Chapter 5

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I mumbled something under my breath as I typed.
After the whole banned from the grocery store incident, I gave Leo my book to read and I haven't heard from him in a week or since I gave the book to him.
I usually look at my door with a passion hoping he'll knock. But, that hasn't happened. And here I am. Writing and eating ice cream at the same time.
I scooped the ice cream and I started thinking.
When the hell will he be here?
I heard a knock on the door and I jumped up.
It's him. I ran to the door and I opened it.
It was the 'fan'.
"Oh. It's you." I said as I slammed the door shut.
"Im sorry! I didn't mean too! You guys were just so cute!" She exclaimed. I raised an eyebrow at the door that separated us.
I opened the door again.
"Explain." I mumbled.
"Well, you guys were cute so I took a picture. And then I showed my friends and one of them stole my phone and posted it. I swear! Look, you can keep the book you signed. I'm sorry!" She handed out the book towards me.
I looked at her and then the book over and over again.
"Keep the book." I said as I pushed the book towards her.
"As long as you're sorry then it's fine."
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She exclaimed as she hugged me. I didn't hug back. I was still mad.
I pushed her away slowly.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"My names Summer Dalton. I am a 20 year old that just moved here and I was suggested by my friend to re-"
"No offense Summer, but I didn't ask for your life story. I'm actually waiting for someone." I said.
"Really? Who?" She asked.
"No offense but it's not your position to know who I'm looking for, now goodbye." I said as I slowly shut the door.
"But I..." She trailed off as the door clicked shut.
I sighed a big sigh and I started walking towards my room again. There was another knock.
I rolled my eyes and I opened the door.
"Summer, I told you. Stop co...Leo!" I exclaimed as I pulled him into a hug.
He laughed and walked into the room with my book.
I closed the door.
"We need to talk about his book. How could you do this to my heart?! The main character died! Died...." He whispered the last part.
"Yeah. It was to boost up the story." I said as I crossed my arms as I listened closely.
"Well..." He had nothing to say about that.
"Also, why did you make the side character so cool? I mean, he rides a motorcycle!"
"It's to make the main character seem like a normal teenager." I smiled at his enthusiasm.
"You are a literal genius. You have a gift Naomi. Keep it." He mumbled as he passed me the book.
"Thanks..." I said.
He checked his watch.
"I have to go.. I'll come back...later." He wasn't sure.
I wanted him to stay longer. I wanted to know more.
He waved bye and exited out of the room while closing the door behind him.
I bit my lip as I looked at the book. I opened it and flipped to a few pages. I stopped on one.
It had his phone number. I bit my lip and I held the book close to my chest.
Please like me.

It's been a week, and I seriously think I'm crazy. I kinda...did something weird. I don't know! Don't ask why I didn't. I just did. And I've been hiding in my apartment ever since.
I kinda...dyed a strand of my hair purple. I know! Not that crazy right? But this is a huge deal for me! I've never done anything remotely crazy or daring. It's a strand in the front that's noticeable. I'm hiding under a bunch of pillows on my bed. I occasionally get out of bed to eat and get inspiration, but I don't want anyone to see me.
I heard a knock on my front door and I instantly froze.
"Don't come in." I said.
"I think you're forgetting I have a spare key." Said Mason as I heard the door open.
"Naomi, why are you under all those pillows?" Mason asked as he laid on the bed next to me. He poked my arm.
"I don't want you to see my face." I said into the pillows.
"Why not?" He asked as he started removing the pillows. He froze when he saw my hair.
"What the heck did you do?" He asked.
I grabbed a pillow and pushed it towards my face.
"Does it look bad?" I asked.
"Not at all. It's just...shocking. I never thought you'd do something daring." He smiled at himself.
I took the pillow off my face.
"Really?" I asked.
There was a knock and I hid under the pillows again.
"Don't let Leo see me!" I said.
Mason rolled his eyes and got up and walked to the door.
"Leo...Naomi isn't feeling good." Mason said through the door.
"Seriously? I brought pizza."
Mason opened the door.
"Come in good buddy!" Mason took the pizza from Leo's hands.
"So, where's Naomi?" Leo asked.
"Guess." Mason mumbled.
My body stiffened.
Leo laid ontop of me and the pillows.
"Hmm... I wonder where she can be..." He was teasing me.
"Ah ha!" He removed the pillowed that covered my face.
"You colored your hair?" He asked.
"Only a strand." Mason corrected him as he started taking bites out of the pizza.
"Purple..." Leo mumbled to himself as he grabbed the strand.
"I like it. Makes you look..."
He put his finger to his lips as he looked for the right word.
"Cool. Mysterious." He started naming adjectives.
I laughed and hit him with a pillow.
He fell off the bed.
Mason just watched and ate pizza.
I stood up and stepped over Leo.
"Mind if I have some?" I asked Mason. He passed me a slice.
I like this. I feel like I finally belong somewhere. Not in a orphanage. I truly have friends.

   Leo and I walked in the streets. We were talking about our futures, what we want to happen with our careers, all that fun stuff.
"I want to be a good author." I said.
"You already are one." He said.
"No. I mean, new York's best seller kind of good. A book to inspire people. Help people." I smiled at him.
"How about you?" I asked him feeling slightly embarrassed.
"I still want to be an actor. But, I want to be offered jobs. Maybe some awards here and there. All that fun stuff." He said. I took that information in slowly.
He started crossing the street without paying attention. My eyes widened as I saw a car coming straight towards him.
"Leo!" I screamed as I grabbed his shirt and I yanked him towards the sidewalk. We both fell backwards and the car passed only inches away from us. I shut my eyes tight.
Once the car had passed I opened my eyes.
I sighed in relief and looked at his expression.
"Your welcome." I said before he could say anything.
"I guess the tables have turned." He mumbled.
I laughed. He stood up and helped me up.
"I guess we're even then." I said.
"I guess we are." He said.
I laughed.
But, he just chuckled and looked down at me.
"Wha-" He started leaning down towards my face.
I froze as he was centimeters from my face. What was I supposed to do?! I've never been kissed before. A loud honking sound came from a car and Leo and I jumped away from eachother. I swallowed a sigh. I don't know what I would've done...
Don't get me wrong. I like him a lot. But, I'm not sure what I'd do if he'd kiss me. I've never thought about it. Until now.
He chuckled as if nothing happened and then he started walking down the sidewalk. Leaving me drowning in my thoughts.

What just happened?

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