Chapter 47

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Chapter 47
Vanessa POV

At the end of the night I was dancing barefooted. I had danced so much it was insane. I ended up changing out of my wedding dress into a dress that matches the bridesmaid dresses but it was in white. The venue turned out so beautiful. It was decorated with gorgeous flowers and there were tables everywhere, each were filled.

Jerome and I walked around and thanked everyone for coming out to help us celebrate. "Vanessa?" I turned to Jerome. "Yes?" "Go sit down with Lisa and the other girls okay? I'll be right back." He kissed my forehead and left without another word.

I walked over and sat beside my bridesmaids. "So are you enjoying your night?" Amber asked.

"Yeah it turned out perfect actually.. Thank you guys so much."  I smiled.

The lights suddenly went out and gasps were heard in the crowd. "What the hell?" I said. A bright light turned on and focused on the dance floor where there were 6 guys standing looking down hats covering their faces.

Although I couldn't see their faces I knew who each one was. "The groomsmen and the groom have a special surprise for the bride as well as for everyone here tonight! So let's hear it!" The DJ announced.

The room erupted in applause. A familiar beat started over the speakers and smile broke out on my face.

"Oh shit it's about to go down!" Lisa yelled. I laughed and hit her arm playfully. Jerome steps up and removes his hat when the lyrics start.

"Are they gonna-?"

"Ice ice baby
Ice ice baby"

I started to move along to the beat. All of the guys started to break out into a synchronized dance. I couldn't help but smile and cheer.

"All right stop
Collaborate and listen
Ice is back with my brand new invention
Something grabs a hold of me tightly
Then I flow that a harpoon daily and nightly
Will it ever stop?
Yo, I don't know
Turn off the lights and I'll glow"

The lights dramatically turned off again and a spot light focused on them which caused another cheer from the crowd. "Yeah that's my boyfriend!" Lisa yelled standing up and started to try to dance to the beat.

I stood up and joined her but I never took my eyes off of the boys. Jerome would look at me often with a smile . "Guys. I have a plan." Alyssa said.

She quickly said her idea which we all agreed too. Lisa ran to the back and came back with a mic from the DJ. When the boys finished their dance, excitement erupted through the whole venue.

Yup. That's going to eventually show up on YouTube.

"That was a very cute surprise boys but.. Let's just say be prepared for what your about too see next. You see we have a surprise of our own." I said into the mic.

We walked toward the dance floor. I handed the mic to Lisa. "You when we were in high school, we would come up with random dances all the time.. Would you like to see one?" She asked the crowd.

More applause.

Lisa gave a thumbs up to the DJ and tossed the mic to Jerome.

"Fergalicious definition make them boys go loco
They want my treasure so they get their pleasures from my photo."

The song started and I smiled. We haven't danced this since high school.

"You could see me, you can't squeeze me.
I ain't easy, I ain't sleazy.
I got reasons why I tease 'em.
Boys just come and go like seasons.

Fergalicious (so delicious)
But I ain't p-p-promiscuous."

It then changed to another song.

"Promiscuous girl
Wherever you are
I'm all alone
And it's you that I want
Promiscuous boy
You already know
That I'm all yours
What you waiting for?"

We finished and I swear I was out of breath by than. More applause. "Okay that's all we have." Kat said causing everyone to laugh.

I walked over to Jerome to see him clapping. "So did you like your surprise?" He asked. "Of course! You always find a way to amaze me." I said hugging him. "Did you like our spontaneous surprise?" I asked

"It was....... cute." He said as if he had to think about it. "Oh hush. I know you loved it." I said. "Of course I did." He said embracing me in a hug and nuzzling his nose into my neck causing me to laugh.

"So how about we cut the cake?" He said. "Cake!!!!! I yelled taking off to the side where the cake was.

Lisa POV

I had a weird feeling. You know how you can feel when someone is looking at you? That feeling.

I looked down avoiding eye contact until I couldn't take it anymore. I looked up in the direction I felt the staring and my eyes locked with his hazel ones.

I smiled and he started to walk over to me. I looked down to avoid him seeing me turn red. "So.. I have seen a couple of guys look at you and I wanted to show them they had no chance cause you're mine." He whispered in my ear.

I looked up at him. "Is that the only reason you came over to me?" I smiled. "No, I also wanted to ask you to dance, so will you dance with me?"

I nodded. He took my hand and lead me to the dance floor. I put my other hand on his shoulder and we started to sway side to side with the music. "Where is Amara?" I asked.

"With my parents, she's okay." He said kissing the top of my head. I leaned my head on his chest and both his arms wrapped around my waist.

"I love you Mitch." I said "I love you too." I looked up and I immediately felt his lips on mine. "Come on. We still have one last thing too do." I said pulling Mitch to the stage.

Jerome POV

Lisa and Mitch should be going on at any moment. Vanessa was helping with the cake and I was anxious. "Okay guys we have one last special announcement."
Lisa's voice rang out through the venue.

"Vanessa? Jerome? can you please come to the dance floor." Mitch said. I grabbed my wife's hand and lead her down. "What special announcement?"she asked me

"You will see." I smiled. "Mitch toss me a mic!" I caught it and started to speak. "You see Vanessa as far as you knew we we're going to not have a honeymoon because you wanted to stay and help Lisa.. But she said her and Mitch can handle it just fine.. So I booked us a spot for our honeymoon. Our plane leaves for Hawaii  in 2 hours, and you can sleep on the plane." I said.

Vanessa's face was a mixed pure shock and happiness. "Don't worry about you packing. I already did that for you." Lisa said. "Let's give a round of applause for our two newlyweds!"

There was clapping and I pulled my gir- wife in for a kiss.

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