leo it was normal. Suddenly I don't think this date is the best thing.
I looked at my feet and then I looked up.
He put a hand on my cheek.
What is he doing? Oh my gosh.
He started leaning close to my face.
Why does this always happen to me? First with Leo and now with Noah.
He was centimeters away. But, I couldn't get myself to push him away.
2 centimeters.
Then the door to my apartment opened and I jumped away from Noah.
"Wow, Naomi, I didn't know you were on a date tonight." Mason said in the doorway. I looked at the doorway and saw Leo behind Mason. He was mad. I could tell.
What did I just get myself into?

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