Chapter 21

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Chapter 21
Jerome POV

It's been 6 days since the girls disappeared. Well more like taken.  We haven't done anything. Just waiting for the police to call and say they found something that could help.

We answered all the questions the detectives asked us but let's get real; this isn't criminal minds where they would have a team of badass detectives  solving the case, no. This is real life.

We realized something was wrong when the girls were gone for an hour. We called their cellphones and no answer.

Vanessa's phone wouldn't even ring.

We went to the car and found the keys on the floor and Vanessa's phone which was broken.

Six days. Still no answers. No leads.

I was laying down on the bed looking at the ceiling, zoned out.

"I can't take this anymore Jerome." Mitch stormed into my room. My door hit the wall with a force. "I can't." He had a box in his hand.

"I found this in our bathroom.." He threw a box at me. I looked at it. A pregnancy test. Shit. "It could be either of the girls or no one." I replied to Mitch.

"We have to do something! I'm tired of sitting around. We have to try to save them. Shit Jerome, one of them can be pregnant. I'm tired of sitting and crying and thinking about where Lisa is. We have to get them." Mitch said as if giving a speech.

I sat up. "How Mitch? We have no lead to start looking for them." I said. "Actually.. I gave Lisa a mobile flip phone. And I've been trying track it but the signal fades in and out. Last time I had a signal, they were near Houston but I don't want to tell the police incase it's just a fluke." I looked at Mitch

"And you didn't tell me? Maybe if we got closer to Houston the signal may get stronger. Let's go!" I said. I got out of bed and started to get dressed. I haven't had this much energy in days. I was going to get my Vanessa back.

Vanessa POV

I woke up feeling pain in my wrists and seeing nothing but darkness. I tried to stretch but my arms were tied above me to something that wouldn't budge. A hot liquid startled running down my wrist. Great. I was handcuffed.

My eyes started to adjust to the darkness. I start to see something that looked like a figure slumped across from me. There was a bucket beside it.

"Your finally awake.. " The voice mumbled barely inaudible. "Lisa?.." I whispered. she chuckled "pos.. Who else?" . "Where are we.?" I whispered. "We were kidnapped by people wearing black. They heard me throw up when I woke up.. That was a few hours ago and gave me this bucket. I don't know how long we have been here." Lisa explained.

We were in a room that had a desk with a random PC computer. There was a couch and coffee table toward the back of the room and a tv toward the front by the desk.

Lisa made a noise and turned towards the bucket. "Lis.. "I whispered.

"Look there's no way to check right now so let's just try to get out of this first." She said clearly frustrated.

We looked around the room. Lisa tried to stand up but ended up falling. "Shit" she mumbled.

There was a click and the door started to open and light blinded me. "Oh good you are awake." A man appeared infront of me. He was dressed in black.

I tried to make out a face, but it was covered by a mask. The man came close to me and tried to give me a drink of water but I moved my face away. I didn't want any of their filthy water.

"Suit yourself." The man went towards the door. "Boss. They are awake." The first man walked out the door and another guy came in. He wasn't dressed like the last guy. He was dressed normal. Basketball shorts and a plain grey shirt. I looked up to get a good look at his face. It was a face I knew too well.


Mitch POV

"Okay the signal gets stronger going East." I said looking at my computer that was hooked up to the flip phone.

We had packed a small backpack of clothes and told Lisa's mom where we were going. She told us to call if we find anything. We have been on the road for about an hour, give or take a few minutes.

"So towards Houston?" Jerome questioned. "Yeah go that way." I said. I know it may be w bad idea but I had to try. I called the mobile phone. But it rang four times and went to voicemail.

Lisa POV

Damian seriously. This guy actually kidnapped us. He actually won this round. I wish I could break out of these handcuffs and punch his shitty ass face.

"You know? I can't believe you went this low to capture us?! Just wait till I get out of these fucking cuffs and make you regret ever seeing us at PAX." I yelled.

Woah. Okay I know I'm mad but why did I get so violent.

Damian turned to me.

I flinched slightly, which caused him to smirk and look back at Vanessa. I flinched again because I felt another slight tingle in my shoe.

Believe me I wouldn't flinch because I was scared.

Why would my foot be tingling?..

The phone! I started to make vomiting noises to cover up the noise of the phone, incase it was making any.

I wish there was a way I could get the phone out of my shoe. I saw Vanessa spit at Damian. Clearly he pissed her off.

I need to get the phone out of my shoe and I need to call the boys.

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