Chapter 18

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Chapter 18
Vanessa POV

"Yes! No more sharing a bed!" Lisa plopped down on her bed. We had just got home from the airport.

I went into my room and laid down on my bed.

I changed into a pair of pajamas and I ended falling asleep.


"Vanessa?.." Lisa said. "Come in!" I yelled. She opened the door and say on my bed, "What's up?" I asked.

Lisa was looking at a letter. She handed me the letter. She looked like she wanted to cry.

"I had went to the mailbox to get all of our mail from the days we were gone. This was in there."

The letter said: "You girls can't hide anymore. We know where you live. Don't you think that your YouTube boyfriends will protect you a second time. You can't push us away. We still love you and You will be ours once again."

I looked at Lisa. She looked like she was gonna vomit. We both obviously know who this letter is from. "I-I um... I'll go call the boys." She said and started to walk to her room.

Is this seriously happening?. Why are they suddenly so obsessed with us?.


"I should've made sure they got put away when I had the chance!" Jerome yelled. He was pacing the living room. Mitch was mumbling something I couldn't hear.

"We have to get away from here, at least for a little while." Jerome said. I had a idea.
"Lisa!" I said. She looked up. "Does your mom still have that house beside that she rents out?" I asked.

"Let me ask her." She stood up and went into her room. "Mitch." I said. "What's up?" "We were going to ask you if you wanted to come back home with us to a festival that's held every year." I said.

"We can go back home for about a week or two. Then hopefully things settle down. I know we just got home but I think that's our best option if you wanted to get away for a while." I said looking at Jerome.

"I'll go. I'll do anything that helps protect you guys." Mitch answered.

"She still has it and no one is currently renting it out. I asked if she could hold it for us so we can stay there." Lisa said coming back into the living room.

She sat down beside Mitch who wrapped his arms around her.

I hate seeing Lisa scared. She's been through hell because that boy. Only to still have him cause shit in her life.

"When should we leave?" Jerome asked. I gave him a small smile. "I think as soon as we can." I answered.

"There's a plane leaving to San Antonio in three days." Lisa said, looking on her phone.

"Okay but for those three days you guys are staying with us. I do not want you guys staying here since those creeps know where you live." Jerome said.

"Okay we'll go pack." Lisa said.

"Jerome can you do me a favor?" I asked. "Yes babe?" "Can you bring down the other suitcase from my closet?" I was folding the clothes I washed and repacked them in the same suitcase.

I grabbed about six other outfits and put them in the suitcase.

"Where do you want me to put it?" Jerome said holding the purple suitcase. "Can you take it to Lisa? She needs a better suitcase then the small one she uses." I answer.

"Okay I'll be right back."

Shoes. Check. Xbox. Check. Charger. Check. Laptop. Check.  I'm trying to take everything I might need in the next two weeks. I know I still have a lot of stuff back in San Antonio.

I just hope everything will be okay.

"Mitch just got off the phone with the apartment's security. He explained the situation and they said they will watch the apartment for any activity." Jerome said walking In.

"Thank you, for everything." I said.

Lisa POV

"Okay! Well you guys can drop off your bags in our rooms and then we can watch a movie in the living room, if you guys want." Jerome said.

"Come on. I'll carry your suitcase." Mitch said. I followed him up the stairs to his room. We set them down and headed into the kitchen.

"Soo baby girl. What do you want to munch on?" He smiled. I could tell he was trying to make me feel better. I guess I should try to forget about those psychos for a while.

"Mhm.. Do you have pickles?" I asked.  He smiled. "Yeah they're in the fridge. I'll make some popcorn." I opened the fridge and grabbed the jar.

I turned to Mitch and saw him smiling. "Hey no staring mr.benj." I said with a laugh. "Im sorry. I can't help it. Your so beautiful." He said picking me up and setting me on the counter.

I put my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. We rested our foreheads on each other.  "Babe can I tell you something?" I said.  "Mhm." "I think your popcorns burning." I said with a laugh.

"Shit!" He said moving to the microwave.

Vanessa POV

"Oh gosh dangit Mitch I smell burned popcorn!" Jerome yelled. I started laughing. We were sitting on the couch deciding what movie to watch.

I snuggled closer to Jerome, who put his arm around me. "I'm sorry for all of this Nessa. I never wanted to put you in danger." He said. "It's okay, I promise. I'm sorry for all this stuff we put you guys through." I said looking down.

He put this finger underneath my chin making me look up at him. "Listen princess. Don't think for a second I regret any of this. I love you. I will never regret meeting you so please get that thought out of your head. I will be by your side every step of the way. I see a future with you Vanessa and I want that future to happen." Jerome said.

I started to cry. Not tears of sadness but of  happiness. I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a kiss.

I felt like this kiss was going to last forever.
And for once I didn't fear the word forever.

Lisa and Mitch came in which caused us to cut off the kiss. We were both a light shade of pink.

They sat on the other couch. "Don't worry guys you'll have time for that later tonight." Mitch said and I saw Lisa wink. That caused me to turn a darker shade of pink.

We ended up picking the movie Insidious chapter two. I won't lie I jumped a lot. We were about halfway through the movie when we heard Mitch.

"Guys.. Are you awake?" "Yeah what's up buddy?" Jerome answered. "Lisa fell asleep. I'm going take her up to the room and I'm going to turn in too. Goodnight." He said. He stood up and picked Lisa up in his arms.

"And down forget to use protection." He said as he walked up the stairs. I started to giggle and hid my face.

"Do you want to turn in for the night?" Jerome asked looking at me with a smirk on his face. "Why not?" I winked. He smiled and turned off the movie.

He picked me up and held me by my legs. He gave me kisses as we moved up the stairs toward his room.

He set me down on the bed and got on top  of me trailing kisses from my neck to my mouth. Which caused me to make little noises.

That night I have never slept more peacefully.

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