Chapter 8

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Lisa POV

I woke up wrapped in Mitchell's arms. I wish I never had to get up. I stretched to grab my phone from the night stand.

8:46am. Ugh.

I guess I should make breakfast. I gave Mitch a quick kiss on the cheek which made him smile in his sleep.

How did I get so lucky?

I got up and pulled on Mitch's sweater which was on my computer chair.

I went to my room and peeked in to see Jerome and Vanessa all cuddled up.

I smiled and went to the kitchen.

I opened the fridge and pulled out some pancake mix and bacon.

I started the stove and got to work.


"BACON!" I heard Vanessa scream. She woke up.

I saw her drag a sleepy Jerome into the kitchen. "You made FOOD!" She jumped excitedly. "Yeah" I laughed. "It's almost done, so shoo."

She gave me a glare. And I started laughing. "I shall not leave till the food is done!" She stood there holding a smiling Jerome. "Go sit in the dining room then."

She left towards the dinning room with Jerome following.

Vanessa POV

"Here we are." Lisa said. We had eaten breakfast and decided the weather was clear enough to take the guys home.

It was still drizzling but it was nothing compared to last nights storm. I really was gonna miss Jerome and Mitch.

Jerome pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back. I gave him a lingering kiss which he gladly returned.  We broke apart. "I'll see you soon Vanessa." He said

"Okay, bye Jerome." I said. I got out of the backseat to join Lisa in the front. I gave Mitch a quick side hug.

We watched the boys go into their home.

"AHHHHHHH!" I jumped. Lisa screamed. It was her fangirl scream. Oh gosh.

"Twin don't-" "Tell me everything!" She said with a happy tone.

She started the car and started towards our apartment. "It was amazing Twin. I haven't felt this happy in forever." I started.

*2 days later*

It was a lazy day. It was still gloomy outside which didn't bother us at all. Lisa had fangirled all the way home. Her and her OTPs.

Currently she was re-painting the game room. She was painting each wall a different video game.

"Twin?.." I called out.

No answer.

I groaned and got up from the couch  and paused The Vampire Diaries.

I walked passed our rooms and I heard a beat of music. I walked into the room to see Lisa painting the Call of Duty wall. The wall was cut into half. One side had the multiplayer Nuketown map and it faded into Zombies: The Giant map.

"Hey Lisa?" She turned and moved her head. "I was thinking, what if I just finished college online?" She turned down the music.

"I think it's a great idea, considering you never leave your room." She teased. "Okay, Thanks." I turned to leave. "By the way.." I started looking towards the Minecraft painted wall. "The sheep's eyes are not derpy enough."

She groaned.

I laughed and saw Mitch and Jerome's characters PvPing two other characters. One was a red orange creeper and the other one was a character in a red shirt. "Nice Mitch and Jerome painting by the way."

Jerome POV

"I'm scared dood. What if she tells me no?" I say through my microphone set up.

Mitch and I were recording a new lucky block video. Mitch laughed back through the skype call. "Biggums. She likes you, it doesn't hurt to try."

He loaded up the map we were gonna play on. "Maybe your right bud." I smiled.

"Of course I'm The Benj. I'm never wrong." I hear him laugh. "When we're done just call her and ask her on a date. Simple." He says.

"You wanna start the intro?" I said. There was silence. "Mitch?"

"Hellooooo what's going on guys it's Mitch or Bajan Canadian here with Jerome and we're gonna be doing some Lucky Blooooooocks."


"Don't forget to slap that like button with ya forehead peace out guys!" "See ya!" With that we closed the video.

I had an incoming call from Preston. I pressed Accept.

"Heyloo Mr.Stinky smelly bacca! And the Benja kanada!" We see Preston with Rob and Lachlan in the background.

"Yo! What's up dude?" Mitch answered. "Our flight is gonna take off to Florida in a few hours." Preston started. "Are you guys ready for the best week ever?!" Lachlan said.

"Have you guys heard from Vik?" Rob asked. "Yeah, he should be flying in tonight." I said.

All the pack was gonna spend the week in Florida before we take off to Pax. This is going to be an insane week. "Well expect a crazy week of partay!" Preston yelled.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.

Maybe she isn't gonna-

"Hello?" He voice sounded so beautiful. "Hey Vanessa, um Lisa gave me your number. I hope that's cool." I said. "Yeah that's fine." I heard her laugh. "Um nice weather huh?."

Gosh. Really Jerome?  nice weather? I could see Mitch face palm.

"It's still kinda gloomy outside." She answered. "Will you go out with me?" I started "Like on a date?" There was a slight pause. And there was a noise of stuff being knocked over.

"Yes! I would love too!" She answered. This pulled a smile on my face. "Awesome. So I'll pick you up tonight at 5?" I looked at the clock 2:45pm.

"Yeah sounds perfect. I'll see you tonight Jerome." She said. "Okay later." And with that I hung up.

I looked at Mitch. "SHE SAID YES!" I screamed. Mitch smiles and started to do a "happy dance."

Lisa POV.

Vanessa came into the game room on the phone. I gave her a questioning look. I paused the music.

"Yes! I would love too!" She answered. She started smiling. She glances at the clock and her eyes widened.

"Yeah sounds perfect. I'll see you tonight Jerome." She said. She was grinning now.

She hung up.

"AHHHHHH!" I jumped. My paint brush swiped the side of my thigh. "What the fuck?" I laughed. She plopped on the bean bag.

"I have a date with Jerome tonight." She said covering her face.

"AHHHH!" I yelled. "We have to go shopping!" Hurry put your shoes on NOW!" I screamed.

"Twin. Wait." She was still sitting on the bean bag. "THERES NO TIME FOR WAITING." I yelled. "Go change." She said to me.

I look down an realize I got my jumper all painted. "I don't care. What time is your date?" I asked. "Five."

I glance toward the clock. I will look ugly one time. My best friend comes first. "Lezzzgooooo!" I said.

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